
National Network

Via del Timavo 1, 40131

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
About 50 youngsters, aged between 18-30, cooperate, predominantly a as volunteers, within YouNet. YouNet got two main offices one in Bologna and one in Palermo equipped with part-time staff. YouNet cooperates with individuals, informal groups, foundations, and whichever public or private body aims to achieve a more equal, just and supportive society. YouNet partners with about 30-50 NGOs worldwide plus about 30 more in Italy. YouNet cooperates with local bodies, institutions, social centres and comunnities especially in Emilia-Romagna and Sicily. Due to his recent establishment the yearly budget could be only estimated (from 50.000 up to 120.000 €). The main sources of funding comes from donations, membership fees and contributions, grants from international and local bodies an foundations, private and public co-financing for specific projects. YouNet carries out concrete activities both at local and international level such as: seminars, intercultural exchanges, workshops, laboratories, social interventions, training in school, …
Mission and Objectives

YouNet is a non-governmental organisation established by a group of youths keen to play an active role in the non-profit sector.
- to promote and to boost the development of the non profit and for social sector;
- to foster training, cooperation and partnership between non profit organisations and social workers;
- to encourage youth engagement, learning and mobility with particular regards to youngsters with fewer opportunities;
- to foster active citizenship, social and democratic engagement;
- to promote intercultural dialogue and exchange;
- to support social inclusion and cohesion;
- to promote and to support volunteering at a local, national, European and international level as a tool to achieve a more inclusive and just society;
- to promote European and international dimension;
- to raise awareness and to promote mobilisation among young people around global challenges;
- to encourage local sustainable development in the north and south of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

YouNet promotes and carries out: volunteering activities at local, regional, national and international level and activities of boosting, supporting and coordinating of volunteering itself; intercultural exchanges and meetings; medium and long term volunteering and learning projects; cultural, social, sport, recreational and editorial activities; seminars and training courses aimed to organisations, social workers and youths; formative, promotional and informative initiatives related to specific themes linked with the third sector, the global challenges, etc.
YouNet designs, funds, organises and realises small and big projects partially funded by international and local institutions and private bodies in partnership with local and international NGOs, informal groups, foundations, local and national bodies and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dario Torregrossa
Head of the organisation
Francesco Tarantino
Contact (2) Full Name
Savino Di Noia