chi rom e...chi no

National Network

Via Rossini, 6 Mugnano , Naples- Italy post code 80018

+39 0818664216
+39 0818664216
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39. 3392784528
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3388525697
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association of social promotion chi rom e…chi no originated and established in Scampia, a northern suburb of Naples, Italy in 2002. There are 9 member of staff, and 50 partners in all country. In a year the association chi rom e...chi no realize intercultural and educational projects with international and national partners, so the annual budget is about 40.000/ 50.000 euro. The actions aimed at supporting both Roma and Italian children, youths and adults are the laboratories of literacy, construction and crafts, recreational and expressive, important opportunities to meet represented by summer camps and workshops in preparation for the local carnivál, the theatre productions, participation in events for meeting, socializing and reflection related to the re-appropriation of public spaces, intended as a common patrimony. Chi rom e…chi no, has been producing independent interventions, workshops and projects as well as in partnership with associations, schools, public institutions, cultural organizations and city, national, and international agencies in Scampia. The social survey designed to produce publications and audio-visual productions is part of the research that accompanies the social and pedagogical practices in place. Main partners of our organitation are: UNAR (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination), Regional Council, the City of Naples, Province, Municipality and Social Policy Office, Asunen Romalen – Cultural Association of Roma People, OsservAzione - Centre for Research-Action against discrimination toward Roma and Sinti, Compare – social promotion association and Mammut - territorial center of Scampia,• Coop Project Ahead, a cooperative born in 2001 in Naples providing consulting to National and International Boards and Organizations, Euclid Network, a growing community of civil society professionals who want to connect across borders for a stronger, more innovative and sustainable European civil society; Unicredit Foundation, is the non-profit Corporate Foundation created in March 2003 by UniCredit Bank.
Mission and Objectives

The association chi rom e...chi no had to date the challenge to give a contribute to the requalification of the quarter Scampia and the whole city in its cultural, social, economic, ethic point of view, to contribute to open a new perception, without any kind of discrimination of the Roma community by the Italian one.
The targets we have set for ourselves are to strengthen social cohesion, overcoming prejudice through the identification of needs and aspirations and the activation of cultural processes of individual and collective empowerment, leading to a complete life with decency and awareness.
The methodology of action research, which guides us in the design and elaboration of the action, combines the use of tools such as direct observation like socio-geographic research with the regular production of audio-visual materials and other documents, all available to the public.

Main Projects / Activities

La Kumpania – Intercultural Gastronomic Journeys, designed to help overcome racial and ethnic discrimination in the development of entrepreneurship in the restaurant business by a group of Roma and Italian women, subject to difficulties in integrating cultural, social and working life, through activities that develop and encourage participation in community life and paths of individual autonomy.
Participation in research The system of protection of Roma and Sinti (2011), children in Campania carried out under the project funded by the European Commission and ERRC conducted in collaboration with OsservAzione, research action against discrimination of Roma and Sinti. We have achieved positive results in fostering the peaceful encounter, dialogue, and co-existence between the Roma and Italian communities. We have been experimenting anti-discriminatory practices, that aim to involve all of the significant actors in making things together.
Journey into memory (2005), funded by the European Community under the Youth-Initiatives for young people, addressing about 700 pupils of Italian and foreign compulsory school: 20 adolescents, 30 adults including 15 women both Romas and Italians.
Arrevuoto (2006-11) educational theatre project carried out with Mercadante - Teatro Stabile of Naples.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association chi rom e...chi no had to date the challenge to give a contribute to the requalification of the quarter Scampia and the whole city in its cultural, social, economic, ethic point of view, to contribute to open a new perception, without any kind of discrimination of the Roma community by the Italian one, to imagine concrete and dignified perspectives of future and live for both Roma and Italian community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the paths starting from common interests and actions are aimed at exchanging experiences, discoveries and knowledge, to promote cooperation through active participation, to achieve the conditions in which everyone, whether child, adolescent or adult, may be more conscious of the world around him, make it his own and contribute to change it in the perspective of individual and collective growth.
We believe there are many similarities with the actions and objectives of ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Iennaco
Head of the organisation
Barbara Pierro
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Pierro