The motherhood and Childhood union

National Network

El amary st ,building 43

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
there are (14) civil association in this union,all of them wok in serving maternal and childhood in Sohag governorate.the structure of the head organization has (3) staff members; executive director, secretary,and accountant . the sources of funding are membership subscription fees ,donation and grants. The Motherhood and Childhood union established a forum for civil associations working in the field. holding seminars and workshops to raise awareness and making events to exchange experience among unions and associations serving motherhood and childhood.
Mission and Objectives

our mission: the Motherhood and Childhood union pursuits the comprehensive development in the field of maternal and child care.
Objevtives: the union aims at raising awerness about maternal and childhood's issues.
the provision of social and and health care for the families
providing institutional support for for association serving mothers and children.
Developing the local communities economically,socialy and culturaly.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities: Holding seminars and workshops to raise awerness about maternal and childhood issues.
Activating the role assumed by civil society concerning caring mothers and children
Establishing a forum for the association working in the feild of caring motherhood and childhood.
Finding a mechanism to fund activities carried for mothers and children
Provision of health,economic,social and educational development for local communities.
Exchanging experience among unions and civil association working in the same respect .
providing civil associations with technical and institutional support .
coordinating and cooperating with governmental and non governmental organizations for the good of mothers and children in our communities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through exchanging the training opprtunities and other opportunities to takepart in the workshops and seminars carrying out through the union with the member organizations in the national network and to exchange knowledge ,experience and best practice with other members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take part in the activities and events to be carried out by the national network and to get acquainted to other organizations working in the same feild and to exchange knowledge and experience with other members and to benefit from the trainings and funding opportunities announced through the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Maher Hassan
Job Title
information specialist
Head of the organisation
Ebtsam Sediq Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Ebtesam Sedik Mahmoud
Job Title (2)
Executive director