Regional Environmental Center - Country Office Croatia

National Network

Djordjiceva 8a, HR-10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4810774
+385 1 4810844
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The REC Country Office Croatia (REC Croatia) was founded in 1993, and currently operates with a staff of 5, including social and natural science background (biology, chemistry, education, linguistics, public administration and finance, IT). It is entirely project-funded, with an aproximate annual turnover of 300,000 EUR. Our projects are funded mainly by various EC programs, EU governments funds as well as some US and UN agency funds, through calls for tender, direct funding and partnerships. REC Croatia expertise includes Information Dissemination; Transboundary Cooperation in the Protection of Natural Resources; Capacity Building for Governmental Authorities and Industry; Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making; Strategic Environmental Assessment; NGO Capacity Building, Networking and Grants Management; Waste and water management; Energy efficiency; Sustainable development of local communities. REC CO Croatia actively participates in regional projects that originate from and are set up by the REC Headquarters, and also works by implementing own national projects. The CO implements the national component of regional projects by disseminating information on project status, carrying out background research, arranging meetings, organizing and facilitating trainings and workshops, providing logistical support. Since 1999, the Croatian REC office has been actively involved in the implementation of regional and national projects dealing with institutional strengthening and environmental policy development in light of EU accession (Environmental Assessment; assistance in environmental law drafting; environmental financing; strengthening environmental enforcement capacities), within the Stability Pact for South East Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The REC is an international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems. It fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making. The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally based on a Charter signed by the governments of 29 countries, including Croatia, and the EC.

Main Projects / Activities

• Neretva Delta Forum for the Sustainable Use of Shared Natural Resources (funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - BiH Cooperation Office)
• Assistance in Priority Environmental Investment Programme Development and Implementation (funded by EC EuropeAid)
• Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in SEE & Monitoring Transposition and Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis in Croatia and Turkey (funded by EC CARDS)
• SECTOR - Supporting Environmental Capacity Building Organisations in South-Eastern Europe (funded by SIDA)
• Sustainable island and coastal development in Šibenik-Knin: Awareness raising, capacity building and multi-stakeholder planning for sustainable development and social transformation in Croatia (funded by MATRA programme through Wageningen University and Research Centre)
• From Latvia to Croatia and Macedonia: Capacity building for implementation of EU environmental policy on local and regional level (funded by German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety & German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (through BEF Deutschland; Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, Croatia)
• From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries - INTENSE (funded by EC- Intelligent Energy Europe - IEE)
• Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-Innovation in South East Europe
• Support to the Establishment of Regional Waste Management Centers in North-West Croatia and Eastern Slavonia
• Country Survey on Environmental Integration Tools in Croatia (funded by International Institute for Environment and Development
• Enhancing Access to information and Public Participation in Decision Making on Water and Environment, Danube Regional Project
• Business Planning for Cleaner Production, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Croatia
• Water and wastewater training for industry - IPPC Directive implementation in Croatia
• Waste Management in Dalmatian Counties
• Technical Assistance in EC Grant Scheme Management - Croatia
• Approximation of Croatian Water Management Legislation with EU Water Acquis

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Brnada
Head of the organisation
Irena Brnada