NWRC Company for Researches and Studies

National Network

5 Youssef Idris st., Fardoos Buildings, Mohandseen, Giza, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
NWRC Company was established in March 2003. It was founded by a number of women activists in women’s rights issues. The main aim of work of the company was to subcontract with individuals and/or organizations to conduct research/ translations/ training projects that aim to create feminist discourse and to disseminate it to intermediate organizations working with women. All the activities are disseminated all over Egypt governorates to wider circles of women through round table discussions, seminars, dissemination of research papers and conducting trainings. The main target groups of the company’s activities are Women, Youth (including males and females), Women’s organizations, Political parties, Trade unions, Media organizations and Media professionals.
Mission and Objectives

• Defend women’s rights in all their forms.
• Support, promote and enhance women’s social movements that express and defend women’s various issues.
• Oppose the patriarchal and masculine culture and challenge taboos in regard to women’s issues.
• Enhance feminist dialogue on political, economic and cultural issues within the Egyptian context.
• Contribute to changing the policies that negatively affect the status of women in society whether in the public or private sphere.
• Promote and support marginalized women who suffer the impact of different policies, in order to support their capacity to self-expression and claiming their rights.
• Contribute to the development of an organized feminist movement in Egypt, able to achieve progress in social, economic and political rights of women.
• Strengthen mechanisms of democracy and building civil society through the full participation of marginalized and disadvantaged groups in society.

Main Projects / Activities

NWRC activities are mainly distributed over four main programs;
1) Youth program, which aims to organize young men and women to address social and economic issues from a feminist perspective; through mobilizing them to defend women's issues in different governorates (Suez, Port Said, Ismailia, Al-Minya, Kafr El-Sheikh, Mansoura, Cairo). This is being implemented by holding regular meetings of young men and women to discuss women's issues, and planning for campaigns that address priority issues in three governorates participating in the program, namely, (Port Said, Al-Minya, Al-Dakahlia)
2) Political Participation Program; which deals with two focuses:
o The first focus: Promoting women’s participation in the localities which aims to build a local feminist cadre to support women candidates in local councils on one side, and forming groups to monitor and ensure popular control over these councils and how local issues are being dealt with from a gender perspective, on the other side.
o The second focus: The legislative amendments and activation of the Constitution in the production of legislation to adopt a legislative agenda concerned with women's issues in parliament. This is being implemented through capacity-building of women candidates for parliament, to develop electoral program concerned with the legislative issues of women.
3) Women and Work Program: Working with women workers to detect forms of wage discrimination they are subjected to, and contribute to launching alternative policies to achieve equality in wages between male and female workers in both the public and private sector. This is being implemented through two main focuses:
o Building awareness of female workers of their social and economic rights, and the relation of the social system with the ruling patriarchal system.
o The production of research papers that propose alternative policies for the current policies based on the experiences of countries that were able to eliminate gender gap in wages. This is being implemented through art workshops.
4) Media and Gender Program: This program aims to build the capacity of media professionals to address media issues from a gender perspective. Media professionals have been trained on a special gender media guide "Where are the women".  A follow-up process is implemented to ensure their ability to address social and economic issues from gender perspective.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing information, creating coalitions with other organizations for joint action

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share information, and create coalitions with other organizations for joint action

Contact (1) Full Name
Hoda Nour
Job Title
International Relations Officer
Head of the organisation
Board of Consultants