Nuovi Profili

National Network

Via D'Andrade 34/302 zip code 16154

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Nuovi Profili is a non Profit Association established by 7 founding members and 20 associate members. Annual turnover and resources depend on the number of activities funded and implemented; as an average they shift between 2000 euros up to 15.000 euros. Most activities are often in network with other NGOs and public/private organizations. Main source of funding is public (most from local, regional or national public calls and bodies). Main areas of interest and activity include cultural and musical workshops, cross-cultural education, linguistic laboratories, linguistic and cultural mediation, media campaigns, presentation of books, conferences, seminars and exchange program (i.e. Etudiants et Developpement 2011 and Hijos y Hijas de la immigración 2009). Current main partners in the local area of Genoa are CESTO NGO, National Social Service, University of Genoa and Genoa’s Council Migration Laboratory.
Mission and Objectives

Main Association’s objectives and mission statements are: to promote diversity and its plurality in all forms, to defend universal values and human rights, to valorize cultural exchange in national and international contexts to allow mutual understanding and reciprocal respect, to support rise of cultural awareness of each other differences with particular attention to young generations, to fight any form of discrimination and social inequality in the public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities can be synthesize as follow:
• Cultural, social and sexual information and prevention campaigns : Giovani Eroi for MTV (2010), The Human right Ship (2010), the Mediterranean children week (2011) and the world cultures’ Carnival in Genoa ( 2010).
• Intercultural education support for social workers involved in different educative areas. ( Cross-cultural education training program for teachers of the pre-primary and primary school and for Regional Social services operators (2011-2013).
• Organization and participation to cultural events promoting diversity as a value that enriches all individuals and local community as a whole: Conference on the topic Nord Africa as the centre of the politic life? (2011) ; Seminar series entitled The new racism between politics and power (2011); Seminar series on Tolerance, pluralism and social cohesion (2011); Conference Who is the Italian today? (2011); public debate on “Maghreb’s insurrections : Signals of liberation from North Africa (2011) ; public event entitled “Brothers and half-brothers: When the unity gains color” (2011); Mediterranean Convention: Youths at the mirror: between Genova and Morocco (2011).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nuovi Profili, and its constituency can contribute to the network in many different ways. Mainly we can put in the fore our experience in the Genovese and Italian contexts with a particular attitude toward social and educational projects/activities. Secondly, given that most members were born in different foreign countries (mainly from the Mediterranean area), Nuovi Profili can boost off a “emic” approach to the central questions ALF aims to set out: in other words, Nuovi Profili can bring into the fore a vision from the inside and inner part of the main framework of reference (constituted by addressed beneficiaries) of ALF program. Finally, last but not least Nuovi Profili can bring into the ALF national network other local and national associations with whom selected activities and actions - addressed to most excluded and unpowered social strata - have been implemented.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nuovi Profili emerged from the will of a group of young people born or grown up in Italy, all carrying different cultures but sharing the same social spaces and public arenas . Joining the Alf network will mean for Nuovi Profili to strengthen the original idea of interaction between people coming from different cultures, countries and backgrounds that might lead to new cultural and social profiles whose identity is constituted by a mosaic of different cultural elements and traits. Enlarging our contact network will allow us to improve the quality of our activities and to respond to the new demanding circumstances of our multicultural society. If our ultimate goal has been always to pursue the realization of a better equal civil society, participation to ALF will imply a decise step onward in fostering active citizenship and participation in a wider Euro-Mediterranean perspective.

Contact (1) Full Name
alketa Llani
Head of the organisation
Marco Tosto
Contact (2) Full Name
Simohamed Kaabour