Cooperativa Lilith

National Network

Via Satta, 32

+39 781 670694
+39 781 670694
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Lilith cooperative was founded on 1984 by nine women with different walks of life. Original aim of the cooperative has been studying and promoting reading mainly of female writers and their thinking. So that Lilith is also an independent bookshop with 15.000 titles of any publishing house. In this way Lilith bookshop has any kind of writers including new and unknown authors. The bookshop is the tool of Lilith cooperative that manages it by volunteer activities of the members. Cooperative members professionalise in reading promoting due to own experiences, their relationship with both writers groups and school world. In the last three years the happening “La città che legge. Mediterraneo: navigare fra le letterature” has been organised by Lilith. It regards the promotion of Mediterranean writers in the schools. The happening is the last step of a work that lasts the whole scholastic year. Students read and analyse books of writers that are going to meet on the final happening. Each year Lilith presents to the schools a particular Mediterranean region with its writers.
Mission and Objectives

Promoting reading among young people by the study of books written by authors of Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting of reading by: implementation and improvement of refresher courses about publishing for children; implementation and improvement of reading laboratories regarding the education to the difference; implementation and improvement of initiatives of reading in particular for students and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lai