Société Libanaise d’Histoire des Sciences Arabes («Equipe d’Etude et de Recherche sur la Tradition scientifique Arabe»)

National Network

1) Faculté des Sciences – Université Libanaise – Section 3-Qobbeh – Tripoli – Liban 2) CNRS-L ; B.P. 11-8281, Riad el Solh, Beyrouth-Liban

06 616337
Telephone (other)
01 542758
06 385089 ou 01 822639
Mobile Phone
03 228607
Mobile Phone (other)
03 481739
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
1.The team of studies and research on the Arab Scientific Tradition was established in 1997 in the headquarter of Lebanese CNRS. It is a non-profit researchers association , formed by university teacher-researchers specialised in different fields of exact sciences. It's mebers work in Lebanon, Europe and United States. The team, as a scientific association has no statute allowing it to collect and use the public money. The Lebanese company for History of Arabic Sciences was created in 2001 , in order to assist the team to support the activities on all the plans . 2- Annual budget : 10 millions of pounds (#6000 € par ans). 3- Ressources : Allowances of the Lebanese University, Lebanese CNRS , of the ministry of culture , and collects to finance some activities: conferences, seminars, publications, etc
Mission and Objectives

-To contribute to inventory, locate and classify Arabic scientific manuscripts.
- To contribute to study and edit the Arabic Scientific Heritage - Sources and impacts on the world culture .
- To create universities teams in the fields of history and sciences .
- To create a library specialized in the history of sciences .
- To organize conferences and scientific seminars .
- To establish scientific relations with institutions , with similar teams and with personnalities working in this fields .
- To collaborate with the ministry of the the National Education , and the ministry of the Culture and the Higher Education .

Main Projects / Activities

Long-term aiming: The Team hopes to evolve into an Arab and international publication, research and study center in history of sciences.
Projects in progress:
- The installation and the inauguration of a library for research on history of sciences - Beirut , and of a library of Maths and the history of Maths - Tripoli.
- Drawings exhibition :
Mecanism applied in the Arab scientific tradition .(IXe S. - XVIIe S.) - Edition of a book: Acts of the Conference Arabo-European on the Scientific Interaction of the cultures .
( Beirut 2002 , visit our wedsite ).
- Organization of annual seminars of the team .
- Arab dimension and participation of European colleagues..
- Collective research projects within the frame of the CEDRE program .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas FARES
Head of the organisation
Nicolas FARES (Maître de Conf. Fac. Sc. Univ. Libanaise)
Contact (2) Full Name
Youssef ELIAN (Maître de Conf. Fac. Lettres. Univ. Libanaise)