Horya Center for Political Studies and Human Rights

National Network

A 49 Salah Salem St., and El nahda
port said

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure consists of the President of the Organization: Board of Directors - - Executive Management - Unit Projects - Programmes Unit - Unit Information. Number of employees: 7 Sources of funding: self-funding because the organization still in its early stages was not proceeding on the establishment Since short time. Ways of working: the center depends heavily on networking with institutions and organizations friendly. Project was implemented civic education for a month and a half and aims to deploy an effective War political awareness among young people. The center is also holding seminars periodically and discusses the most important issues on the Egyptian arena. Center is also working with the presidency of one of the cities in Port Said training career structure and motivate the city's political participation Partners: - Association of Human Development - Egyptian Democratic Institute - New Woman Foundation - Presidency of the city of Port Fouad
Mission and Objectives

• Vision:
See the founding to the local community in Port Said is in dire need to increase the political culture based on logic and scientific thought and to create an environment and a political society based on democracy and the axioms related to the needs of society and practices of democracy and politics in general on the basis of sound.
Founders also see that the community in Port Said free from social studies and human very specific scope of the demographic issues in addition to directly come into contact with friction of human rights and the empowerment of marginalized groups
• Tasks:
The horya center for Political Studies and Human Rights to its main tasks is to raise awareness and educate the community handed indefinite political and juridical practice and encouragement of democracy and work to increase community participation in various forms in addition to the formation of research units are the core ideas of the local banks
• Objectives:
1. The training of ordinary citizens on political concepts and mechanisms of democracy and motivate them to practice political
2. Help civil society organizations on the effective management of emerging good
3. Provide advice and research studies relevant to the geographical scope to help local politicians and interested in the renewed access to the facts
4. Raise the efficiency of individual categories of marginalized people to reach their level of awareness and community empowerment and human rights and citizenship

Main Projects / Activities

Completed work:
1. Training on election monitoring. Shura Council, 2010 - in collaboration with the Society
Human development. June 2010
2. The Center in partnership with the Women's Foundation to train new workers to invest in Port Said on the rights of working women in the labor law.
3. Participated in the campaign, freedom of association with many of the institutions of civil society and the formulation of the law of freedom of organization and institutions and NGOs.
4. Center participated with many organizations of civil society - at the invitation of the New Woman Foundation - drafting articles of criminalization of sexual harassment
5. Control of the Shura Council elections by observers of the center
6. Training on the parliamentary elections. November 2010 in partnership with the Association of Humanitarian Altaatnnumeih
7. Control of elections by the People's Assembly, 35-Monitor and the formation of a control room and follow a special election center
8. Salon the future of Egypt in cooperation with the Egyptian Democratic Institute in October 2010
9. Symposium on constitutional amendments in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. March 2011
10. Youth Salon. March 2011
11. Control of the constitutional amendments in collaboration with the Society of Human Development and the formation of a control room follow-up to Voting Day. March 2011
12. Kicks Salon freedom of the first episode for citizenship. March 2011
13. Symposium on the future of Egypt in cooperation with the youth club Almisheinn. April 2011
14. Citizenship Seminar in cooperation with the presidency of the city of Port Fouad. May 2011
15. Workshop on basic concepts in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. May 2011 - Civic Education Project
16. Symposium on Political Participation in collaboration with the presidency of District Port Fouad. May 2011 - Civic Education Project
17. Symposium on political concepts and terminology. In cooperation with the presidency of the city of Port Fouad June 2011 - Civil Education Project
18. Workshop on the foundations of political participation. Human Development Society in cooperation 2011 - Civil Education Project
19. Workshop political systems in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. June 2011 - Civil Education Project
20. Second rings Salon freedom. Community dialogue. June 2011
21. Citizenship Workshop in collaboration with the Society of Human Development June 2011 - Civil Education Project
22 - Workshop of popular control. Human Development in collaboration Magamaah June 2011

Contact (1) Full Name
mahmoud elsawy
Head of the organisation
Sameer Elmkawey
Contact (2) Full Name
Sameer Elmkawey