

National Network

A.Vienuolio str. 8

+370 5 2127553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
General Information
Established in 1996, the Vilnius Industry and Business Association comprises over 50 companies from different industries, institutions representing various business directions, service and consulting firms situated in the Vilnius region. The members of the Association produce different products, including metal and wooden ware, building materials, packages, packing and trading equipment; confectionery items, and provide maintenance, typing, insurance, financial, training and consulting services. The Association maintains close relations with similar domestic and foreign organisations, Lithuanian and foreign embassies. The Association is the member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, and its representatives are members of different committees and work groups of the Confederation. The representative of the Association is on the Enterprise Policy Group at the Enterprise Directorate General in Brussels. The Vilnius Industry and Business Association co-operates with national government, Vilnius district and municipal structures as well as with trade unions, business, scientific and other organisations.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the Association include regional business development, improvement of general business conditions, representation of its members’ interest in state and municipal institutions as well as public organisations, and organisation of common participation in business missions, fairs and exhibitions.

Main Projects / Activities

On the initiative of the Vilnius employers’ organisations, the Tripartite Council of Vilnius City bringing together social partners was established in 2000, followed by the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County established in 2001. The Association has two members on each of these Councils. Discussions held in these councils are concentrated on city and region development, occupational employment, training and enhancement of professional qualifications, training courses for businesspersons, etc. In addition, meetings of the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County are held in district centres as well.
In its activities, the Association pursues the following priorities: improvement of business conditions, industry and business infrastructure development, enhancement of corporate competitiveness, improvement of professional qualifications and training, market protection against unsafe and poor-quality products, and environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albertas Šimkevičius
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kęstutis Dabravolskas

Vilnius Industry and Business Association

National Network

A.Vienuolio str. 8

+370 5 2127553
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Established in 1996, the Vilnius Industry and Business Association (VPVA) comprises over 50 companies from different industries, institutions representing various business directions, service and consulting firms situated in the Vilnius region. The members of the Association produce different products, including metal and wooden ware, building materials, packages, packing and trading equipment; confectionery items, and provide maintenance, typing, insurance, financial, training and consulting services. The Association maintains close relations with different domestic and foreign organisations, Lithuanian and foreign embassies. The Association is the member of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, and its representatives are members of different committees and work groups of the Confederation. Nonetheless,  the organisation is involved in various different networks domestically and abroad. The representative of the Association is on the Enterprise Policy Group at the Enterprise Directorate General in Brussels. The Vilnius Industry and Business Association co-operates with national government, Vilnius district and municipal structures as well as with trade unions, business, scientific and other organisations which work in the fields of culture, youth and provisional education.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the Association include regional sustainable development, improvement of general  conditions, representation of its members’ interest in state and municipal institutions as well as public organisations, and organisation of common participation in business missions, fairs and exhibitions.

Main Projects / Activities

On the initiative of the Vilnius employers’ organisations, the Tripartite Council of Vilnius City bringing together social partners was established in 2000, followed by the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County established in 2001. The Association has two members on each of these Councils. Discussions held in these councils are concentrated on city and region development, occupational employment, training and enhancement of professional qualifications, training courses for businesspersons, etc. In addition, meetings of the Tripartite Council of Vilnius County are held in district centres as well.
In its activities, the Association pursues the following priorities: improvement of business conditions, industry and business infrastructure development, enhancement of corporate competitiveness, improvement of professional qualifications and training, market protection against unsafe and poor-quality products, and environmental issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

(1) Sharing the accumulated experience via organised conferences, seminars and lectures; (2) contributing to the networks established activities and (3) spreading relative information to the members of our Association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A few of the main reasons would be (1) creating a targeted network of partners in order to improve multicultural communication on a municipal and business levels as well as involving the Association member employees; (2) promoting cross cultural and social projects in Vilnius County.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albertas Šimkevičius
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kęstutis Dabravolskas

Vilnius open youth centre ,,Mes"

National Network

Šopeno str. 3
01314 Vilnius Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Vilnius open youth centre ,,Mes" is based on non-formal learning, activities organized for the young people from 14 to 29 years old based on their capabilities and preferences. Our main source of income is Vilnius municipality (covers salaries and pays for activities). Alternative sources of income are projects (National agency of youth affairs, European Solidarity Corps, National Sports Promotion Fund). We have participated in certain projects in Erasmus+ youth field: 2014-2-LT-KA205-003888 “ Youth work development in Lithuania and Denmark”, 2015-1-NL02-KA105-000916 “Clap lab”, 2016-1-NL02-KA105-001194 “Clap lab 2nd edition”, 2015-2-NL02-KA105-000995 “Big Questions”, 2016-2-NL02-KA105-001362 “Big Questions 2nd edition”, 2017-2-DE04-KA205-015518 “Connected Spaces of Learning in Europe”, 2016-3-LT02-KA205-005089 “Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Youth Work“

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is a safe leisure place for any kind of young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are open youth work, street based youth work, individual consulting, non-formal education, youth information and consultation, execution of youth related projects, organising summer camps and hikes and organising events for youngsters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our strength is open youth work, we are the ones who have a direct link to youth (our centre has 7 open youth spaces directly working with youth on their daily basis). So we are a reliable source of information presenting up to date situation regarding youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that networking is highly important nowadays as it provides us with new perspectives and opportunities. We can benefit from it by widening our point of view, being encouraged to try new ways working, new methods and being seen and recognised both in national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asta Bieliauskaitė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Director Asta Bieliauskaitė
Contact (2) Full Name
Viktorija Pužienė
Job Title (2)

Vilnius Theatre Lele

National Network

Arkliu str. 5
01129 Vilnius

+370 607 83312
+ 370 5 26 28159
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Vilnius Theatre Lele is a state institution. The number of employees slightly varies but it has a staff of approx. 60-70 people. It is mainly funded by Lithuanian Government, the Lithuanian Council for Culture as well as some private companies. It is a repertoire theatre that presents 2-3 premieres each year, participates in the festivals, organizes educational workshops and seminars. Among main partners of the theatre are International Puppeteers Organization UNIMA, international organization  ASSITEJ. The theatre has projects with independent artists, public institutions, educational organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Vilnius Theatre Lele is open to both valuable traditions of puppet theatre for children as well as new, original forms of contemporary theatre. Being the leading puppet theatre in Lithuania, it sees as its mission the promotion and preservation of puppet theatre as well as education of the younger audience. Our theatre also stages performances for adults thus trying to change society's attitude towards puppet theatre as exceptionally for children.  

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1966 the theatre has been the participant at the festivals of the International Puppeteers Organization UNIMA; the national centre of UNIMA operates at the theatre. The theatre also contributes to the activities of the international organization ASSITEJ. We also invite artists from foreign theatres to stage performances for our theatre, organise seminars, educational workshops. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuanian Network is still rather small so first of all we could contribute by making up partnerships with other organizations in the Lithuanian Network and then look up for foreign partners. By promoting Anna Lindh Foundation and its activities among Lithuanian organizations we will create possibilities for stronger partnerships and better projects to be developed and presented. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our theatre sees ALF as the possibility to become more visible on the international scene of puppetry, make up partnerships with artistic institutions from other countries, stage co-productions, organize international seminars with partners from those countries where puppetry traditions have undergone different developmental processes. Becoming the member of ALF, our theatre could more easily exchange valuable and unique experience with foreign puppeteers and stage artists in general. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Agne Pulokaite
Job Title
Public and International Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Juozas Marcinkevicius
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Vilmantas Juskenas
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

Vš.Į Jaunimo mainu agentura

National Network

Šv. Mikalojaus street 4, Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Jaunimo mainu agentura is located in a capital of Lithuania – Vilnius and the main goal of our organization is: to initiate and promote any kind of international and intercultural activities for social/youth workers and young people (we are targeting to the young people and their families with less opportunities). The organization was established in September 2003, but founders are active in field of youth non-formal education since the year of 1998. Organization works with local partners – NGO’s, what provides social support services for disadvantaged people (families, children and teenagers, handicapped people and their families). All our partners works with disadvantaged group and in the disadvantaged areas of the capital of Vilnius and it's regions. Organization has lot of international partners working in a same field/or with the same target group with whom we did many different activities together. Jaunimo mainų agentūra has been organized wide range of different local and international level courses, seminars, contact making seminars, study visits, and job shadowing projects, quality rising trainings for young people and for the social/youth workers in a various topics: outdoor education and experiential learning, social exclusion/inclusion issues, immigration etc. There are four stuff members in the organization: director, 2 project coordinators and accountant. Budgetary resources per year is more then 100.000 Eur. Organizations mainly works with such funds: EU "Youth in action", Švietimo mainų paramos fondas, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos jaunimo mainų fondas, Europos ekonominės erdvės ir Norvegijos finansinių mechanizmų subsidijų schemos „Nevyriausybinių organizacijų sektoriaus stiprinimas Lietuvoje“ parama.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help young people with fever opportunities to gain more opportunities by participating in the intercultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The main goal of Youth exchange agency is: to initiate and promote any kind of international and intercultural youth activity or activity related with youth issues.
Organisation was established in September 2003, but founders are active in field of youth non-formal education since the year of 1998.
Our fields of interest:
Work with the youth organisations:
• We organise regional programs for regional youth organisations and young people on the intercultural understanding (youth workers, social workers, teachers, students, etc.);
• We help to find partners for international cooperation;
• We organise integration possibilities for young people having less opportunities in local and international level through international youth exchange programs, short term volunteering programs, etc.;
• We act as an EVS coordinating organisation in Vilnius region (sending and hosting volunteers, keeping contacts, future capital projects);
• We promote youth initiatives and projects in local community.
Work with the youth/social workers:
• We organise international level courses, contact making seminars, study visits, and job shadowing projects, etc. for youth and social workers, who work with disadvantaged children and young people in various topics: outdoor education and experiential learning, social exclusion/inclusion issues, immigration etc.
• We have an attempt to generalise the situation of disadvantaged young people and youth organisations in Lithuania. We promote new necessary project to improve current situation.
Work with the “third countries”
• As Lithuania is supposed to act as a bridge for Eastern countries for better EU integration, we are promoting new projects with the third countries according their needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience, knowledge’s and motivation with ALF network organizations in Lithuania.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to have common projects with Mediterranean countries and to know these cultures much closer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vita Pavilonytė-Semaan
Head of the organisation
Vita Pavilonytė- Semaan (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Joseph Semaan

VšĮ "Bendri Reikalai"

National Network

Pamenkalnio 3-16A

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Vsi Bendri Reikalai is a non-profit organization and non governmental organization established in 2013 by 2 curators that have hybrid projects. The aims of the organization are to participate in the urgent cultural issues through producing events alongside doing the critical research and writing. Specifically Vsi Bendri Reikalai produces discussions, publications, events, commissions and performances. The scope of the work of Vsi Bendri Reikalai ranges from reading groups to the video interviews to initiating radio programmes within the remit of the interests that fall under the radar of the thematic interests of Vsi Bendri Reikalai.
Mission and Objectives

The aims of the organization are to be involved in the urgent issues through producing events for the community engagement alongside doing the critical research and writing. Specifically Vsi Bendri Reikalai produces various events where young members of the society participate in discussions, publications, events, commissions and performances.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last year Vsi "Bendri Reikalai" received 3 project grants for various projects, ranging from the artist's video portraits to the interdisciplinary para-academic networking project in Baltics and Scandinavia.
One of the most recent projects was a series of events between Lithuania, United Kingdom and Russia. It culminated in a one month exhibition, 2 workshops and 2 lectures in Saint Petersburg during June 2014 and July at TAGA Creative Space  in St.Petersburg involving local art students and volunteers.  This particular project analyzed how political subjectivity is formed in relation to the digital media. One of the research and publication phases of the project was the involvement of 8 young writers and artists to contribute to the on-line publication Another Victory Over The Sun and also a workshop that is trying to rewrite the futurist opera for young participants and students from Saint Petersburg. The project was partly supported by the Nordic Culture Point and Lithuanian Embassy in Russia.
Another project is the video-portraits production about the youngest generation of writers in Lithuania. This project brings together certain political and cultural journalists and aspiring young people who are interested in the theme of the 'concentration' in the everyday and what it means in respect to the broader needs of the society. In addition, Vsi 'Bendri Reikalai' is producing a video interview website about Lithuanian emigre artists living in UK, focussing on the diaspora in cultural field.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer local and international curatorial and artistic and media network, local support for the project communication and scope, critical evaluations on the project ideas and consultations about the needs of the local identity politics.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be more involved with the Medditeranean issues and also collaborate with Medditerranean region's art and cultural and community engagement institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juste Kostikovaite
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Monika Lipšic
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Lipšic
Job Title (2)


National Network

Ezero g. 8-1

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
VsI EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI (EP) is non-governmental not for profit regional organisation with 7 staff members (trainers, social workers, social programmes coordinators, etc.) researching, developing, organizing, providing, coordinating and supervising trainings in the field of non-formal education for various target groups as well for professionals and volunteers. EP carries out various training courses, seminars, conferences, meetings and other events (including practical activities). In the educational activities there are involved adults of all ages, starting with professionals of social work and care as well as civil servants, managers, entrepreneurs, communities, volunteers, etc. and ending with vulnerable and risk groups, e.g. long term unemployed, families at risk, young people at risk, elderly, etc. Main sources of income – training (programmes are accredited nationally), national and international projects, conferences organisation, etc. We are in cooperation with the main actors in our region (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Šiauliai Region Development Agency, Šiauliai Municipality Education Centre, Šiauliai NGO Confederation, NGO’s, schools, etc.)  
Mission and Objectives

Organisation seeks to:
• promote, develop and implement the principles of lifelong learning programme in the sphere of non-formal, social and professional skills development, improvement;
• create non-formal education programmes for specialists working in the sphere of social integration and socialisation;
• organise training, prepare, implement national as well as European Union funded projects in the sphere of social wellbeing improvement as well as actively participate in the process  knowledge-based, civil society creation.

Main Projects / Activities

We have implemented a lot of different projects seeking to help vulnerable groups, include them into labour market, education, expand ther knowledge:
Project descriptions:
1) 530878-LLP-1-2012-1-TR-KA3-KA3MP, LLP - KA3 project MONEY MASTER – Improving Financial Literacy Among Youngsters (MONEYMs), 2012-2014, The project aims to develop an innovative pedagogy and approach to learning, based in ICT, that can be applied in formal, non-formal and informal education settings, for delivering key financial literacy competences to youngsters.
The main outcomes of the project is:
- a computer game that provides a simulated real life-like environment in which users are presented with key financial concepts and are required to make decisions regarding the use of money;
- a toolkit - guidelines for using the game in different education settings, financial handbook and game user manual - for teachers, trainers and also in part for young people using the game.
The main outcomes are available online, have multi-lingua support (EN, TR, PT, DE, ES, LT) and the computer learning game follow WCAG  2.0 requirements, thus enabling for a wider dissemination and future impact.
2) JUST/2011/DAP/AG/3255, DAPHNE project IOR, 2011-2013, The main objective of the project “Daphne IOR” - to increase the dissemination of information about the extent of correct behavior in social networks using the principles and rules of good practice of European Union countries. In order to achieve the goals, project will create these products: a) cartoon of the social networks of dangers; b) 27 (all EU countries) animated social networking profiles, that constantly placing online material on a dedicated project team responsible behavior.
3)UK/11/LLP-LdV/TOI-406, LLP - Leonardo da Vinci TOI project Motivation and Job Opportunities Support Service (MOJO), 2011-2013, Transfered and adopted innovative employment support practice - skills acquisition, careers advice, vacancy identification and the required job matching support for the long term unemployed.
4) LLP-LdV-PRT-2011-LT-0235, LLP - Leonardo da Vinci Learning Partnerships project European NGO for mental health policies in non-Ue countries, 2011-2013, The project aimed to pool together three EU-based organizations working in third world countries in the field of international cooperation related to mental health using peer-to-peer collaboration with a view of strengthening the professionalism of each and improving their working skills in taking forward international cooperation intervention which places efficiency and effectiveness as top priorities.
5) 518585-LLP-1-2011-1-SI-GRUNDTVIG-GMPLLP - Grundtvig Multilaterals project Autism in Pink, 2011-2013, The project developed a new learning approach for a very specific and over all neglected social group, namely women with autism. Through the learning process which took the special education needs of women with autism into consideration the project contributed to their empowerment in the field of social interactions, active citizenship, equality participation in social activities.
6) LLIV-322, LatLit, 2012-2014, project My Social Responsibility – Social integration of people with disabilities in Latvia and Lithuania implementing principles of Universal Design and developing new social services
7) UK/12/LLP-LdV/TOI-594, LLP - Leonardo da Vinci TOI project Talent 4...Europe (T4E), 2012-2014, Talent 4...Europe (T4E) is a diagnostic system with the objective of assisting learners to define personal talents and therefore identification of career paths. T4E is an accessible programme and accompanying resource kit containing games, exercises, educational films, tasks, and specially designed software.
8) LLP-1-2013-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP, LLP - Grundtvig Multilaterals project Autistic adults Training for new Opportunities (AUTO), 2013-2015, The project is aimed at people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), adults / young adults, in the transition from the end of secondary school (or special schools) to work to promote the socio-labor insertion and increase the level of employability.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to work more with immigrants coming from the Meditteranean region, Arabic countries and help them to live, work successfully in our society, to foster mutual understanding and respect, ensuring basic rights and freedoms.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the initiatives perfomed by the Network since we share the same goals and values - we work with people and want to help them. We work in the field of non-formal education with young and adult people, try to promote citizenship, equality, instill democratic values, etc. through different activities and we are trying to contribute to the creation of the democratic society where people would accept each other, accept each others differences. This is still an issue which has to be solved. Every day we are trying to contribute to solving the challenges our society faces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gintarė Černikienė
Job Title
Social programmes coordinator
Head of the organisation

VšĮ euroregiono "Ežerų kraštas" direktorato biuras

National Network

Vasario 16-osios g. 35
30112 Ignalina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The founders of the organisation are 7 municipalities which are joint owners of the organisation. Organisation is one of three partners of euroregion "Country of Lakes". Partner offices are in Latvia and Byelorussia. Organisations includes 3 staff members: director, manager, accountant. The financing of the organisation depends on the joint owners. Each year joint owners pay to the budget of the organisation the fixed amount of money which varies about 10 000 litas or 2 900 euro. So the budget of the organisation is approximately 70 000 litas or 20 300 euro. The organisation is concentrated on social, economical, cultural project activity.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation acts as a model of international cooperation which promotes respect to the foreigners, principles of professionalism and constant learning. The organization seeks to ensure that the people living in the border teritories acting in the cooperation process would understand the benefits of their cooperation to environment, mode of life, safety, business, tourism and culture also would develope new ideas.
The organisation seeks to influence the process of the border region developement, also to involve border region people, organizations, municipalities into international cooperation.
The organisation seeks to cooperate with Latvian and Byelorussian partners offices and implement common projects.
The strategical goal of the organisation is to create the favorable environment for the cooperation between partners, common activity, also to promote participation of people, organisations and partners into the common projects and in the process of making decisions. 

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the organisation includes preparing and participating in social, economical, cultural projects, organising national and international exchanges, training, festivals on those fields. The latter activities helps to create the favorable environment for the cooperation between partners, also to promote participation of people, organisations and partners into the common projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation could contribute to the main principles of Anna Lindh Foundation to promote variety of cultures, mutual respect between society, religion and beliefs, to seek common future by involving our partners from Latvia and Byelorussia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organisation seeks to join ALF Network because of the purpose to develope it's partners network by involving more organisations from different countries with the same principles of action. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Staliauskienė
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Lina Staliauskiene

VšĮ Hortus apertus

National Network

Žolyno g. 11B-4
11203 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

VšĮ Hortus apertus is a public non-profit organisation. Institution body is general shareholder's meeting. Head of organization - Director. Organization has 5 establishers and members-volunteers. Main partner and also main sponsor: UAB Kvapu namai (Aroma House, Ltd.); partner: Vilnius Art Academy. Budget depends on actions organized by Hortus apertus. Hortus apertus regularly organizes exhibitions, lectures, conferences, workshops and seminars.

Mission and Objectives

• historical, critical, cultural and anthropological approach, research and presentation of smell and parfumery craft and art; • the studies of the Concept of Smell in ancient and contemporary cosmological, metaphysical and hermetic systems; research of smell culture's interface in creation of traditional gardens; • presentation the historical paradigm of perfumery; • setting up smell as contemporary art media discourse in Lithuania; • the smelling art, olfactory training, smell history educational and cultural projects (exhibitions, lectures, seminars, practical workshops); • publishing works on smell, perfumery history, theory and practice and etc.

Main Projects / Activities

In two years Hortus apertus organized: First exhibition of Olfactory Art "Rose Garden" in Lithuania; Ongoing seminar "Smell and Music in different cultures"; International Conference ROSA MUNDI (Cultural and historical concept of Rose); Pommanders' exhibition "Fight the smell"; Exhibition "The smells' of Interim and Eternal City"; Vilnius Culture Night 2012: "Journey to Babilon: the oldest smells in human history".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can join to ALF projects directly working on Mediterranean olfactory further. Our first contribution is to join ALF "Arab culture days" in Vilnius with our latest project: "Journey to Babilon: the oldest smells in human history".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Mediterranean smell and perfumery culture and history is the main source of knowledge and permanent inspiration for all our investigations and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laime Kiškūnė
Head of the organisation
Reda Valentinaviciene
Contact (2) Full Name
Reda Valentinaviciene
Job Title (2)

VsI Penki pojuciai (Five senses)

National Network

Šermukšnių st.
01106 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Penki pojūčiai is a non-governmental organization that works as a social entrepreneur solving psychosocial issues of vulnerable groups. We offer products and services that provide a better quality of life through sessions, therapy, and technological products.  There is one director, Gabriele Tervidyte, a founding partner Ayman Arandi and a consultant - these three people are responsible for strategy, decision making, and planning, executing. There is one office admin and 6 therapists who work at the therapy and rehabilitation center for children and families.  The main partner is Iris Solutions a Palestinian tech company with whom we create our product (Sensory Box and other interactive sensory technology), with this partnership we also coordinate and cooperate in the field of social and educational projects involving governmental institutions.  Budget-wise we intend to invest based on the reach, quality, and possible outcomes, planning happens for at least 6 months in advance.  We are organically growing through offers services and products - mainly therapeutic services for socially vulnerable children. Initial investment is done by two founders. We don't have any external investors or funding at the current stage, and we are cash-positive out of our activities and services.
Mission and Objectives

Improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups through therapy and technology. We work for equality and integration of children and families with psycho-social difficulties. We aim to improve the standards of therapeutic services in Lithuania and the world. And we aim to be a role-model as a successful social-venture.

Main Projects / Activities

Sensory Technology: We develop & offer a variety of sensory products in the Lithuanian market. Our flagship Sensory Box is currently in +30 institutions, providing safe educational and rehabilitation-friendly environment.
Penki Pojuciai Namai (Centre): A social centre with the aim to help children and families with psycho-social difficulties to reach their potential, and integrate into society.
Training and Capacity building: We offer a variety of training in/outside the centre in culture, therapy, sensory tech. We aim to increase the standards of services, products, and policies.
Awareness: We conduct campaigns of awareness on psycho-social challenges in the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share experience and knowledge on Penki Pojuciai social-venture experience.
Provide a space for some meetings at Penki Pojuciai Namai / Centre.
Share local, and international network of partners.
Train and share indiviual knowledge from our team and expertise: entreprenuership, social policy, technology, management, operations, and production

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn from successful examples of social organisations around the world.
Expand our network and reach
Get access to opportunities
Share knowledge and experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriele Tervidyte
Job Title
Director and founder
Head of the organisation
Gabriele Tervidyte
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayman Arandi
Job Title (2)
Partnership Manager