Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic Country Office

National Network
جمهورية التشيك

Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic
Senovazna 2
110 00 Prague 1 - Czech Republic


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Country Office Czech Republic has established very good cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The ministries and different regional & local authorities are traditional partners in country office operation for projects in the fields of Water Management, Pollution control, Flooding protection, Biodiversity, Strategic environmental assessment and Effective communication and education in nature protection, Indicators for sustainable local development, and Management of public participation programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Country Office Expertise:
• Hydrogeology and Civil engineering
• Water management
• Environmental protection
• Flood Risk Management
• Environmental education in nature protection
• Management of public participation programs, seminars and workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

WAREMA: (Water resources management capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina). The activities of the project should initiate water resources management and capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the important part of this project is also know-how transfer between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina
INTENSE: (From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries); Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme. The project INTENSE aims at transferring intelligent energy saving measures for municipal housing from “old” EU Member States to “new” Member States, Accession and Candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe and it is built on a holistic approach for planning of energy optimized housing.
FLOODPROBE: PROJECT FP7: Technologies for the cost-effective Flood Protection of the Built Environment. The objectives derived from the problem description and the principal aim are:
• To improve methods for assessing the vulnerability of the urban environment related to floods, especially by extending conventional methods with the ability to assess indirect impacts of damage to networks and assets with a high value density.
• To improve the understanding of urban flood defence performance, in order to develop suitable protection measures and to increase the cost-effectiveness of future investments.
• To develop and test construction technologies and concepts to improve the performance of existing and new flood defences and for flood-proofing of the urban environment.
PANI (Solution of problems of groundwater quality and quantity in the region of Kathmandu (Nepal) on the basis of experience of Czech hydrogeologists in providing drinking water for Prague). Twinning project of the capitals of Prague and Kathmandu; within the frame of establishing expert activities, promotion and transfer of knowledge & technology in the sphere of research of groundwater and its permanent utilization.
EASY-ECO: a training and conference programme on evaluations in the specific context of sustainable development. Between 2005 and 2010, the EASY-ECO Series comprises seven conferences and ten training opportunities related to Sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
RNDr. Zuzana Boukalova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ing. Filip Cejka