La Casa Amarilla

National Network

P.O. BOX 37.145 – 08080

+34 934396425
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 699127380
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 677788767
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
La Casa Amarilla works in a decentralized system, our team is conformed by specialists in different areas that pursue the goals and proposed objectives. We are a total of 5 people based in the office and approx. 15 people more that gets involve in precise activities. Also we have the collaboration of interns and volunteers, approx. 10 collaborators a year. At the moment we have no economic activity, our financing resources have been, until now, the concession of subventions from the state and private foundations. This year we’ll implement a new campaign to acquire private funds. Our main partners are the local cultural centers, other cultural organizations and the local administration.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are a non - profit organization which objective is to contribute and to promote the approach and cultural interchange with Latin America.
Objectives: (among others)
• To elaborate, manage, execute and evaluate cultural projects and cultural cooperation for the development programs, taking advantage of the resources that the new technologies offer.
• To Impulse formation and citizen participation processes as of the artistic and cultural scope for the construction and fortification of the social weave, including and considering the gender perspective.
• To organize cultural conferences, festivals, colloquies, seminaries, courses and other acts on cultural and artistic themes.

Main Projects / Activities

La Casa Amarilla is divided in three extense work areas: cultural cooperation, artistic diffusion, and socio-cultural animation. Every project or program is derived into one of these areas, and promotes the creative processes and art as tools for social transformation.
BARRI ACTIU: Program for people in situation of marginality or social exclusion, through creative and artistic processes.
BUSKER'S FESTIVAL BARCELONA: International street music festival celebrated every august at the beach, open - air free concerts.
NOMADART: art exhibition circuit.
XARXA GROGA NETWORK: Euro-American network that works with children and younsgters in situation of marginality or social exclusion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veronica Grant
Head of the organisation
Raquel G. Debart
Contact (2) Full Name
Florence Barbaza