CNR – Office for Mediterranean and Middle East

National Network

Centro Direzionale di Napoli - Via Porzio, 4 – Is. G1-sc.C 47/49

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
The Office for Mediterranean and Middle East of Naples is a structure of Italian National Research Council (CNR). Its activities are carried on by a staff of seven people working in collaboration with other scientists and/or postgraduates on specific subject-matters. It operates since 1995 in collaboration with Italian and foreign institutions. Its main activities: -Management/coordination of bilateral agreements between CNR and similar institutions of Med Countries. -Identification of strategic lines of Scientific/Technological cooperation at a bilateral/multilateral level -Support into the identification of national/international cooperation programmes and elaboration of projects to be submitted for a co-financing -Organization of international conferences and training initiatives -Dissemination of results -Studies/analyses in sectors of particular relevance
Mission and Objectives

The Office represents CNR reference structure as concerns the implementation of policies and actions to develop S/T cooperation with Mediterranean and Middle-East Countries. It works in collaboration with Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian embassies in Mediterranean and Middle East Countries to develop actions aimed at favoring mobility of researchers and technicians, identifying priority sectors to implement S/T euro-med cooperation, sharing information on opportunities of collaboration and providing dissemination of results.
It supports the work of the Monitoring Committee for euro-Mediterranean cooperation in S/T established following the Barcelona Declaration in 1995.

Main Projects / Activities

-Coordination of bilateral agreements signed by CNR with: ASRT-Egypt; MOST-Israel, CNRST-Morocco; TUBITAK-Turkey.
-Training initiatives: “Euro-Med post-graduate Advanced School on New Materials and technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage ...” (1999and2001); “Multi-media Technologies applied to Cultural Heritage” (6.11/7.12.2000), Training Through Research Programs in priority sectors (nov.2002); “Short Advanced Course on Conservation of Cultural Heritage” (29.05/2.06.05).
-Coordination/involvement in EU projects: The Euro-Med Forum on Co-operation in agriculture and food agro-industry (1998), co-funded under MEDA Program; “Euro-Med Forum on Scientific/Technological research as a tool for regional integration (2000), 5thFP; “Second Forum of high representatives of Euro-Mediterranean public institutions of RTD” (2002), 5thFP; “Thematic workshops for the definition of the S/T euro-Mediterranean policy within FP7”, 6thFP; “Innovative materials and technol

Contact (1) Full Name
Marilena Rossano
Head of the organisation
Ezio Martuscelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Staempfli