GERM (Groupe d'études et de recherches sur les mondialisations) Group of studies and research on globalization

National Network

Pavillon Janvier - 211, avenue Jean-Jaurès - F - 75019

(00 33) (0)1 40 03 99 60
Telephone (other)
(00 33) (0)1 40 03 75 67
(00 33) (0)1 40 03 99 59
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Non-profit association , governed by the Law of 1901. Equip: 4 permanent and 5 trainees . Sources of financing: local authorities, European Commission, foundations . Partners: European Commission, UNESCO, the regional Council of France Island , the regional Council the Rhone-Alps, Park Public establishment and Large Market of the Villette . Paris 8 Saint-Denis University, CSIC (Madrid), Freie Universität (Berlin). Modalities of action: realization of pilot projects and research programs; management and diffusion of a center of multi-media and multilingual resources ; organizations of international conferences; Elaboration of reports of the multilateral organizations ; multi-media publications .
Mission and Objectives

GERM intends to exceed the reduction of “globalization ” to the economic field, and is interested in various globalizations in progress in all the fields, in particular the fields of culture, education and sciences. It has as principal objectives: 1. to encourage a transnational citizen dialogue on the subjects and the problems concerned; 2. to train students and professionals to take in consideration the globalizations practices in progress in their daily activities .
3. to spread the multidisciplinary research on its processes, in particular by connecting researchers and experts of various nationalities which work on relevant problems and by diffusing their work.

Main Projects / Activities

Development and daily update the Internet site,
that ensures the diffusion of five languages in GERM's network work , as well as an international press review .
- creation and execution of research and training programs , espacially on cultural diversity , ( in partnership with UNESCO) and on regions in partnership with the island of France and the Rhone Alps .

Contact (1) Full Name
François de Bernard
Head of the organisation
François de Bernard
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Guimier / Patrizia Atzei