Compagnie Ex Nihilo

National Network

36 rue de Tivoli
13005 Marseille

04 91 42 02 87
04 91 42 02 87
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- Association Loi 1901 (2 directeurs artistiques, 1 administratrice, 1 chargée de diffusion international, une chargée de communication, 17 intermittents du spectacle) - budget annuel global : 250 000 € - financements publics, vente de spectacles - création artistique, ateliers et workshops - Lieux Publics/Marseille, Atelier d'artistes La Compagnie/Marseille, Réseau IN SITU, Centres chorégraphiques nationaux, Centres nationaux des arts de la rue…
Mission and Objectives

Ex Nihilo is a contemporary dance company which chooses:
- To create choreographies in situ, for the public place or for natural spaces.
- To create with other artists (musicians, film-makers and video directors)
- To develop specific projects in connection with a structure, a territory, a public.
- To emphasize the broadcasting of its work by maintaining an alive repertoire: an average of 50 dates since 2005. The repertoire consists of 8 choreographies today, among them 6 are very active.
- To pass on its research with a public professionals (contemporary dance, live performance, schools and universities)
- To hand down its practice with all the public (at the international, national and regional levels)

Main Projects / Activities

- Creation and research
- Conception of dance shows and films
- workshops, trainings
- pedagogy in schools and universities

Contact (1) Full Name
Fany Latargez
Contact (2) Full Name
Martine Derain