Institut Méditerranéen du Littoral(Mediterranean Institute of the Littoral)

National Network

48 rue Breteuil

00 33 4 91 81 61 89
00 33 4 91 04 62 44
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 6 68 89 00 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit association, animated by 3 employees , with an annual budget of 100 000 euros including 30% of the European subsidies , and 40% of provision of services (animations , trainings , studies) The IML proposes to the public a centre of ressources on the Littoral Enviromnent and always develops educational actions in partnership with regional (GRAINE for the environment education ) or international (GREP for the prospective, BIOS & Environment, etc.)networks. The IML is approved by the Ministry of Youth and sports and considered as an organization of formation .
Mission and Objectives

The association has as objective the promotion of cultural diffusion and the innovative educational methods in the field of the enviromnent education and the necessary crafts for the Littoral enviromnent protection.
For the next 2 years ( 2007 - 2008) The IML aims to the professionalization of the educational actors of the enviromnent in particular through a European pilot project :
FEELing (Training Engineering of teachers to the Littoral Environment)

Main Projects / Activities

Training of teachers on the enviromnent and specialized trainers on the illiterarcy .
- Animation acivities: (pedagogic tours , naturalist outings )
oriented towards the schools and all the public.
Organization of manifestations around the Littoral crafts ( fishing , aquaculture , eco-development ,..)
Monitoring of pilot European projects (EUTRANEX).
Creation of pedagogic tools : (games , booklets , exhibitions) ,in particular , questionnaires and games for the control of the intercultural formation's situations(JANUS).

Contact (1) Full Name
Alain Blayo
Head of the organisation
Président : Sébastien Touchais / Directeur : Alain Blayo
Contact (2) Full Name
Catherine Nicolas