

National Network

France Volontaires Liban, PO Box 50-370, Furn El Chebbak

+961 76 311479
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

France Volontaires (FV) Lebanon is the national Lebanese branch of the French network of NGO’s and Governmental agencies involved in International Voluntary Service Projects. The Lebanese branch belongs to the FV Regional network “Northern Africa and Middle East” where the headquarters (Morocco) is in charge of 5 branches (Mauritania, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon). All these branches are members of their respective ALF national networks. The Lebanese branch has opened offices in Beirut in May 2012. The international headquarters are in Paris. It currently has a presence in 55 countries. In Lebanon we have a representative of the platform who works with local partners (NGOs, French Embassy, local partners). We have now a network of more than 50 volunteers in about 20 national associations in Lebanon. France Volontaires budget comes from the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs.

Mission and Objectives

On January 1st 2010, the “Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès” (AFVP) created in 1963, became “France Volontaires” on the initiative of the French public authorities and associations. France Volontaires is an international platform fulfilling a role of public interest, namely that of promoting and developing the various forms of commitment falling within the scope of International Volunteering for Exchange and Solidarity (I.V.E.S.). France Volontaires is in charge of “promoting and developing the various forms of involvement (especially international volunteering). This project is carried out in a spirit of respect for the values set out in the communal charter, upheld by the organizations sending out volunteers and the volunteers themselves.” (Article 1 of the statutes).

Main Projects / Activities

France Volontaires Lebanon works for improving knowledge and recognition of the different forms of volunteering and helps to develop the number of I.V.E.S in Lebanon and in the Mediterranean region. FV Lebanon also participates in bi-annual Mediterranean meetings (in Morocco) with the other FV of the region to create and implement a regional strategy for Mediterranean volunteer exchanges. The FV responsible in Lebanon also supports associations that send out or receive IVES in their missions In Lebanon and France. He monitors, manages and supports newly arrived volunteers in Lebanon. He organizes trainings and meetings for the NGO’s involved and for the volunteers. He also maintains a directory of French volunteers in Lebanon and develops a network of solidarity between French and Lebanese volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

France Volontaires Lebanon is a network of French Voluntary NGO’s and Public Institutions; therefore, FV Lebanon would be happy to develop links between our 50 members in France on any Mediterranean topics concerning voluntary service and youth. Furthermore, our close collaboration with the other 4 branches in the Mediterranean region might facilitate projects between Lebanese NGO’s and partners in the region. There are already some projects that are run by our members in the region (voluntary exchanges between Morocco and Mauritania for instance). FV Lebanon can also bring an expertise in International Voluntary Service projects and can facilitate the NGO’s willing to host volunteers in Lebanon. This is actually what we are already doing but we are ready to further develop this support to NGO’s.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FV Lebanon and the other FV branches in the Mediterranean region are working together on how to improve the regional exchanges of volunteers and develop the exchanges of best practices on intercultural youth projects. FV Lebanon wishes to be a member of the ALF to take part in the different projects and exchanges on youth Mediterranean exchanges. We would be happy to collaborate with Lebanese NGO’s willing to develop links and intercultural projects in the Mediterranean region. Our branches in Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania and Egypt are also willing to create intercultural links with youth NGO’s in Lebanon on different subjects such as: youth empowerment, international voluntary projects, exchanges of best practices (workcamps, youth exchanges and intercultural trainings).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Arnaud Walbecq
Head of the organisation
Mr. Arnaud Walbecq

Friends of Nature

National Network

71 Street, building 14 SS1
Zouk Mosbeh

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Founded in 1972, by a group of Students from the American University in Beirut (AUB) in Lebanon, Friends of Nature (FON) was led by Dr. Ricardus Haber. Friends of Nature (FON) was the first environmental NGO to be established in Lebanon and was registered officially in 1984 at the Ministry of Interior having the notation 96/AD. During the 1980’s to the 2000’s, Friends of Nature (FON) has diversified their activities including nature walks, cleaning camps, lectures regarding environmental topics, participation in various exhibitions, and Eco and rural tourism projects. Friends of Nature (FON) has established the first nature reserves namely the Horsh Ehden Reserve and the Palm Island Reserve, handling all the legislative work. In addition, Friends of Nature (FON) has also established the Ministry of Environment in 1993. Throughout the end of 2005 and for several years thereafter, Friends of Nature (FON) has passed through great calamity and has lost its founding father and Secretary General Dr. Ricardus Haber. However, that didn’t stop Friends of Nature (FON) to arise from the tragedy and restructure to become a stronger NGO. As of 2014 and up to this date, Friends of Nature (FON) has executed diverse terrestrial and marine conservation projects in Lebanon.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Enhanced survivorship potentials for all living beings ensure a better quality of life for humankind.

Mission: FON will endeavor to acknowledge and preserve the natural heritage of Lebanon, reduce and reverse the rate of destruction of Lebanon’s natural resources, advocate better management of Lebanon’s environment, and increase the level of knowledge about Lebanon’s natural assets and environmental challenges through awareness, education, communication and research. FON strives to instill the sense of citizenship fervent of the natural wealth and committed to its preservation to current and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Kindly find attached the document including the profile of Friends of Nature

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Myrna Semaan
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Dr. Myrna Semaan

Fundraising and Financial Sustainability Workshop

fundraising workshop

The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO and RPS (Research and Professional Services) organized a 2-day training workshop for 10 members of the Lebanese Network, on May 9-10, at the Citea Apartment Hotel in Beirut.

The training program, delivered by RPS founding partner Mr. Afif Tabsh, was designed to address the critical needs of NGOs in Lebanon, focusing on the best practices in fundraising and financial sustainability and aiming at enhancing the participants’ knowledge and practical skills. It covered fundraising basics, strategic planning, donor engagement, cost optimization, fundraising strategies, and digital marketing.

Despite being a pilot initiative with limited slots, the success of the training has paved the way for future similar endeavors. Recognizing the interest and demand from other network members, the Head of Network envisions a series of similar trainings in the upcoming ALF NES cycles, in order to benefit a larger number of participants.



National Network

rue Bustan, Imm. Eddé, Beit Mery
Beit Mery

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Generis est une ONG de 5 membres : Mme Liony Chammas, M. Pierre Eddé, M. Gabriel Mekary, Mme Elsie Eddé. Elle se finance en fonction des projets annuels prévus, par des sponsors (institutions ou individuels), donations ... Generis a fondé et gère l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery qui a comme activités : une bibliothèque publique, un centre Informatique, un club théâtre, un club ballet, des colonies de vacances, un club pour le troisième âge, des conférences, des sessions de formation, des festivals culturels, un projet de correspondance entre des écoles de Paris et du Liban, échange de vacances entre le Liban et d’autres pays… Les partenaires des projets exécutés sont : les ministères de l'Education et de la Culture au Liban, la Mairie de Paris, le service Culturel de l'Ambassade de France, USAID, le secrétariat général des écoles catholiques au Liban, Microsoft, SRI, PCA, Beyrouth Capitale Mondiale du Livre …   We are a non-governmental organization that started its journey through the establishment of the cultural center, “Espace Culturel de Beit Mery” in 1999. Lebanon, a country rising from its war-torn state back then, was very much in need of healthy forms of dialogue and exchanges to instill values like acceptance and respect of the other to enable peaceful means of expression and conflict resolution. Through the center, we established a public library where we work on exposing young people to a world of ideas through books and strove to foster a love of reading. We focus on enabling healthy forms of dialogue, communication, and expression by creating awareness on diverse topics through workshops, lessons, and cultural festivals. Some of the topics we have covered are theater, drawing, cinematography, and classical dance. The natural progression for our activities blossomed into exchanges for youth. Locally our activities continue to bring together Lebanese youth from different sociocultural milieus and religions to erode the barriers within and develop healthier connections between them, and internationally we organize trips abroad to different countries exposing youth to new worlds in order to shatter prejudices and highlight similarities that connect all humans.   (جمعية لا تبغي الربح) بدأت عملها مع إنشاء مركز ثقافي عام 1999. تقدم هذه المساحة مروحة من النشاطات الثقافية والفنية والإجتماعية  (مكتبة عامة، ورش عمل ودروس في فنّ المسرح، الرسم، السينما، الرقص الكلاسيكي، توعية وإرشاد، مهرجانات ثقافية الخ)... بنيّة خلق دينامية تفاعل تثاقفية على مختلف الأراضي اللبنانية تشجع على الحوار وعلى إحترام الغير بالرغم من فوارق الجنس، الدين أو المذهب، الإنتماء الجغرافي، القومي، السياسي، الوضع الإجتماعي وغيره من نقاط الإختلاف.  
Mission and Objectives

Missions et objectifs:

Promouvoir la Lecture et la recherche de l’information.

Développer la créativité, la confiance, la responsabilité et l’autonomie.

Expérimenter la vie de groupe à travers des valeurs humaines (tolérance, solidarité, partage).

Repérer et révéler les talents des jeunes et des moins jeunes.

Eveiller le sens civique par une éducation à la citoyenneté dans l’esprit de la convention internationale des droits de l’homme .

Faire connaître l’Interculturalité en tant que processus d’influence qui induit la compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples, et qui renforce l’échange, la paix et le développement durables.

Créer et/ou développer une éthique de dialogue et de solidarité dans toutes les organisations nationales et internationales sensibles aux idéaux cités là-dessus.

Mettre en place des conditions nécessaires au développement universel de l'Interculturalité qui caractérise l'héritage et la mission de la culture libanaise.
Our Vision:
Generis, through active partnerships, seeks to reach the most youth to instill a global culture of peace through cultural, social and artistic exchanges. 
We initiate activities that enable social, cultural, and artistic exchanges to improve communities. We train youth on peaceful conflict resolution and educate them about the power of non-violent activism. We work on breaking down existing barriers in communities and we highlight commonalities between them.  We enable businesses and community leaders to make the impact required within their communities. We offer our volunteers and employees the chance to make a difference. We empower them to create connections, inside and outside their communities, for a better peaceful future.

Instill a culture of peace in the minds of the youth and ward off violent teachings.

Foster a culture of acceptance, respecting individuality, and enabling communal thinking.

Encourage upright citizenship, and eliminate prejudices to enhance dialogues across and between cultures.

Enable linkages between people across nations to build lasting bridges between them.

Openness: We foster openness in communities. 

Dialogue: We enable dialogue through different forms of expression locally and internationally.

Acceptance: We enable and promote acceptance of the other.

Transparency:  We are transparent, and promote transparency. We believe in transparency within our organization and with our staff and partners. We foster cultures of transparency, as they are mediums to acceptance and understanding.

Respect: We encourage respect of the other. 

Peace: We are aggressive promoters of non-violence and a culture of peace. We are relentless in creating and fostering peace in our communities, locally and globally.
تسعى الى تحفيز ثقافة السلام في العقول والخطاب، الى ترسيخ ثقافة نبذ العنف والإرهاب كما الى زرع رغبة العيش والبناء سوياً مع الجميع بوئام مع حفظٍ لكرامة الفرد والجماعة... بما في ذلك من مواطنيّة صالحة، ورفضٍ، وتخلٍ وطلاق مع ردّات الفعل إزاء الآخر والتي تقوم عادة على الأحكام المسبقة، على الكليشيهات وعلى الصور النمطيّة.

Main Projects / Activities

Generis a fondé l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery en 1999, l’a inauguré en 2003, et depuis elle le gère dans la diversification des ses activités culturelles artistiques et sociales : • La bibliothèque publique. • Le centre informatique. • La formation théâtrale. • Cours de ballet. • Colonies de vacances. • Conférences et débats. • Sessions de formation : informatique, anglais, et documentation. • Sessions d’orientation pour les jeunes. • Accueil d’auteurs francophones et arabophones, et débats … • Initiation dans les écoles à l’interaction entre les bibliothèques scolaires et bibliothèques publiques. • Club de Scrabble : organisation des ateliers de jeu, et participation à des tournois au niveau national. • Club pour le troisième âge : animation d’ateliers de bricolage, découverte du patrimoine à travers des visites de musées, de couvents et de sites historiques, excursions et tourisme local et régional … • Des projets sociaux avec les jeunes et d’autres avec des adultes de différentes catégories professionnelles et sociales dans le but de discuter et élaborer de nouveaux projets sociaux pour l’amélioration de la société civile. En 2004 a eu lieu le festival culturel " l’Enfant et le jeu ". Six écoles y ont participé. Le but était de développer créativité, confiance, responsabilité et autonomie, d’expérimenter la vie de groupe à travers des valeurs humaines (tolérance, solidarité, partage), d’éveiller le sens civique par une éducation à la citoyenneté dans l’esprit de la convention internationale des droits de l’enfant. En 2007 Generis a pu conclure un partenariat entre la Mairie de Paris et l’Espace Culturel de Beit Mery, qu’elle a concrétisé par un projet de correspondance " Paris-Liban, Liban-Paris " , entre des enfants de 6 à 12 ans des écoles de Paris (qui dépendent de la Mairie de Paris), et des écoles du Liban. Les enfants des écoles participantes devaient publier et débattre à travers un site internet les trois thèmes suivants : 1. Des visages qui ont fait le Liban, donc l’histoire vue par les enfants. 2. Voyage dans le pays de l’autre sans être accompagné par un adulte. 3. Les plantes qui parlent dans les salons parisiens et libanais. " Paris-Liban, Liban-Paris " avait comme but d’éveiller la curiosité des enfants libanais et parisiens à la culture de l’autre et au pays de l’autre.
Generis has established a cultural center, and conducted several cultural, artistic, and social programs locally and internationally.  More details on our events are found on our Facebook page and our website.
أسست الجمعية الواحة الثقافية - بيت مري وهي تتضمن  مكتبة عامة، مركز للكمبيوتر، دروس باللغات، المسرح، الرقص الكلاسيكي والمعاصر ...
تسعى لتأمين أرضية وفرصة تلاقي بين الشباب اللبناني من مختلف المذاهب والثقافات.. تجربة تسمح لهم بتعميق فهمهم لثقافتهم ؛ كما الى تحسين علاقاتهم مع "الآخر"، عبر مروحة نشاطات تهدف الى تعليم العيش معا. وبالتالي الى توطيد هذه العلاقات بما يحرص على المساواة، الاحترام المتبادل، التسامح وقبول حق الإختلاف، فالبناء معا من أجل مواطنية صالحة.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Elsie Chammas Eddé
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Elsie Chammas Eddé

Global Forum for Religions and Humanity (GFRH)

National Network

Ali Bou Diab building, Hay kalaat zwein, Jahlieh Shouf
Jahliyeh 1500

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Global Forum for Religions and Humanity is a youth-led organization based in Lebanon, with global perspective, dedicated to promoting culture of pluralism and diversity. It acts as platform for dialogue and permanent exchange, and believes in empowered communities.   Le Forum Global pour les Religions et l'Humanité est une organisation non-gouvernementale, basée au Liban, à portée globale, et dirigée par les jeunes. Elle vise la promotion de la culture du pluralisme et de la diversité, et constitue une plateforme pour le dialogue et l'échange permanent et oeuvre pour l'émancipation des différentes communautés.   المنتدى العالمي للأديان والإنسانية مؤسسة لبنانية ذات بعد دولي، تهدف إلى تعميم ثقافة التنوّع والحوار بين الثقافات، من خلال تنمية القدرات والمناصرة، ونشر القيم الإنسانية والوطنية. تساهم برامج المنتدى ونشاطاته في خلق دينامية جديدة للإرتقاء بملامح العيش المشترك والتسامح في مجتمع متنوّع وبين مختلف الحضارات. يسعى المنتدى إلى دعم قدرات المجموعات المختلفة.

Mission and Objectives

Contributing to interreligious dialogue, reconciliation and social cohesion Disseminating of values of tolerance, equality, and peace Developing capacities of communities while promoting citizenship and volunteerism Supporting youth and women empowerment   Contribuer au dialogue interreligieux, à la réconciliation et à la cohésion sociale Diffuser les valeurs de tolérance, égalité et la paix entre les diverses groupes socioculturels Développer les compétences et promouvoir les principes de la citoyenneté et du volontariat Soutenir le développement des capacités des jeunes et des femmes et leur rôle au sein de la société   المساهمة في تعزيز الحوار بين الأديان، المصالحة والتلاحم الإجتماعي نشر قيم التسامح، والعدالة والسلام بناء قدرات المجموعات وتطوير مفاهيم المواطنية والتطوّع دهم جهود تمكين المرأة والشباب

Main Projects / Activities

Building capacities on interreligious dialogue, peace-building with awareness on citizenship to better promote diversity in the school environment: Flagship program is "Teachers for a Change" Developing capacities and skills for women: Flagship program is " Teach Women English" Engaging youth in positive change: A tailor-made action engaging children and youth in cultural activities (arts, theater, music and photo exhibitions, etc.) to promote social values and contribute to positive change Advocacy: Series of actions advocating for responsible citizenship and equal opportunities for youth and women in decision-making, in collaboration with civil society organizations. Media advocacy is a key tool.   Développer les compétences au sujet du dialogue interreligieux, la construction de la paix, et sensibiliser les professeurs et éducateurs des écoles à propos de la promotion et la gestion de la diversité au sein de l'environnement scolaire: Programme-clé "Teachers for a Change" Développer les compétences des femmes à travers l'anglais comme langue de dialogue et d'ouverture aux diverses cultures: Programme-clé "Teach Women English" Engager les jeunes dans les initiatives pour le changement social: Activités culturelles destinées aux jeunes et enfants (art, théâtre, musique et expositions de photos, etc.) pour promouvoir les valeurs sociales communes et contribuer au changement social positif Plaider et supporter les causes nationales pour une citoyenneté responsable et la participation juste des jeunes et femmes à la vie citoyenne, en coopération avec des organisations de la société civile. Les moyens médiatiques sont largement employés.   تعزيز القدرات حول الحوار بين الأديان والثقافات، بناء سلام، وزيادة الوعي حول دور المواطنية في نشر التعددية على مستوى المدارس: برنامج "أساتذة من أجل التغيير" تطوير قدرات ومهارات من خلال برنامج اللغة الإنكليزية إشراك الشباب في التغيير الإجتماعي: من خلال النشاطات الثقافية الهادفة (منها الفنون، والمسرح، والموسيقى، ومعارض الصور، إلخ) نشاطات المناصرة المتنوعة لدعم المواطنية المسؤولة، والمساواة في المشاركة في صنع القرار للنساء والشباب، بالتعاون مع منظمات المجتمع المدني، وبالإعتماد على المناصرة الإعلامية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Lebanon, the network is formed by 109 members that constitute a large spectrum of NGOs, academic institutions, research centers, and cultural organizations that are all active at the national level for the enhancement of human dignity through education, research, culture, awareness, arts, media, social activities, among others. Becoming a member of the network will offer an opportunity for strategic cooperation and creation of synergies between national ideas and projects aiming at improving the human conditions and contributing to the building of responsible society members, with equal access to information, facilities, opportunities and chances to create the needed positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network, the GFRH would build on its current human capacities to further partner with other organizations and entities working to achieve similar and complementary objectives for the well-being of the humanity in general and the Lebanese citizens in particular. Being a Lebanese non-governmental organization, the GFRH stresses the importance of networking and exchange with the wide ALF network of NGOs involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean region, through continuous dialogue while promoting the values of peace, freedom, openness and diversity. Being a member of the ALF, the GFRH would actively contribute to activities and partner with cross-cultural entities to serve the MED-MENA communities and people for a sound mutual understanding and acceptance of social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghassan Bou Diab
Head of the organisation
Patricia Samaha

Graines de Paix

National Network

99 Bd Raspail
75006 Paris

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Focus Graines de Paix is an  international NGO  that develops education solutions for sustainable peace. We propose training programmes and education resources for Ministries of education (ME), destined for both teachers and young students. Our expertise is in merging creatively quality education pedagogies based on psychosocial skills and culture of peace-based values and competencies for preventing violence and radicalization. We are apolitical, non-confessional and independent of outside organisations or persons, whilst being actively open to dialogue and exchange. Structure Headquarters: Association employing 12+ employees + interns/volunteers, Geneva, Switzerland. Graines de Paix - France Partner association, mainly volunteer-based. Budget 1.4-1.8 M p.a. Funding Public institutions, Private foundations, private donors, revenue-generating activities. Concrete projects 1. Tailored training programmes for education hierarchies (Counsellors, Inspectors, Teachers, School managers) (Ivory Coast (since 2012), Lebanon, African countries (in the making) 2. Educational resources    --- Growing up in peace Collection (for school classes of children aged 4-12)    --- Growing up together (in development)    (In French, to be culturally-adapted and translated into Arabic and English now) 3. Education counselling for preventing violence Main partners Prescribers: Education Ministries, public and private schools, youth centres. Main public funders: Federal Commission against Racism, State of Geneva, Loterie Romande, Cities of Geneva, Meyrin and several others. Main private Funders: UBS Optimus Foundation, Smartpeace Foundation, various banks, private donors.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the foundations of a sustainable culture of peace through education, research, advocacy and knowledge-sharing.


Advance the quality of education and learning achievements through incorporating the values, competencies and teaching practices of peace education.

Increase the likelihood that peacebuilding initiatives will be successful and sustainable by empowering children, families and teachers with the tools, values and competencies necessary for better living together.

Reduce physical, verbal and psychological violence against children and between children notably in schools.

Cultivate the respect for human rights through teaching children, families and teachers how to render non-discrimination, inclusion and freedom of expression a reality in everyday living-together.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Grandir en paix au Liban!
A full project responding to the requests of the Ministry of Education in Lebanon (MEES, CRDP), to bring about the culture of peace, through quality education methods and psychosocial practices focusing on  living together in harmony and violence transformation.
2. Child protection against school violence in Ivory Coast
A project focusing on the Tonkpi region where physical and psychological violence against children causes psychological wounds, fear, absenteeism and dropping out.
3. Integrating culture of peace education into the teacher curricula and the school curricula of Côte d'Ivoire.
This is the first of a kind whereby an NGO guides the Ministry experts for this priority goal, as there remains a high risk of political violence explosion, especially due to youth.
4. Applying the "Growing ip un peace" collection of teacher guides and student booklets in the public school of Bex, Switzerland
Bex has been ridden with violence and suffers also from the rejection of the migrants that have been installed here. This one year programme, financed by the Department of Education of the Vaud Canton and other bodies, aims to evaluate the social impact of our culture of peace programme on children's attitudes, behaviours and psychosocial competencies.
5. "Grandir ensemble" (Growing up together), an in-depth teacher guide and student booklets for developing intercultural intelligence.
This work will first serve the schools in French-speaking Switzerland, and is aimed to provide concrete experiential activities in response to the objectives of the Suisse Romande School programme for primary schools and preprimary classes (8 grades in total).
6. Guide for cu-ture of peace-developing activities for extracurricular programmes
This has been requeested by town halls of several French cities and we are starting this development now.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To be filled out within the next 1-2 days (time missing now)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be filled out within the next 1-2 days (time missing now)

Contact (1) Full Name
Delia Mamon
Job Title
President of Graines de Paix (intl), VP of Graines de Paix - France
Head of the organisation
Delia Mamon
Contact (2) Full Name
Oumar Baldet
Job Title (2)
Director, International programmes

Graines de Paix

National Network

99 Bd Raspail
Graines de Paix, rue Cornavin 11
75006 Paris

+41 79 446 1778
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Focus We are an international NGO that develops education solutions for sustainable peace. Our expertise is in merging creatively quality education pedagogies based on psychosocial skills and culture of peace-based values and competencies for preventing violence and radicalization. Structure Headquarters: an association employing 12+ employees + interns/volunteers, Geneva, Switzerland. Graines de Paix - France, a mainly volunteer-based partner association. Budget 1.2-1.6 M p.a. Funding Public institutions, Private foundations, private donors, revenue-generating activities. Concrete projects 1. Tailored training programmes for education hierarchies (Counsellors, Inspectors, Teachers, School managers) (Ivory Coast (since 2012), Lebanon, African countries (in the making) 2. Educational resources    --- Growing up in peace Collection (for school classes of children aged 4-12)    --- Growing up together (in development)    (In French, to be culturally-adapted and translated into Arabic and English now) 3. Education counselling for preventing violence Main partners Education Ministries, public and private schools, youth centres.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Delia Mamon
Job Title
President of Graines de Paix (intl), VP of Graines de Paix - France
Head of the organisation
Delia Mamon
Contact (2) Full Name
Oumar Baldet
Job Title (2)
Director, International programmes

Grants Program Manager

National Network

2nd Floor, Eid Center, Alshamal Street
Tripoli 1300

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Alawite Islamic Charity Association, known as AICA, is a local NGO established in 1950 in North Lebanon, Tripoli, under the decree No. 4500/1950, operating since then under several divisions and institutions. AICA’s programs and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access. AICA established partnerships with I/NGOs, CSOs, and ministries over a holistic approach of services from education, health, livelihood, food security, social stability, emergency response, protection, and advocacy across North, Akkar and Beirut. In 2022, AICA could serve, provide, and support 69,711 services for vulnerable beneficiaries, 804 of whom are PWSN, in order to reduce their socio-economic burdens in line with the sector’s SOPs and national outlines. AICA is an active member of the mentioned sectors working groups, part of many local networks and committees, as well as of local forums advocating over various topics, from localization to women-led initiatives, GBV, and youth empowerment.

Mission and Objectives

AICA develops an integrated global participatory approach targeting vulnerable communities based on Rights and Needs through community development, advocacy, and peacebuilding programs, as well as humanitarian response action.

AICA intends to encourage community development, by a humanitarian emergency response action, development and benevolence, through access to Rights, Advocacy and Peace-building programs.

AICA ensures actions via programs or/and services such as Alawite religious institutions; health care services; social awareness; religious, cultural, and educational services; protection; awareness, community campaign, legal process; economic empowerment; Psycho-social Support, Sport, art as well as different community initiatives.

VALUES: We trade violent behavior for dialogue, hate for love, and despair for hope.
Based on Imam Ali (AS) values, then with referring to Human Rights Declaration Charter and Social Work basis, AICA Chosen basic values related to Development in general, and specifically for its intervention, such as:
Collaboration Giving Humanity
Human Dignity Social Justice Partnership
Sustainability Active Citizenship Peace
Volunteering Localization Modernization

Main Projects / Activities

AICA’s programs and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access: AICA currently runs long term programs aggregated below:
▪ Health Sector: Alzahraa Medical Center (AMC) a Primary Health Care Center (PHCC) established since 2008, providing an average of 7000 services /month for patients from different areas equally (neither based on racism, nationality, religion, gender, or age) within the North governorate. AMC doctors, health care staff, and workers are onboarded in safe, effective premises providing proper performance and quality services.
▪ Food Security Sector: House of Wisdom Community Center (HOWCK) has been operating as a community kitchen since 2015. The kitchen can sell up to 800 Oriental and 500 Occidental hot meals per day. HOWCK incubates "House of Subsistence (HOS)” a peacebuilding income generating initiative aiming to engage civil clash widowed females from Bab Al Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen. These females support HOWCK daily work.
▪ Social Stability Sector: established in 2015, Social Multi-Services Community Center (MSCC) located between Bab Al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen providing peacebuilding, health, education, basic assistance, and protection services/support. It is a safe space facilitating and moderating social exchange promoting healthy relations and exchanges among several groups and social categories from local communities, without any discrimination providing all kinds of activities whether awareness sessions, general culture, vocational rehabilitation and/or psychosocial support which are conducted by AICA employees and/or I/NGOs collaboration.
▪ Livelihood Sector (VT/TVET): Livelihood and socioeconomic empowerment (with special focus on women and community led projects) through AICA’s Netizen’s Digital Lab - A center equipped with 20 high-end laptops serving as a lab for soft and digital skills trainings; Established 2021 and collaborating with ICDL (www.icdl.org) providing internationally certificates for 35 digital modules. It is a one stop-service of Technology and Analytics; offering world-transforming services enabling new opportunities for vulnerable marginalized youth.
▪ Protection Sector: a protection team from social workers and PSS facilitators providing PSS/CBPSS/Recreational PSS through Support groups’ discussions /Sport/ Arts/ Skills/ Workshops as well as a community case management to transform conflicts into Peace. AICA also onboards legal mediators (funded by AICA) to support in a few cases and refer others to active actors as per the referral pathways.
▪ Education Sector: Formal Education through Al Doha Scientific School (ADSS) located in Fnaideq, Akkar since 2014 with the potential of having 750 students per shift. 2023 MEHE permission in Non-Formal Education (NFE) in the following modules: CB-ECE, BLN, YBLN, Retention Support, Recreation, Awareness raising and outreach, Parental Engagement, Cash for Education and School Feeding.
▪ Emergency Response Sector: established in 2016, First Responder Team (FRT) in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross- Disaster& Risk Reduction Unit (DRR), acts as a risk response community initiative. The team is one of few to remain operating till the current date.
▪ Advocacy: an active member in all working groups and various local networks and forums like but not limited to PSEA National Network, Protection Taskforce, LHDF, PEER Network, Tashbik…advocating over diverse topics from Localization to women led initiatives, GBV, and youth empowerment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AICA can play a vital role in the Anna Lindh Foundation's network in Lebanon by actively supporting initiatives that promote inclusive dialogue and combat societal polarization. AICA's extensive experience in advocating for marginalized communities, coupled with its presence in Tripoli, makes it a valuable partner for fostering understanding and unity within the region. AICA's diverse programs, including healthcare, education, and social stability initiatives, demonstrate its commitment to addressing societal challenges and nurturing resilient communities. Active participation in local networks and advocacy for women-led initiatives and youth empowerment further showcases AICA's proactive role in promoting positive societal change. By collaborating with the Anna Lindh Foundation, AICA aims to contribute to a more empathetic and cohesive society in Lebanon and across the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AICA is eager to join the ALF Network to expand its reach and impact in promoting intercultural dialogue and fostering societal resilience. With our longstanding commitment to advocating for marginalized communities and promoting civil rights access, we recognize the critical importance of building inclusive and empathetic societies. By collaborating with the ALF Network, we aim to amplify our efforts and contribute to a broader, collective initiative that aligns with our mission and values. Joining the ALF Network will enable us to leverage valuable resources, share best practices, and foster meaningful partnerships, ultimately enhancing our capacity to drive positive social change and address the pressing challenges of societal mistrust and polarization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilis Safatli
Job Title
Grants Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Noureddine Eid
Contact (2) Full Name
Noureddine Eid
Job Title (2)
President (acting CEO)

Groupement Libanais d'Amitié et de Dialogue Islamo-Chrétien (GLADIC)

National Network

USJ, CSH, Bât. A. 9ème étage, rue de Damas
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GLADICis structure includes the seven founders who dedicate their available time and efforts on a voluntary basis,in addition to 40 volonteer Ambassadors across the country, who are committed to its objectives. GLADIC employs on a project basis professionals when required but do not maintain at the moment employed staff on a full time basis. The 2013 budget is $28'000.- secured by the founders and donators who support GLADIC's mission. Due to increasing demand for GLADIC's work in the field, the 2014 budget is approved at $ 55'000.-. GLADIC's activities include workshops at the highschools level to develop the interreligious dialogue between the youth(16-19 years)and the culture of citizenship for a better living together in Lebanon.These workshops are completed by a group work within the high schools, over a period of 4-5 months, which is submitted for a national contest. In 2012 the theme was:"LEBANON, FROM AN ARENA TO A COUNTRY", in 2013 the theme was "THE PIONEERS OF DIALOGUE". The number of high shools involved in 2013 was 34, more than double the number of 2012. GLADIC announced the 2014 theme "THE PIONEERS OF THE LEBANESE NATIONA PACT (agreement)" and the registration exceeded already the 2013 number. GLADIC contribute to two international seminars each year at the USJ, that relates to its mission. GLADIC published the first of its publications: "LA CULTURE CITOYENNE DANS UNE SOCIETE MULTICOMMUNAUTAIRE LE LIBAN EN PERSPECTIVE COMPAREE" by Prof. ANTOINE NASRI MESSARRA. GLADIC contributed to the book "FIGURES DU DIALOGUE" published by the IEIC from the USJ. Two new books, on the 2012 and 2013 youth contests are now under preparation in addition to a collection of twelve publications on the themes of interreligious dialogue, the living together and citizenship, destined to the youth. GLADIC's activities are generally well covered by the written, audio and TV media. (references available if needed).
Mission and Objectives

GLADIC's mission is based mainly, on the following principles: Consolidate the "living together" between the Lebanese, through the culture of plurality, openness, the knowledge and the acceptance of the other. Open venues for friendships between Lebanese youth, Muslims and Christians and train the new generation for a constructive dialogue and for a peaceful life. Spread and consolidate the democratic management of pluralism, by transmitting our Lebanese heritage in this field, to the young generation through different socialisation processes. Contribute to the constitution of a national forum for the Christian Islamic dialogue. In order to achieve its mission, GLADIC works to: Present national "pioneers of dialogue" who, through their actions in different fields, contributed to bring together the Lebanese people. Create a strong link between theoreical research on dialogue and the public life,through activities that put forward the rich Lebanese heritage in this field and make it evolve from an elitist speech into a pratice of life.

Main Projects / Activities

- Workshops in Highschools public and private across all Lebanon. - Yearly National Contest - Yearly full day GET TOGETHER of all schools participating to the program. The greatest multiconfessional gathering of youth in Lebanon to discuss Dialogue and Living together in Lebanon. - Yearly Concert by Lebanese famous artists volonteering to sing for the Interreligious dialogue the citizenship and the living together in Lebanon. - Publication of significant material related to GLADIC's mission and objectives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GLADIC came to light from the conviction of its founders, that Christian Islamic dialogue in Lebanon is capable of implementing a culture of unity in diversity, necessary for knowing the other, developping friendships and protecting the "living together". Being a national, religious and moral duty, dialogue requires the involvement of all. GLADIC created a strong link between therotical research on dialogue and the public life, through its involvement with more than 40 high schools and in excess of 3'700 of 16 to 19 years old students. GLADIC's involvement is on the increase for 2014 and is happy to share its experience and cooperate with the ALF Network on common projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since we share the ALF philosophy for the democratic management of diversity, we beleive that we can profit from the ALF Network's experience in Lebanon and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maître Ziad Chalhoub
Head of the organisation
Rev. Fr. Salim Daccache
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Rita Ayoub


National Network

Safra Keserwan St Georges Street, Khalife Bldg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Gudtolli Lebanese fresh pasta, healthy products naturally infused by real vegetables, herbs and spices. Our products : Tagliatelle, linguini, gnocchi, conchiglie, fussily macaroni Ravioli and tortellini.
We have 20 employees between full time and half time.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to encourage women support farmers , selling healthy products with an affordable price, by implementing a zero waste management system.

Main Projects / Activities

We are producing healthy pasta that naturally infused by real vegetables and herbs, like beetroot carrots pumpkin, spinach, basil, pumpkin and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Gudtolli is a WEP's signatory, since September 2022. Contribute to SDG'S number 2, 3 5 and 8.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

New networking space

Contact (1) Full Name
Leila khalife
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sarl , Lebanese fresh pasta
Contact (2) Full Name
Grace Tamer
Job Title (2)