CIDEAL Foundation for Cooperation and Research

National Network

calle Guzmán el Bueno 133, Edificio Germania, planta 10
28003 Madrid

(+34) 915538488
E-Mail (2)
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Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
CIDEAL is a foundation specialized in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation for over thirty years. We have experience in the execution of development programmes and projects in Southern countries. Currently counts on offices and experts in Latin America (Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Dominican Republic), Africa (Morocco, Tunisia), Asia (Vietnam). Structure of the organization: CIDEAL Foundation has 30 employees (2015) distributed in theses work areas: Projects, Economic-Financial, Research, Communication, IT, Technical Assistance, Researches and Publications. Budgetary resources available in a year: 3,335,998 EUR (2014) Sources of funding: Income from services rendered from own activities, public and private sector subsidies and private contributions. Modalities of action: development projects, development training (courses, seminaries and workshops), technical assistance, researches and publications. Main partners involved in the organization´s projects/activities: Development projects co-financiers (publics and privates), local partners; Public Administrations (tender projects and technical assistance) and educational institutions (universities and postgraduate centers).
Mission and Objectives

General objective:
Improve life conditions in Southern countries, providing development options which would allow people directing their own lives and choosing their own future.

To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publications of books on international developmental cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated to CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: work of thought leads to better quality projects in the South and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training based on an empirical and realistic grounds.

CIDEAL Foundation, recognized as an avant-garde organization in developmental cooperation, has contributed to put into practice of new ways doing cooperation, has promoted professional excellence and quality in the sector and has encouraged active participation of universities, companies and civil society in this field.

CIDEAL Foundation’s task arouses from the following values:
• Human development, spreading abilities, equality and social inclusion throughout the planet.
• Active incorporation of the active incorporation of a large number of public and private actors, both of the South and in the North, in international development cooperation.
• Co-responsibility of actors, both in the South and in the North, in taking decisions and in the implementation of development actions.
• Strengthening and increasing respect for human rights.
• Increasing of the theoretical and practical knowledge of cooperation for development.
• Professionalization of the international cooperation for development sector.

Main Projects / Activities

With reference to last year CIDEAL Foundation has continued working with three big Conventions in:  Morocco (3,500,000 EUR), Vietnam (2,375,000 EUR) and Paraguay (3,750,000 EUR), financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID).
In Morocco, the actions aim supporting three different groups in vulnerable situation: women, unemployed young people and Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population.
Take into account the issues and needs identified, this agreement tries to achieve the socioeconomic and professional integration of women, young people and immigrant population by means of strengthening national and local capacities of self-employment and the associative work -technical and vocational training have a fundamental role in this proposal. The aim objective is beneficiary group’s access to decent and productive work to improve the quality and conditions of their life.
In connection with Sub-Saharan Africa immigrant population this account intends to promote their capabilities on human and technical levels, offering psychosocial services and legal access to professional training.
In Paraguay, CIDEAL Foundation aims to increase the economic and social development in vulnerable population groups, preferably in indigenous populations with special attention to women and youth in rural areas. The proposal aims to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the people beneficiaries from a sustainable local development perspective and respect and protection of cultural identity.
In Thanh Hoa province in Vietmam, the Convention aims to improve the economic and social integration of vulnerable groups through a sustainable and productive approach that can contribute to reduce poverty levels. The actions are aimed to support vulnerable people and communities affected by poverty in rural areas, ethnic minorities and women, mainly. Economic and social situation in the neediest sectors will be strengthened through a strategy of intervention with methodologies tailored of the productive projects.
Next to these conventions, various projects funded by European Union, World Bank, Junta de Andalucía, among others have been implemented in 2014.
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation completed the identification and formulation process for a new agreement with AECID that started at the beginning of 2015 in Dominican Republic: "Improvement of the social, economic and political conditions of the population in Enriquillo region", with special attention to women too. Simultaneously, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out international cooperation projects in different countries: Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Egypt, Niger, Haiti, Tunisia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal.
In 2014, regarding capacity enhancement, CIDEAL Foundation has continued carrying out academic programs in collaboration with several university education institutions and specialized training in international development cooperation. In addition, a large number of courses, seminars, conferences and workshops specialized in special  interest in the development cooperation field has been taught. These courses are conducted in Spain (Madrid, Málaga, Granada, Toledo, Sevilla, Jaén, Oviedo, etc.) and outside Spain, in countries such as Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay, Vietnam and the Maghreb countries.  The trainings are geared to diplomats, political scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologists, project managers, international consultants, researchers and public administrations officials.
In relation to support to public and private entities in cooperation development tasks and social innovation, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out different activities regarding technical assistance in several countries.
CIDEAL Foundation has supported and offered technical assistance oriented to public administrations in several sectors associated with social advances and sustainable development such as:
- Institutional strengthening
- Managing for development results (GoRD)
- Gender and employment generation
- Capacity building
- Risk management
- Project management
- Strategic planning
Technical assistances in 2014 have been conducted in the following countries:
- Guatemala
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Paraguay
- Panama
- Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIDEAL Foundation works in Morocco since 1996, having performed more than 50 aids to development interventions.
The Foundation works in several cooperation areas: Gender (equal opportunities, legal literacy, women's rights strengthening, etc.); Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; Child protection; Migrations.
The most significant programmes developed by CIDEAL Foundation in Morocco recently are as follows:
2015-2017: "Creating legal clinical women" (co-financed by European Union). This project aims to strengthen the keys actor’s abilities and the knowledge through the creation of legal clinical women and facilitate access to legal aid for unequal treatment women victims.
2015-2016: “Strengthening the citizenship role in the environment management in Tangier" (co-financed by OSF). The project responds to the needs of local actor (civil society and public and private sectors) who work in the environment and sustainable development field in order to strengthen skills with regards to citizen participation and social responsibility in the environment field.
2010-2014: "Economic, human and social development of vulnerable groups, (women, young people and the Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population)" (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). This programme consists in 4 projects implemented in Al-Hoceima, Asilah and Rabat. The main aim of ese projects is to support women's cooperatives, unemployed youth and Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population.
2012-2013: "Citizen Participation in Tangier" (co-financed by the World Bank). This project aimed to promote citizen participation in Tangier.
2007 - 2012: “Promote the women representation in social and political areas in the Maghreb" (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). Action areas: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania. Program aims to strengthen women’s.
2004-2008: "Economic integration and reduction of social discrimination against women in the Maghreb" (co-financed by the Spanish Development Cooperation Agency (AECID). Action areas: Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Programme to strengthen autonomy of women, with special attention in their economic and social participation and the improvement their lives.
Our main donors in Morocco are as follows:
- World Bank
- European Union
- Regional Government of Madrid
- Madrid City Council
- Regional Government of Andalucía
- Sevilla City Council
- Malaga City Council

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because in the Centre of our activities is to promote the respect for diversity and dialogue among people of different cultures, backgrounds and religious beliefs. In addition, CIDEAL promotes regional initiatives and supports local activities through civil society organizations (CSOs).  The main purpose of these actions is promoted respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of human rights, the defence of peace and democracy.

The Foundation has high experience working in several Euro-Mediterranean countries, mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain. The main lines of work are as follow: Gender (equal opportunities, legal literacy, women's rights strengthening, etc.); Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; Child protection; Migrations.
Field cooperation
• Productive programs and projects that promote the economical and social tissues.
• Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), programs and projects.
• Institutional strengthening projects, capacity building projects and management civil society organizations from Southern countries.
• Peace building and conflict prevention projects.
• Actions aiming at the democratization of the societies and at the promotion of human rights.
Transversal axis:
• Promotion of productive initiatives and of the economic context.
• Institutional promotion.
• Civil society promotion and promotion of the role of citizenship.
• Human rights promotion and defense.
• Promotion of women’s capacities and reinforcement of their autonomy.
• Environmental protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
María José García Cardena
Job Title
Development project manager
Head of the organisation
Manuel Gómez-Galán (Director General)