The Mediterranean Policy Centre

National Network


90 5338688696
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
90 5338688696
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organization has President, Director and International Advsory board ( . Membership is open and free for everyone to meet on this non political, non discriminatory, international platform, exchanging views and belifs freely. International projects will be funding the organization. Action is based on projects, exchanges, seminars, workshops, reasearches, trainings.
Mission and Objectives

The Mediterranean Policy Centre, is a non-profit, non-political,independent Think Tank established in Cyprus.
MPC is first of its kind.
In line with local and global developments, The Mediterranean Policy Centre will contribute towards public and global policies through research, scientific studies and cooperation, taking into consideration the social, economic and political aspects of sustainable development.In order to contribute to the development of public policy in Cyprus, the MPC will provide alternatives to current political and social scenarios and become an instrument in the acceleration of the process of growth by maintaining its autonomy and proposing positive and creative solutions underpinned by careful scientific research, and with a reputation for trustworthiness and reliability.
We have very effective and strong position in Cyprus and international level.
We would like to ask about if we have a opportunity to develop a cooperation with MEPC?
The Policy Centre – in light of the social, economic and political situation for the people living in Cyprus – works towards knowledge-based intellectual and autonomous progress in activities, and the execution of a self-sufficient, sustainable and competitive structure.
The Policy Centre, has been established to analyze and interpret important developments occurring or likely to happen in Cyprus and around the world, to provide feedback, bring together experts and relevant individuals, provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and views, and collaborate with individuals and organizations working in this direction.
Communication tools, research, collection of information and assessment methods will provide the opportunity to study organizational developments and also will create the opportunity to collect a considerably important amount of information on human and societal behavior. Policies will be produced on the basis of available information using the disciplines of economics, political science, sociology and management sciences.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will form a network of communication and cooperation, in sociology, management, public policy and international relations – including prominent individuals and institutions.
With collaboration and cooperation underpinned by applied scientific studies the Policy Center will bring accelerated development to the island and the area.
The desired outcome of the Policy Centre is to not only to carry out studies in the specific geographic area in which it was established, but also to work globally and produce alternative solutions to the whole world and contribute to the progress of humanity.
Studies at the Mediterranean Policy Centre will reflect growth in our rapidly changing world, and it will become an instrument of transformation for governing bodies which want to keep up with changes accruing around the world, to assist them in formulating plans, and to help them understand the process of how to replace old and ineffective structures with organic and dynamic systems.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will produce projects and alternative solutions targeting social, economic and political progress based on the premise that logic, science and accumulated knowledge should replace old routines and habits that are not serving the community well or solving long-standing problems

Main Projects / Activities

The major activities of the Mediterranean Policy Centre are:
· To create a platform for autonomous, scientific and reputable studies that will contribute towards positive change and transformation.
· To provide the opportunity for individuals, intellectuals and academics, independent organizations and institutions, to operate under the non-profit, non-political umbrella.
· To disseminate reliable information, promote science-based approaches and encourage information management in order to meet the increasing need in society for dependable information and knowledge.
·To conduct research based on the social sciences whilst also providing information, sources, studies and alternative perspectives for thinkers and researchers.
· To identify real problems and needs in society and to clarify the causes and underlying issues relating to these needs, by conducting surveys, research, scientific studies and analysis.
· To determine strategic objectives, identify priority issues, and determine cause and effect relationships by analyzing solutions in line with short, medium and long-term studies.
· To generate sustainable building and development projects to promote production and create employment.
· To create a research database so that policy makers and other parties can search for statistical information and research and use up-to-date and accurate data for producing policies.
· To create new perspectives and alternative policies based on research data and scientific studies in order to improve quality in the public arena.
·To offer training to members, citizens, civil and public institutions based on the high-quality data, information and methods generated by the researchers.
·To provide consultancy services and experts to carry out work within the Centre and externally on request.
· To promote active participation in and strengthening of citizen-government relations to encourage the development of the democratic process and decrease the distance and mistrust between government and its citizens. In this way, the state will be informed of the needs and expectations of citizens at every stage of policy making and the trust of the public in the state will be restored and civil capacity will be strengthened.
· To setup a dialogue between intellectuals, institutions, organizations and civil society organizations to ensure cooperation, execute and complete projects, and create a network of interested parties.
· To contribute towards creating and/or strengthening the local and international identity by bringing together like-minded organizations and creating synergies at a macro level.
· To encourage and promote the strengthening of Civil Society Organizations, capacity building and advocacy in order to increase their impact on decision-making mechanisms and produce effective, alternative policies.
· To promote active citizenship by providing an open platform where all may voice their suggestions and contribute to the wellbeing of society and participate in producing alternative policies.
· Offer a forum where CSOs can become a bridge between individual expectations and the state. Strengthening CSOs would then result in a stronger link between the state and its citizens.
· To work – on a project basis – with organizations and similar institutions abroad, benefit from studies conducted by researchers and scientists world-wide and further the development of business association.
· To collaborate professionally and work on projects with individuals or institutions.
The Mediterranean Policy Centre will continue to collaborate and follow up with centres of best practices around world
through on-going dialogue and partnerships, and in order to earn a respectable place in the international arena.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MEDITERRANEAN POLICY CENTRE IN CYPRUS has a unique position of being non political non profit THINK TANK, lobbying for policy change for sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, promoting common global values that will enrich the network in my country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mediterranean Policy Centre playing the role of being bridge between the world and the island would be benefiting from best practices by joining ALF network, sharing experiences of democracy and development, contributing its immense experience especially on CSO capacity development, values, and PEACE& RECONCILIATION.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suha Vekil
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name