Romans International association

National Network

47 rue Saint Nicolas

+33 (0)4 75 72 58 65
+33 (0)4 75 72 50 98
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1 - Association law 1901 with 330 members, 3 employees , many local and international partners in our partners cities; 2-Annual budget : +/- 180 000 €. 3- Sources of funding : Romans city , Ministry of foreign affairs , Europen Comission , OFAJ . Auto-financing : participation of partners in the framework of the decentralized cooperation : Youth exchange , participation of youth in several cultural projects ( music , theatre , dance ), workings youth on the environment . Adult stays ; awarness and information actions on the situation of the cities partners , Organization of conferences on international problems . Setting up an animators youth network of different cities partners since the two Euromed seminars . 5- Romans cities , Maisons de quartiers and local MJC, DDJS, cultural associations .
Mission and Objectives

Romans International, association law 1901 , is the result of the diffusion of the committee of Jumelage de Romans and the ROCS association , ( Romans cooperation solidarity ) . It accompanies the municipality in its actions of Jumelage , and co-operation through the actions to the populations .
Its objectif is to promote the cultural , linguistic , social , economic, sporting exchanges ..
between the inhabitants of Romans and the inhabitants of the nine cities partners in order to foster a better comprehension between people .

Main Projects / Activities

- Assistance to the mobility of youth .
- organization of exchanges and youth projects .
- Support to the youth in the assembly of international projects.
- Accompaniment towards the Voluntary European Service .
-Adult exchanges within the framework of responsible and interdependent tourism in our cooperation cities .
-awarness actions on international problems towards the local population : conferences organization ,
copilot of Biennial the 2006 .
- Cooperation actions : Education of French and develoment of the francophonie with Zlin,Czech Republic; organization of actions in favour of Palestine ( awarness , cooperation project .,) within the framework of the Collective Palestine .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name