Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques

National Network

19A rue Francis de Pressensé 13001 Marseille

04 91 31 86 25
04 91 56 65 03
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 62 47 18 99
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Association law 1901 help by several founding sources , ( Town of Marseille, Ministry of Culture , PACA Region , Department of Bouches du Rhône (Conseil Général), Ministry for Foreign affairs (Alliances Françaises), the European Commission) and its annual budget is about 120 000 euros. The team is composed by 3 employees and 18 volonteers from different fields of competences (artists and cultural operator, teachers, social workers and poets. Our main partners are the Schools or Art in Aix en Provence and Marseille, ZINC, la Friche, la Compagnie, LAM, cinema Variétés in Marseille, Montévidéo in Amsterdam, ZKM in Karlsruhe, and several cultural centers, schools of arts and contemporary art museum in France, South América, Marocco, Quebec, Croatia…
Mission and Objectives

Les Instants Vidéo are interested in new forms of writing and in sensitive works of art : video art, multimedia installations, performances, documentaries of creation. We do not organize any competition. We aim to be a space of encounters, of discoveries, of confrontations, of experimentations, of production of thought and friendship.
Our main goals are to promote video/media arts in France and abroad, to find new forms of artistic writing and to support your artistic creation, to create a space of dialogue between artists and publics, to generate understanding aroud cultural practices and theory.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are taking places during the year in France and abroad :
- to organized the international video art festival des Instants Vidéo in autumn in Marseille and abroad,
- to train new talents by giving support to art education and opportunities for exchanges : workshops, conferences and artists welcoming,
- to improve access to video/media art in direction to different publics by multiplying film projections in France and abroad,
- to promote video art by writing : revue BREF, Incidences or biographies of artists,
- to develop an open database, archive of 18 years of festival, sustained by the book “Le temps à l’oeuvre, f(r)iction” de Marc Mercier

Contact (1) Full Name
Naïk M’Sili
Head of the organisation
Marc Mercier