6 rue Saint Nestor
69008 Lyon
- Media
99 is a not-for-profit French association gathering 15 people. We decided to create 99 a couple of months ago so there are a lot of information that I cannot provide yet.
Our mission is to promote documentary films as we believe it is a tool to enlighten people of all kinds and all continents. That's why we develop a media availble (for now) in 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German.
Our objectives in 2016 will be to add more languages to our media: Arabic, Turkish and Russian.
99 responds to two demands:
- First to those of the public. Festivals dedicated to documentaries around the world prove they hold continuing appeal, but oddly, in many countries, broadcast time for documentaries and feature-length reports is being reduced. This is why we want to propose documentaries of quality to a broad public, through the Internet, in viewers' own first languages.
- Equally important, 99 responds to the demands of directors, since 99 is intended as a tool for them. Many creators have superb films gathering dust in a drawer somewhere, or that are online but not being watched. We can adapt them in six languages to make them massively visible. And tomorrow we will also accompany directors who entrust us with projects they propose, to turn them into reality together thanks to crowdfunding. Their work will be rewarded and their films will be broadcast on 99.
We strongly believe that documentary films enlarge minds.
What we want is for anybody on the planet to be able to watch quality documentaries for free on our platform.
As media professionals, we can associations and partners communication-wise.
We are a multicultural and multilingual team and we want to establish concrete bonds with peers who share the same ideals as we do. We promote dialogue, mutual understanding and curiosity.