
Matters Human

National Network

22/11 Vincenti Buildings, Strait Street

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The main structures of MH are the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Board (EB), Regional Coordinators and Project Teams in this order of precedence. Other sub-structures may be created according to the needs of the Executive Board by the Executive Board itself. (1) In accordance with its aims, the association shall organise a number of projects, activities, conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, publications and debates; develop work plans and run campaigns. It shall also carry other activities conducive to the realisation of the same aims of the organisation. (2) The association shall also publish a periodical magazine, containing articles and contributions from members and partner organizations in the different geographical areas where it has a presence. (3) For such activities, the organisation may receive donations, sponsorships and other sorts of possible income.
Mission and Objectives

(1) The aims of MH shall be to promote capacity-building, and develop methods in which to empower grassroots to acquire and develop basic skills required for working within the community, thus fostering a sense of awareness, education and development in the areas of active citizenship, minority rights and equal rights for every human being, peace and stability, democracy, tolerance and cross-border cooperation
The association strives to achieve its purpose by developing external contacts with governmental and non-governmental as well as international organizations, and cooperating on the local, regional and international levels.
(2) The association seeks to achieve its purposes through the organisation of and participation in international and local events and projects, and in any other way that pursues the aims of the association in accordance with the present statute.
(3) MH shall be a democratic, non-profit making, non-political, non-racist and non-sexist organization.

Main Projects / Activities

Planned projects:
Different aspects of migration in Europe and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Region – seminars, case study visits, publications, dissemination of results within and among international organisations, diplomats, academic circles, NGO leaders and grassroots bodies and, most importantly, follow-up site projects. Will take place in 3 European and 3 MENA countries.
Project about Youth Involvement in the Labour Market – in cooperation with the Students' Forum Initiative NGO from Bethlehem, Palestine, aims to study trends among young people in different MEDA societies, and follow up with concrete projects aimed at increasing youth involvement in the labour marker, empowering youths while involving all relevant national and regional stakeholders in the process.
Matters Human magazine – with opinions and analyses from different perspectives written by the team members, regional coordinators and external contributors from the the diplomatic and academic fields, as well as from civil society actors, from different parts of the world, to be distributed to as wide an audience as possible using both electronic and print media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna de Gaetano
Head of the organisation
Dr. Alistair de Gaetano

MedNet - Mediterranean Network of Student Representatives

National Network

119, Triq il-Qasam,

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

MedNet is currently an informal Network of Student Unions from the Mediterranean Region aiming to formalise itself into the representative body of students in the region. MedNet has 13 members from 14 countries namely: UNEA (Algeria), SURS (Bosnia and Herzegovina), CSC (Croatia), POFEN (Cyprus), FAGE (France), NUIS (Israel), CEFA-UL (Lebanon), NSUM (Macedonia), KSU (Malta), FAIRE (Portugal), SUS (Serbia), SSU (Slovenia) and IBUSU (Turkey). Since MedNet is currently an informal structure - all events have been hosted by member unions. Thus MedNet as such has no direct sources of funding. MedNet so far has acted as a networking platform; has hosted a number of events related to capacity building and cultural exchange; has represented students at a number of HE conferences within the Mediterranean region. MedNet has so far collaborated with the European Student Union and is a member of both EMUNI and EPUF.

Mission and Objectives

Med Net has the following objectives: a)To establish an efficient and reliable network in order to bring together student representatives from the Mediterranean for their common benefit. b)To facilitate information exchange through and between student representatives. c)To produce and promote a common Mediterranean policy on the social, educational, economical, political and cultural interests of Mediterranean students. This will include mobility; education; the status and the welfare of students in society; etc. d)To promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in order to achieve the solidarity and stability emerging therefrom, specifically in issues that affect student life. e)To promote the views of Mediterranean students. f)To promote equality for all students regardless of their political belief, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, gender, sexual orientation, social standing or any disability. g)To promote equal opportunities of access to higher education for all students. h)To provide support to student representatives in the Mediterranean in their work to protect their social, educational, economical, political, demographical and cultural interests. i)To promote the freedom of association within the Mediterranean area by every means possible. j)To promote co-operation with other organised groups in all above-related matters

Main Projects / Activities

The methods that MedNet uses to achieve the above-mentioned objectives are the following: a)A commitment to cooperation and support between the MedNet members by way of concrete actions; projects; information exchange and cross-border projects (such as bi-laterals, multi-laterals and work experience abroad). b)A commitment to promote the enhanced use of information technology in the communication process. c)A commitment to making the network an efficient and reliable one d)Common promotion, campaigns and lobbying on a national, Mediterranean, European, and international level. e)Setting out the guidelines and deadlines for the completion of targets and goals by means of a strategic plan produced every 18 months and a bi-annually produced plan of work f)Cooperating with bodies which are relevant to fulfilling the MedNet objectives as long as the activities of these organisations do not contradict the objectives of the MedNet. g)Carrying out all other activities conducive to the realisation of the above objectives. Currently MedNet is working to formalise itself and thus is three priority areas are: 1) Establishing a Secretariat 2) Engaging Partners in HE within the Mediterranean Region for MedNet's involvement as the representative student body 3) Increasing its membership base.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Justin Fenech (Director)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Justin Fenech
Contact (2) Full Name
Carl Grech (President of the Maltese Student Union - KSU)



2024 Can only be better. Wishing you all and yours a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2024.

Mgarr Local Council

National Network

Kunsill Lokali Mgarr, 22, Triq Sir Harry Luke

(+356) 21520011
Telephone (other)
+356 27520011
+356 21522252
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Mgarr Local Council is a statutory local government authority having a distinct legal personality and capable of entering into contracts, of suing and being sued, and of doing all such things and entering into such transactions as are incidental or conducive to the exercise and performance of its functions as are allowed under the Local Council’s Act. The Council is only funded by Central Government. Our annual allocation is E 322,407. The Council currently employs three administrative employees, An Architect, two handymen and has numerous contracts in connection with waste collection, street sweeping, road maintenance, Street lighting maintenance, construction of kerbs, environmental management etc.
Mission and Objectives

To continue the development of infrastructural works while emphasising operational excellence and innovate administrative help in an efficient and effective way. Thus meeting the needs of the community in a modern and healthy environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Maximise the benefit of the local community while respecting the needs of individual and specific sectors.
Respect for the environment and cultural heritage.
Clean and transparent administration of the Council Business.
To see that existing resources are implemented in an efficient and effective manner.
Implement and take the necessary measures for the local community to raise the standard of living in modern world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Sammut
Head of the organisation
Mr. Paul Vella - Mayor

Migrant Women Association Malta

National Network

10 Triq il Ward
Santa Venera SVR 1640

+356 99694638
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Established on 15 April 2015, the Migrant Woman Association Malta is an autonomous, independent, voluntary non-profit making organization, having as its main objective the social & community advancement concerning migrant women in the Maltese Islands. The MWAM is committed towards empowering migrant women to enable them to fully integrate within the society of the host country, in this case the Maltese Islands, and to realize their full potential.

Mission and Objectives

To promote equal treatment, equal rights and better integration for migrant women in Malta. To provide regular input on all areas of Malta policy development and implementation that have an impact on migrant women’s lives. To help shape social policies and design action programmes addressing migrant women’s specific needs. To represent member’s organisations and lobby for and with migrant women to have a stronger voice at the Malta and EU level. To support migrant women’s organisations and movements through information and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

COMMUNICATIONS SESSIONS The Migrant Women Association Malta organizes regular communication sessions which serve as a safe and welcoming space for migrant women to raise their concerns and gain information and support. The communication sessions also offer an opportunity for migrant women to get involved in the work of the association. MENTORSHIP PROGRAM MWAM offers the opportunity for women to build relationships throughout the association’s activities and projects. We aim to pave the way for members to support each other and for more established members to pass on their valuable knowledge and experience about life in Malta. This service is open to all members of the association. ADVOCACY MWAM advocates for the integration and empowerment of migrant women living in Malta. MWAM defends migrant women’s rights and voices the concerns raised by our members and clients.

Contact (1) Full Name
Umayma Elamin Amer
Head of the organisation
Umayma Elamin Amer

migrants' solidarity movement

National Network

19 santa marija street
hal safi

Hal Safi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Migrants' Solidarity Movement is a organisation created in September 2008 in Malta. The board is composed of 4 people who are volunteers. MSM is part of SKOP, a local network of 15 NGOs. The budgetary resources depend on the funding MSM gets a year. Until now, MSM was funded by the European Commission through the Youth Programm. MSM is doing for now concrete projects and organises activities in Malta.
Mission and Objectives

MSM's overall goal and long-term objective is the creation of an all inclusive, multicultural society, free of racism, xenophobia and discrimination.
We focus on six points:
1.To effect positive changes within Maltese society towards immigration issues.
2.To promote cultural understanding and respect.
3.To encourage the integration of migrants within Maltese society.
4.To promote and campaign for human rights in regards to immigration issues.
5.To provide social support and services to the immigrant population in Malta.
6.To promote cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

MSM is currently running the project "Defeating language barriers". Taking a stand against exclusion and fighting marginalization Migrants Solidarity Movement decided to start an English proficiency project which will be offered for free to immigrants wishing to learn and improve their English. Learning English will also help immigrants when they leave Malta to go to other European countries.
The project ‘Defeating Language Barriers’ will run for six months starting from January 2009. The English lessons will run twice a week on a Monday and Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm. They will be held in the General Workers Union building in Valletta and will be run by certified English teachers working on a voluntary basis.

Contact (1) Full Name
solene guerinot
Head of the organisation
ann bugeja
Contact (2) Full Name
andre callus


National Network

181, Melita Street, Valletta
Valletta VLT 1129

+356 7982 7011
Telephone (other)
+356 7772 6889
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MOVE is a non-governmental organization for the promotion of sports and culture, set in motion by a group of highly-motivated professionals active in education, sports and culture.  Our mission is to inspire a healthier and happier future through sports and culture.  Move seeks to promote and address: -lnnovation in sports and culture as an educational tool for all citizens -Sports and culture as values enshrined in cultural identities -Social problems creatively through innovation in sports and culture Our team is all passionate about sports and culture and together we work hard to share our knowledge and experience. MOVE works mainly with children and young people coming from difficult social backgrounds and our aim is to provide, innovative activities which are mostly designed to foster a love for sports and culture, and bring out innovation and creativity in our younger generation.  At MOVE we believe that innovation is more likely to happen within innovative spaces and hence we’ve engineered our services to promote highly-engaging purposely developed interactive activities to promote positive experiences inspiring our future generations to be more physically activity and leading them from metal blocks to metal breakthroughs. Our organization is keen on creating beautiful things and really supports creative practice. Together with our team, we welcome and support like-minded people who are willing to become part of our story!   MOVE is a member of ISCA (International Sports Culture Association - Denmark), Kunsill Nazzjonali taz-Zaghzagh (KNZ ) (National Youth Council) and Agenzija Zaghzagh (National Youth Agency)  
Mission and Objectives

MOVE’s mission is to create a lasting social change through sports and culture.
Our vision is that each and every child and youth should have access to sports and culture and thus be empowered to live a healthier and happier life.

The objectives are :

To challenge the barriers which prevent young people especially those coming from social difficult backgrounds from participating in cultural activities.

Engage youths in alternative forms of entertainment 

Create innovative spaces where youths coming from different social backgrounds can interact with the  local community.

Main Projects / Activities

European Voluntary Services
Training Courses
Youth Exchange
Sports and Culture Activities
Youth Programmes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organise meetings/ seminars/workshops
Sharing our experiences gained from the network
Contribute in organising different international activities, festivals and culture exchange events, 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partnerships and Networks help to connect organisations together and with their relevant  communities and assist them to create opportunities for the people they support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cynthia Debono
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cynthia Debono
Contact (2) Full Name
Charlo Seychell
Job Title (2)

National Council of Women

National Network

Pope Pius XII Flats
Mountbatten Street
Blata l-Bajda HMR 1579

Blata L– Bajda, HMR 02

00 356 21 248881 or 00 356 21 443476
Telephone (other)
00 356 21 246982 or 00 356 21 488391
00 356 21 246982
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 356 79061880
Mobile Phone (other)
00 356 99225445
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The National Council of Women is composed of members and affiliated organisations. NCW is a member of the International Council of Women(ICW) and holds a Vice-President ship in the European Committee of the International Council of Women.(ECICW) Grace Attard is a Member of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels representing Maltese Civil Society and Doris Bingley is a member of the Commonwealth Civil Society Advisory Committee. NCW has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. NCW’s structure consists of an elected Executive Committee, a Central Committee which includes a representative from each Affiliated Organisation. It has Standing & Sectional Committees. NCW employs one part-timer and a person from ETC’s Youth Scheme. The Budgetary resources available in a year fluctuate according to members & affiliated organisation fees, fund raising activities and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

The National Council of Women is an independent, non-sectarian, voluntary organisation based on adult, individual membership and the affiliation of non-government organisations.
Its aim is to improve the quality of life for all. In particular it works to promote equality of opportunity for women, and provides a forum for women of different backgrounds to exchange information and ideas, formulate policies, educate and promote legal, economic, social and human rights. It lobbies, advocates and disseminates information through its publications, website and public media.

Main Projects / Activities

NCW is just finishing a Grundtvig Project as partners in a six nation group led by a German group, for Social Inclusion
We have been awarded a UNESCO research project and we are development partners in an EQUAL project with a Government Entity.
NCW is in the forefront of Life Long Learning activities with IT training, Empowerment Courses and basic literacy programmes
It holds Seminars, Talks, Workshops and organises visits of cultural & environmental importance as well as taking part in National debates

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Doris Bingley
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mary Gaerty
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Grace Attard

Olive Oil Association

National Network

10, Bonsai, Triq San Martin
Zebbug ZBG1454

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Association has been registered in 2023 and is managed by a Management Committee. The Association is still at its start up phase and will be conducting a membership campaign in 2024 and 2025. The main source of finance will come from donations, funding for projects and third party financing in the form of grants. We are highly interested in international cooperation, seminars, workshops, projects and other form of cooperation.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Olive Oil Association shall be based on the social purpose of: (a) education on the nutrition, health and wellness benefits of olive oil and olive products; (b) the advancement of healthy living through the use of the Mediterranean Diet; (c) the protection of the environment and to carry out research on the cultivation of olive trees, olive oil and the olive sector in general; (d) social and community advancement, including the promotion of the ethical, educational and social aspects of olive cultivation; (e) the advancement of culture, arts and national heritage; (f) the promotion citizen engagement to promote democracy, reconciliation and peace.

Main Projects / Activities

4. The Association shall have the following objectives: 4.1. Engage with the general public in awareness campaigns about Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other olive products on their nutrition, health and wellness benefits; 4.2. Develop and offer to consumers and the general public dietary recipes based on the healthy use of extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean Diet; 4.3. To undertake research and innovation projects on its own or together with other partners, especially through projects funded by the European Union; 4.4. To manage educational campaigns on local radio and TV programs as well as through the use of social media; 4.5. to engage in activities that promote and protect the environment; 4.6. carry out activities and initiatives in community development to build a better green environment; 4.7. create activities related to culture, arts and national heritage to foster appreciation of the historical aspect of olive cultivation in Malta and abroad; 4.8. create opportunities for all citizens to engage in direct campaigns to bolster democracy, reconciliation and peace; 4.9. To engage personnel to accomplish the aims and objectives of the Association outlined herein; 4.10. To promote and present the interests of the Association’s members to the notice of local administration and authorities, international Organisations and other authorities; 4.11. To invest any funds not required immediately for the attainment of the above objectives in the best manner deemed fit by the Executive Committee; 4.12. To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the Association in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the Executive Committee; 4.13. To form part of any national/international Organisation/s whose aims are similar to that of the Association; 4.14. To perform any acts deemed necessary for the attainment of any and all of the above.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to cooperate on the local level and also with other partners from the Mediterranean and European Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in order to commence our mission of cooperation with international, regional and local organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
John Mary Magro
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
John Mary Magro

ONLINE TRAINING: Topic: Understanding cultural identities

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81307682840 Meeting ID: 813 0768 2840 Target: Open to all  Topic: Understanding cultural identities. This seminar focuses on understanding our own cultural identities. It will explore the assumptions that we make about our own cultures and those of others and will discuss how cross-cultural communication can become more effective. It will explore how misunderstandings and cultural clashes arise, and how we can enhance our abilities to adapt to the requirements.


Date: 23rdSeptember 2023

Time: 10 am

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 813 0768 2840

Target: Open to all including Anna Lindh Malta Network Members and Non Members

                Participants from other country other than Malta are welcome

Topic: Understanding cultural identities.

This seminar focuses on understanding our own cultural identities. It will explore the assumptions that we make about our own cultures and those of others and will discuss how cross-cultural communication can become more effective. It will explore how misunderstandings and cultural clashes arise, and how we can enhance our abilities to adapt to the requirements of different cultures by understanding our own culture more.

Dr. Damian Spiteri Ph.D. lectures at the University of Malta in social work and social policy. He has published various studies on intercultural education and is the author of a book entitled Multiculturalism, Higher Education and Intercultural Communication that was published by Palgrave Macmillan. He has held previous lecturing assignments at the University of York and University of Strathclyde and has been the invited speaker at numerous seminars and conferences abroad.