Municipality of Budva

National Network

Trg Sunca 3
85310 Budva
الجبل الأسود

+382 33 451 000
Telephone (other)
+382 33 403 812
+382 33 451 000
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Municipality of Budva (MB) lies at the central part of Adriatic coast of Montenegro. It has 36km long coastline and area of app 124m². At the 2011 census MB had 19.218 inhabitants and the 2019 budget of app 38 million €. With 130, 40 inhabitants per km² it is one of the highest density municipalities of ME. Municipality of Budva has around 300 employees and together with all municipalities’ public entities more than 1000 employees. Within municipality there are 7 secretariats and Municipality of Budva is founder, owner and co-owner of 11 public entities.
Budva Municipality is the strongest pillar of Montenegrin economy where tourism is the single biggest industry and high development priority. In 2018, Budva accounted for 44,5% of total tourism turnover and 45,2% of total overnights in Montenegro. This is a continuous trend for more than five decades in which Budva was app half of ME tourism.

Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of the Municipality of Budva can be described as follows:

The Municipality of Budva is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its residents and fostering sustainable development within its territory. We are committed to providing efficient and transparent local governance, promoting economic prosperity, preserving cultural heritage, and ensuring the well-being of our community members. Through active engagement and collaboration, we aim to create a vibrant, inclusive, and environmentally conscious municipality that serves as a model for responsible local self-government.


Community Well-being and Quality of Life:

To prioritize the well-being, safety, and overall quality of life for all residents of Budva.
To provide essential services, including healthcare, education, public safety, and social support systems, that meet the needs of the community.
Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship:

To promote sustainable urban planning and development practices that balance economic growth with environmental conservation.
To implement initiatives that address environmental challenges, such as waste management, conservation of natural resources, and sustainable transportation.
Cultural Preservation and Promotion:

To safeguard and promote the rich cultural heritage of Budva, preserving historical sites, traditions, and local customs.
To support cultural events, festivals, and initiatives that celebrate diversity and contribute to the cultural identity of the municipality.
Economic Growth and Prosperity:

To foster a conducive environment for businesses, both local and international, to thrive and contribute to the economic prosperity of the municipality.
To encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and job creation, thereby enhancing the economic well-being of our community.
Transparent and Accountable Governance:

To uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in all municipal operations and decision-making processes.
To actively engage with citizens through open forums, public consultations, and accessible information channels to ensure that their voices are heard.
Tourism Development and Management:

To promote sustainable tourism practices that preserve the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Budva while providing economic benefits to the community.
To enhance the tourism infrastructure and services to attract visitors from around the world.
Social Inclusion and Civic Engagement:

To create an inclusive and supportive environment that respects the rights and dignity of every individual in the community.
To encourage civic participation, volunteering, and community involvement, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among residents.
Infrastructure and Urban Services:

To invest in modern, reliable, and accessible infrastructure, including transportation, utilities, and public spaces, to meet the evolving needs of our growing municipality.
By aligning our efforts with these objectives, the Municipality of Budva aspires to create a thriving, sustainable, and harmonious community for current and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects that is going on is reconstruction of Budva promenade as you can see on the link

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Municipality of Budva can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network in Montenegro in several meaningful ways:

Cultural Exchange and Dialogue:

Organize and host cultural events, workshops, and seminars that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding among different communities within Budva and across Montenegro.
Promoting Tolerance and Inclusivity:

Implement initiatives that foster a culture of tolerance, respect, and inclusivity within the municipality, creating a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds.
Heritage Preservation and Promotion:

Support projects that focus on preserving and promoting cultural heritage sites, traditions, and practices, contributing to a shared sense of cultural identity.
Youth Empowerment and Engagement:

Develop programs and activities that engage young people in cultural exchange, arts, and creative expression, encouraging them to become active participants in the ALF Network.
Collaboration with Educational Institutions:

Partner with schools, universities, and educational institutions to implement cultural education programs, workshops, and seminars that promote diversity, tolerance, and dialogue.
Networking and Partnerships:

Actively engage with other local governments, NGOs, and cultural organizations in Montenegro to create a network of stakeholders dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding.
Media and Communication Initiatives:

Support media campaigns and initiatives that highlight the importance of cultural diversity, inclusivity, and dialogue, reaching a broader audience and raising awareness within the community.
Youth Exchanges and Mobility Programs:

Facilitate youth exchanges, study tours, and cultural immersion programs that allow young people from Budva to interact with their peers from different cultural backgrounds.
Artistic and Creative Initiatives:

Encourage local artists, performers, and creators to collaborate on projects that promote cultural exchange and understanding through various forms of artistic expression.
Supporting Grassroots Initiatives:

Provide funding, resources, and logistical support for grassroots initiatives that align with the mission and goals of the ALF Network, amplifying their impact within the municipality.
Advocacy for Intercultural Policies:

Advocate for policies at the local and national levels that promote intercultural dialogue, inclusivity, and cultural exchange, influencing decision-making processes in favor of diversity.
Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regularly assess the impact of programs and initiatives related to cultural exchange and intercultural dialogue to ensure that they are effectively contributing to the goals of the ALF Network.
By actively participating in the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, the Municipality of Budva can play a vital role in promoting cultural diversity, understanding, and cooperation, both within the municipality and in the broader context of Montenegro.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Municipality of Budva is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Promoting Cultural Exchange and Understanding: The municipality recognizes the immense value of cultural exchange in fostering mutual understanding and respect among diverse communities. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, Budva aims to actively contribute to initiatives that promote dialogue and cooperation between cultures.

Preserving and Promoting Cultural Heritage: Budva is rich in cultural heritage, with a history that spans millennia. Joining the ALF Network provides an opportunity to showcase and preserve this heritage, ensuring that it remains a source of pride and identity for current and future generations.

Enhancing Tolerance and Inclusivity: In a globalized world, fostering an environment of tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their cultural background, is of paramount importance. By affiliating with ALF, the municipality is committing to creating a welcoming space for everyone.

Youth Empowerment and Engagement: Recognizing that youth play a crucial role in shaping the future, the Municipality of Budva aims to engage young people in activities that promote cultural awareness and exchange. ALF provides a platform for meaningful youth participation and empowerment.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: Joining the ALF Network opens doors to collaboration with a wide range of local governments, NGOs, cultural organizations, and individuals who share a common goal of promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding. This network facilitates the exchange of knowledge, resources, and best practices.

Advocating for Cultural Diversity: Through its association with ALF, the municipality can advocate for policies and initiatives at both the local and national levels that champion cultural diversity, inclusivity, and dialogue. This advocacy can lead to positive changes in the community and beyond.

Contributing to a Larger Global Mission: By aligning with the ALF Network, the Municipality of Budva is partaking in a larger global mission to promote peace, dialogue, and understanding among cultures. This aligns with broader international efforts to create a more harmonious and inclusive world.

Showcasing Budva's Commitment to Cultural Diplomacy: Joining the ALF Network signals Budva's commitment to cultural diplomacy, demonstrating its dedication to building bridges between cultures and showcasing its openness to the world.

Overall, by becoming a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, the Municipality of Budva is taking a proactive step towards nurturing a more inclusive, understanding, and culturally vibrant community, both within the municipality itself and in the broader context of Montenegro.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikola Jovanović
Job Title
President of Assembly
Head of the organisation
Municipality of Budva
Contact (2) Full Name
Iva Pavlovic
Job Title (2)
Head of Office for European Integration and Cooperation