United colleges association

National Network

22 Rue Amine El Abbassi
1002 Tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
United colleges association (UCA) is an independent non-lucrative association, it aims to promote the English language and culture among youngsters and even old people. Our members are university and high school students as well as professionals for supervision and help. The start was one year ago, UCA comprises four active departments: English department, Human rights and citizenship department, leadership department and political culture department. We have a local board, excutive board and members.
Mission and Objectives

Our objective are uniting Tunsian colleges, promote English language, spread social and political cultures and raise awarness among young generation on how important to be open on the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are addressed to people from different levels and encourages their use of English language. We organize discussions every week in Saturday under the frame of Saturday talks, it is open to public. We also gave lessons to children in the library of Ben Arouss and held conferences with the presence of professors such as Simon Hawkins. Our first national event was expo lugha, our participation has made us more known and encouraged more members to join.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asma Nouaouri
Job Title
UCA coordinator
Head of the organisation
Seif Addyn el Ferjani