Centro Studi Medì. Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo

National Network

Via del molo 13a - 16128

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Centro Studi Medì was created in 2003 by a group of NGO in Genoa, as a temporary project. In 2007 Medì became itself a NGO. Medì has organized various social researches in Genoa and in Regione Liguria, perhaps. Medì has a board council (five persons); a Scientific Director (Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini) and an Operative Director (Dott. Andrea T. Torre); The budgetary resourses amounted annually 250.000€. Medi collaborates with University of Genoa, University of Milan, Caritas Italiana, ISMU (Milan), FIERI (Turin).
Mission and Objectives

Medì conducts social research in the field of international migration; organizes courses, conferences and seminars for scholars and social workers.
Medi through his activities documents the processes of integration of foreign peoples in the context of Italian society

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 Medì has realized many social researches commissioned by public authorities (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova).
Medì organizes, every year, since 2005, a Summer School on Sociology of Migrations in collaboration with the University of Genoa and the University of Milan and sponsored by Italian Association of Sociology (AIS), FIERI (Turin), Foundation ISMU (Milan), Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas/Migrantes (Rome).
Medì also collaborate with OECD and has organized, in may 2009, Teacher Education for Diversity Experts OECD Meeting.
In 2008 has been established the Prize Mondi Migranti-Carige funded by Fondazione Carige; the prize is awarded to important scholars and professor, known for their studies in the field of international migration. The first three editions of the prize were awarded to Saskia Sassen (2008), Ulrich Beck (2009)and Immanuel Wallerstein (march 2010).
Medi created in 2007, Mondi Migranti. Review of studies and researches about international migrations, published by Franco Angeli. (Indexed on Google Scholar).
Medì Publications
M. Ambrosini, D. Erminio, A. Ravecca (ed.), Primo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2004
L. Queirolo Palmas, A. T. Torre (ed.), Il fantasma delle bande. Genova e i latinos, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M. Ambrosini, A. T. Torre (ed.), Secondo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli Editori, Genova, 2005
M.Ambrosini, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), I latinos alla scoperta dell’Europa (atti del convegno), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005•
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Terzo Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2006
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre (organización y supervisión de), El éxodo ecuatoriano a Europa. Jóvenes y familias emigrantes entre discriminación y nuevos espacios de ciudadanía, Abya Yala, Ecuador, 2007
M. Cannarella, F. Lagomarsino, L. Queirolo Palmas (ed.), Hermanitos. Vita e politica di strada tra i giovani latinos in Italia, Ombre Corte, Verona, 2007
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quarto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, 2007
• D. Erminio, Immigrati e lavoro autonomo, Imprenditori transnazionali a Genova, Working Paper, Medì, 2008
F. Lagomarsino, A. T. Torre, (ed.) La scuola plurale in Liguria. Una ricerca su didattica e mediazione culturale, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, A.T. Torre, (ed.), Quinto Rapporto sull’immigrazione a Genova, F.lli Frilli, Genova, Ed. Medì, Genova, 2009
M. Ambrosini, E. Abbatecola (ed.), Famiglie in movimento. Separazioni,legami, ritrovamenti nelle famiglie migranti, Il Melangolo, Genova, 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea T. Torre
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Vinci