Fundación San Patricio

National Network

c/ Sil, 58


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación San Patricio is a private, non-profit Foundation, established in 1999 by San Patricio School, a 50 year old private school in Madrid. It is registered with number 482 at the Spanish Ministry of Education Foundation Registry. With a staff of 6 persons, it relies on freelance professionals and volunteers to develop its different programmes. Our budget for September 2009 to August 2010 is €726.620. Our sources of funding include membership fees, and donations, but the main amount comes from different companies and institutions that sponsor our activities. We execute several programmes: Model European Parliament, Investiga I+D+i, Aula Salud, Aula Social, Aula de Cooperación, Aula de Teatro, and SEOP. As well as organizing lectures on Education, and language study scholarships. Our main partners are San Patricio School, Caja Madrid, La Caixa, Barclays Bank, Sanitas, Banco de Santander, Ministry of Education, Education Departments of different regional governments in Spain.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Objectives are to develop educational, cultural, artistic, scientific, ethic and social programmes, seminars, and lectures, for students, teachers, parents, school principals, and society in general. We try to cover aspects that are not present in the official curriculum. We focus mainly on Values education.
Methodologically we care more about the processes than the results. For instance, in our parliamentary programmes, it is important to us that participants go through the processes of investigating a subject, forming their opinion, articulating it, listen to other opinions, trying to reach an agreement, and make collective proposals; much more important than the content of the proposals.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
Model European Parliament. Fundación San Patricio organizes the Model European Parliament in Spain. It is a European program that simulates a European Parliament Sessions with students from all over the EU. In Spain we have over 50.000 students from over 600 schools participating in regional, national and international sessions. The aim is to foster better understanding of how the EU works, and develop European citizenship, as well as learning how a parliament works.
We are currently trying to set up a similar programme, but at the Euro-Mediterranean level.
Investiga I+D+i is aimed at fostering student’s interest in scientific investigation.
Aula Social organizes volunteer groups to work in hospitals and old people’s homes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonsoles Castellano
Head of the organisation
Sonsoles Castellano
Contact (2) Full Name
Ignacio Sevilla