Gate to Humanity (Sha’ar laAdam – Bab lil’Insan)

National Network

Shaar Laadam
Kibutz Harduf
D.N. Hamovil 17930

Kibutz Harduf

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Gate to Humanity is a non-profit organization, that includes about 25 employees and partners. Its fundings come from donations. It holds courses along the year, as well as concrete projects. The main partners are: Faiz Swaed, Yaacov Arnan, the German organization: "Tor zur Welt", the US organization: "ANN ARBOR" and the US organization: "The Zeitouna group".
Mission and Objectives

Gate to Humanity sprouted out of a reality where Arab and Jewish citizens in the Galilee met. Over the years a partnership was developed and the idea for the center was born, as a place where people from different cultures can meet and learn from each other.
Plans of the project began at 1998 and it went on ground at 2002. It is located in the forest between the Bedouin village of Ka'abiyye and Kibbutz Harduf in the Galilee of Israel, as an international community center for educational, artistic and ecological activities between Arabs and Jews.
The establishing of the center is a result of many years of congenial relations between ethnically diverse neighbors who have peacefully addressed the problems between old and new settlements. Everyone involved realizes that only a joint effort will resolve these problems, leading to the foundation of a new and different reality based on a common vision. This vision reflecting our ability to live together and our commitment to sharing resources, knowledge and culture.
Over the years the center initiated activities in different areas: agriculture, group theatre, language teaching, women's group, handcraft workshop of women, etc.
We understood that the way to grow is only a new and holistic thinking. It should include all the different life fields while putting emphasis on the evolution of the individual, the community and their connection to nature and the environment. In the recent years the vision is turning into reality. Gate to Humanity is becoming a communal educational center that aims to answer the need of creating a common culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Fire Of Peace Festival:
The Festival is the highlight of the artistic and social activities going on throughout the year, celebrating Jewish and Arab culture and understanding. It is entirely organised by volunteers who see it as their mission to create a place of living encounter between the different religions of the region, out of the deep belief that peace is not a faraway dream, but that it can be brought to life even in the simplest of acts.
The theatre track:
On 2005 Sha’ar laAdam initiated the of a theatre track in the Shfar'amr, high school and that turned to be a big success. Today the Shfar’amr theatre track includes three classes: 10th, 11th and 12th grades. This is a regular high school program, where the students are tested as part of their final exams, and In addition, they go through a special social experience. This is especially through meeting and working with the Jewish school at Harduf.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anat Shteckelman
Head of the organisation
Faiz Swaed
Contact (2) Full Name
Faiz Swaed