Future Islands

National Network

Maram Palace, Menzah 4, Avenue 10 December 1948
1004 Tunis

Telephone (other)
(+49) 163 1565725
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Future Islands is an Innovation and research Lab where we develop new and evolving approaches to create innovative solutions for complex problems to enable a sustainable society. We support companies, public institutions, and nonprofit organizations in designing, deploying, and evaluating innovation programs. We work on involving everyone in every part of the process development, we work to help empower individual voices to invent solutions for their own challenges and turn them into positive action for a better future.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Future Islands was born to turn the voices into actions. Our missions include shifting power and giving the opportunity to every voice to build spaces of learning and experimentation for a sustainable future. Objectives: We believe in exploring and applying our ancestral knowledge and empowering everyone's culture, Future Islands taps into the local knowledge and inspires from the local context for owned solutions. Codesigning the future is our core goal. We believe that the future should be built by everyone, children, youth, and old people, to design an inclusive world that guarantees equality and justice for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Social Innovators Network Is a 100% online pre-incubation program that supports community initiatives. Created in March 2020 during the quarantine period and isolation measures taken during the spread of the Coronavirus and since then it has supported community initiatives bringing solutions on the ground impacting communities and policies to make in the face of different crises. Prototyping for Green Solutions It is an incubation program for green innovation. We will support green innovation projects by providing a range of tailor-made and integrated support to have a feasible proof of concept in the green economy sector, green entrepreneurship, circular economy or any related field. Crowd & Trust, equity platform for green and tech venture Equity crowdfunding allows individuals to come together to invest via the internet in start-ups and become shareholders. Crowdfunding thus makes it possible to mobilize the savings of private investors to invest in the capital of young innovative companies. We will create the first equity crowdfunding platform in Tunisia with technical support from USAID. Greenradar.tn It is a platform that brings together policies, programs, and actors that drive a structural transition of economic sectors towards a greener, more resilient, and more inclusive economic model in Tunisia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a dynamic and passionate team that works to co-develop solutions for businesses, communities, and ecosystems to thrive together. We bring together diverse expertise and through intersectoral collaboration, we offer the opportunity to transform promising ideas into actions with impact in Tunisia and around the world. Sustainable cities Education and capacity building Sustainable development Digital transformation Circular economy and alternative financial models Civic engagement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Future Islands is happy to join the Anna foundation the foundation that brings together thousands of social organizations and playing the role of facilitator to bring together people. ALF ensures the dialogue between cultures, nurture universal values, ​​support the participation of citizens in an open construction inclusive societies and promote the human dimension of the partnership. Being a part of ALF will fulfill our potential to grow, contribute to the collaboration of all relevant stakeholders, and establish cooperation and partnership to promote and protect human rights and development. We look forward to being part of ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaoula Behi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ouissal Askri
Job Title (2)
Operations Manager