Nazra for Feminist Studies

National Network

32 12\74B St, Maadi, 3rd floor, apar.18

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Nazra has 11 board members who are contributing in Nazra strategic plans, missions and different activities. Nazra also has five full time workers and three volunteers . Nazra is implementing different activities such as creating young feminist discourse, biweekly sessions to integrate gender issues to youth perceptions and work on violence against women in both legal and cultural aspects to assess to what extent violence is affecting legislations and culture in Egypt and documenting lives of feminists by producing short documentary films. Nazra receiving fund from the Global Fund for Women and Karama movement to end violence against women
Mission and Objectives

Nazra aims at establishing and entrenching Women’s rights in Egypt through research of the factors of determining the situation of women, providing special interest to two factors we consider the most important: legal codification and social variables. We believe it necessary to work to institute legislations that are more supportive of Women’s rights, applying local, regional and international tools to enforce such legislative progress. We think that this legal struggle must be accompanied by a thorough societal debate on Women’s issues; otherwise we would be risking a gap between the law and society which can undermine the whole venture.
In view of what we have articulated above, we aim at:
* Documenting the role of the Feminist Movement in the Middle East
* Studying the social and cultural contexts affecting the situation of women in the region
* Contributing to the formation of a new generation interested in women’s issues and capable of helping the field
* Helping other NGOs adopt a Gender-conscious perspective in their activities and policies
* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women in the region

Main Projects / Activities

* Producing short documentary and feature films depicting the lives of women ‘s rights activists in Egypt
* Changing Masculinities, Changing Communities
* Adopting Young Feminist Discourse
* Biweekly storytelling meeting for youth to integrate gender issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Mozn Hassan
Head of the organisation
Mozn Hassan