Studio e Progetto 2 Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

National Network

Corso Garibaldi 180-182-184
Abbasanta (Oristano)

+39 0785/53696
+39 0785/54912
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Studio e Progetto 2 is a social cooperative active in the field of information, services, social promotion and socioeconomic development of the territory. It provides integrated programs in the area of youth policy and economic development through the implementation of projects related to the field of information, counseling, guidance, aggregation and prevention of discomfort. The co-operative currently consists of 46 people (22 working members, 5 members and 19 highly competent employees). Its revenue comes from the orders of its clients and the participation in calls for tender and proposal promoted by Public Italian Institutions and EU. Its main partners are: Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, ERSU (Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education), Province of Oristano, National Resources Center for vocational guidance, Panta Rei Center – Sardinia, Consorzio Uno, Futura Europa, Associazione Orientare, La Carovana, Digitabile, Lariso and CTR Social Cooperatives. Its turnover was approximately €796.000 in 2012.
Mission and Objectives

Studio e Progetto 2 Onlus pursues the general interest of the community. The overall objectives are as follows:
- Development of community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people;
- Development of a solidarity economy that has, at its core, the man and his fundamental needs and not the personal profit;
- Development and dissemination of information and counseling systems as means of personal and social growth;
- Development of participatory democracy, within itself and in local communities, knowledge dissemination, technicalities curbing, transparency and promotion of forms of active citizenship;
- Development of employment opportunities for people exposed to the risk of professional exclusion and social marginalization.

Main Projects / Activities

Studio e Progetto 2 provides integrated programs in the areas of Social Services and Policies: (planning of personal services and measures to promote community development in the field of integration policies and social inclusion for vulnerable people), Youth Policies (management of Youth Information Services and City Information Services),Cultural Services (management of Municipal Libraries), Tourist information Services (management of Tourist Information Centers), Immigration Information Service (management of the Immigration Desk at the Municipality of Oristano. The Service has been extended to the Penitentiary of Oristano), Educational and vocational guidance (planning and management of projects on educational and vocational guidance), Territorial Development and Labour Market (including expert counseling and organization of conferences and seminars on policies and territorial development issues as well as producing of information materials on different topics such as work, education, youth, entrepreneurship, universities and businesses), Communitarian Project (by participating to EU programmes as lead organization or partner).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Studio e Progetto 2 is committed to get in contact with local associations and institutions already members of the Network and to participate in and propose joint projects. We engage with the development of the network by taking advantage of our own contacts, encouraging others to join, and put at disposal our expertise in order to improve the community welfare, in particular of its most vulnerable people, as our mission plans. We will work to ensure that the issues common to the other countries of the Mediterranean area can be discussed at regional and national level trying to find, along with representatives of institutions, associations and civil society, the best strategies to deal with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Studio e Progetto 2 would like to join ALF Network for the great opportunity the Foundation provides to its members in sharing ideas and values by proposing and implementing projects in fields representing priorities for our cooperative such as intercultural dialogue, integration and cooperation in the Mediterranean Area. The network is an excellent opportunity to broaden horizons, by receiving information and being involved in actions launched and supported by the Foundation and its network of members. We firmly believe that sharing is an essential value in promoting the welfare of communities, that it is only through the dialogue between cultures that the development of peoples can be achieved and that associations, institutions and others, working together, can achieve great results for a real change. For over 20 years the Cooperative has worked for a fairer society, free from any discrimination based on gender, race or other differences. Considering that the Foundation shares our same ideals and aims, we would like to be a part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Licheri
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Ghisaura
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcella Melis