
National Network

via Lionello,8

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The organizational structure is composed by 4 people with 4-8 collaborators in staff; teh number depends on projects we are managing. Financial resources are mainly composed by resources coming from public authorities, as Region Friuli VG; we have a total annual budget for 2009 of 60.000 €. Main activities are projects on Family and work balance, training, research and international seminars. Main partners are the Region Fvg, City Councils as S.Daniele del Friuli, Cervignano, Cividale and others.
Mission and Objectives

Intramoenia is a private no-profit agency which associates professionals in the economic, psychology, computer science and training area.It sprang from the need of working professionally in order to promote community development.Intramoenia is “ a tool for the development and the welfare of defined contexts” where people, who join unique and individual competences, work together.We can promote empowerment within the community we live in, both by accepting laws and customs and by throwing little seeds of creative thought.In 2003 we started working with and for young people, women ,citizen service organizations, voluntary service associations, enterprises with socio- economic responsibilities towards the territory. Our purpose is to sustain and help them to find their way in the complex reality of potentiality, skill and resource development.We want to grow, together with all those who share our view, towards a sympathetic and ecology caring society , which is future oriented and which uses the best knowledge and competences in order to advance personal and other people’s harmonious development.
We work within the local area since it is there we can find big starting points of growth if we can spot the points to bring out the chances to take and the waste to avoid.We act by following net logic, listening to the wishes of those people who carry out changes inside themselves or within the organization they are members of and favouring contacts, relationships, experience exchanges.

Main Projects / Activities

The municipality of Monfalcone has so far taken action in promoting equal opportunities aimed to:
* make the work-time compatible with the life-time;
* harmonize professional life with family-life;
* share the care-taking work between genders and generations.
In the last few years the encouragement of the quantitative and qualitative presence of women in the labour market has been regarded as a prior issue. The focus has been on the promotion of equal opportunities policies by supporting actions aimed to develop gender culture.
The Northern Europe countries show how it is possible to have a high birth rate (to be considered especially high if compared to the Italian one) as well as a considerable female occupation rate. Such countries set an example of how the career can be compatible with having a family when all the different aspects (personal, social, psycological, organizational, etc.) are considered.
In accordance with such aims, a communication campaign called “Champion in opportunities” has been launched. At the end a prize will be given to the company that in the last few years has best tried to reconcile the work-time and the caring time of the female workers by adopting family friendly policies improving the quality of the professional and personal life of everybody (both men and women).
Consequently the Municipality of Monfalcone has issued an announcement to collect the best local experiences of good practice in order to identify companies that have so far adopted or are adopting personnel policies aimed to protect family without marginalizing women in their job: i.e. new work time solutions that can be alternative to the full time job (chosen part-time, new turnovers, flextime, multiperiodization, etc.) and spatial flexibility (i.e. telecommute, etc.) or any other form that can help women at home and at work.
V.I.C.I.N.I. It’s a project aimed to improve the relationship between no profit associations, education and institutions.How: by developing project patnership capabilitity, local communities exchange, successful communication, team cooperation and negotiability between institutions and associations.
When: the V.i.c.i.n.i. project is able to give solutions in complex situations, when the managment of the undertaking is conflictual and stressing and the economical and human resources are insufficient.

Contact (1) Full Name
giovanna roiatti
Head of the organisation
Giovanna Roiatti
Contact (2) Full Name
claudia pollano