MasterPeace Morocco

National Network

Local of Association, Douar Laaskar
40000 Marrakech

+212 611 613 972
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
MasterPeace  is an innovative, bottom-up global peace movement, as a result of East-West cooperation, supported by NGOs, companies, cities, artists, media and social entrepreneurs from all over the world. We are an open and inviting movement in which everyone is encouraged to use his or her talents and energy for peace building, either by starting your own initiative, supporting other`s initiatives or taking part in one or more of MasterPeace initiatives. MasterPeace develops several attractive global peace-building initiatives such as ‘MasterPeace Clubs’, ‘MasterPeace Alchemist alive’, ‘MasterPeace in Concert’ and many other local initiatives using innovative campaigning, this platform, social media, local and global events and especially art and music to promote dialogue, development and disarmament as an engaging sustainable way to prevent armed conflict. MasterPeace Morocco is founded in many cities in Morocco : Marrakech/ Ouarzazate/ Essaouira and soon we will found it in the other cities
Mission and Objectives

Our vision, mission and guidelines for all our activities are reflected in what we call our Passion Statement: “We are dedicated to put, Music above fighting, Dialogue above judgment, Bread above bombs and Creation above Destruction. That’s MasterPeace".
The objectives of Masterpeace Morocco club:
• Preparing a generation who believes in "peace"
• Sensitive people about the importance of peace.
• Enhancing the relationship between countries and working together in projects.
• Supporting the young leaders to improve their talents.
• Making impact in our society

Main Projects / Activities

MasterPeace Morocco, Is an international, non-governmental, non profit-making, non-political, non-sectarian youth association, , which is targeted to develop youth, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity ,through helping young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies .
We organized many trainings about Communication, Conflicts resolution, Leadership and Entrepreneruship to promote peace;
MasterPeace Morocco e-learning platfome, its an inovative project that MasterPeace Morocco is working on that aims to create and online platforme to learn, Teach and explore, you can find more details about this project here
You can find more about MasterPeace Morocco through the Website or Facebook

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, to share our activities, and launch more projects in partnership with members of ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
ELMehdi ELBadaoui
Job Title
Founder and president
Head of the organisation
EL Mehdi ELBadaoui