Associazione Uniamoci Onlus

National Network

Via G. Matteotti, 12

0039 091 9765893
0039 091 9765893
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3292451180
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The association counts more than 140 persons (80% young people and 50% young disabled people). It has a competent staff of 10 people (administrative figures, lawyers, planners, physiotherapists and psychologists). Uniamoci Onlus is administered by a Board of Directors composed by 3 members (President, VicePresident and Secretary) elected by the Shareholder Assembly composed by 50 members that is the main body of the Association. The budgetary resources available in a year are about Euro 100000,00 thanks to the application for projects under YiA programme and LLP Programme By the European Commision, and Regional Fundig sources: concrete social projects, youth exchanges, seminars, youth initiatives, volunteering projects, trainings. Uniamoci Onlus has several project partners at local European level: Università di Palermo, Centro Abilità Diverse , C.E.I.P.E.S, Associazione Porte Aperte , Istituto Comprensivo E. Basile, Tellus (Group) Ltd - Work Experience UK, Unesco Initiative Centre, EuropaNah e.V., Diakonisches Werk Bremen e.V.
Mission and Objectives

Uniamoci Onlus Association is a non-profit organization that works in the field of integration, safeguard and disabled and disadvantaged people’s social assistance. Its main aims are:
- to create an inclusive society
- to spread the European values
- to involve people in activities that make them aware of their active role in the society
- to create the conditions that can allow to the disadvantaged people to make international experiences and participate to events of personal growth
- to beak down mental barriers

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion and implementation of projects aimed at promoting the rights of disabled people
• Activities aimed at the social integration of disabled people: organization of trips and periodical recreational events
• Planning and implementation of European project involving disabled people, aimed to realize social inclusion and to promote the European active citizenship
• Promotion and claim of social institutions’ commitment to help weak and disadvantaged people
• Positive actions in the field of local social and cultural promotion.
• Realization of events, raising awareness campaigns, videoclips in favour of disabled people’s integration
• Constant complain about the injustices towards disabled people. This activity is documented through photos, movies and newspaper articles

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Finding participants for the international events promoted by the fondation, disseminating information about its work, implementing projects on the basis of methods and information acquired in seminars organized by the fondation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we would like to join the ALF Network in order to share our methods and expertize, to know different realities, to work at an international level on social topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davide Di Pasquale
Head of the organisation
Davide Di Pasquale