
Foreda Toscana

National Network

Via di Ripoli, 88

Telephone (other)
055 6818346
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Foreda Toscana ha un coordinatore, un vicecoordinatore, un amministrativo, diversi collaboratori Le risorse disponibili annuali circa 60.000€ Provengono dalla partecipazionea bandi U.E., da Enti pubblici (amm.ni Comunali, altro) Corsi per Adulti, progetti, scambi interculturali, formazione profesionale Altre agenzie formative, Enti Pubblici e di Ricerca
Mission and Objectives

FOREDA TOSCANA ha come finalità principale l'educazione lungo tutto l'arco della vita, l'orientamento al lavoro, la ricerca sui temi della formazione permanente, l'intercultura e scambi tra Paesi. Collabora, in questa direzione con gli Enti Pubblici (Comunità montane), Comuni, Province, agenzie formative che si interessano di temi contigui.

Main Projects / Activities

Negli ultimi anni sono stati attivati dei progetti nel territorio toscano sui temi della educazione permanente: Circoli di Studio(So.Stare 1 e 2; Veglia, CIMOFI 1,2 e 3; Cittadini Extr@ 1 e 2),Dedalo e Per un adulto cittadino sulla formazione degli immigrati in Italia, R2F per la formazione permanente; BELL (in collaborazione con IRRE TOSCANA) sulla formazione degli insegnanti; TRAME (in colaborazione con il comune di Firenze) per la valorizzazione di competenze artigianali di donne anziane e relativo trasferimento a giovani ragazze; ADA per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro di donne che sono state espulse per impegni familiari. Ricerche su temi pedagogici e interculturali.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Ianni
Contact (2) Full Name

Formati Sensibili

National Network

Vico San Lucifero, 6

+39 3395644608
Mobile Phone
+39 3395644608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Formati Sensibili is an independent and no profit culture association for artistic and scientific research. We are interested in multidisciplinary project involving art and science. We conduct and promote interdisciplinary research in collaboration with international an local partners.
Mission and Objectives

It promotes the development and cooperation between people from different fields, disciplines and cultures both locally and internationally. Formati Sensibili seek a new ways to involve artists, scientists and the general public in a new idea of developing and promoting cultural, artistic and scientific issues.
The activities are aimed at supporting and promoting projects in the most varied and innovative forms of research. Formati Sensibili is comprised of a team of professionals working together with scholars, artists and scientists, collectives, companies and research laboratories with the aim of developing innovative high quality projects, and follow each stage of the process: research, concept design, production and post-production.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects have been presented in art galleries, museums, universities, research institutes and other public spaces, aiming to attract and engage in research and production activities, a wide audience. Formati Sensibili aims to stimulate the most curious minds and encourage collaboration, exchange and cooperation between artists and scientists, transcending the traditional boundaries between disciplines, encouraging exploration and experimentation, the development of creative and artistic practice, and helping to deepen understanding of the relationship between science, culture and society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Carboni
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Carboni
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandro Carboni

Futuridea Innovazione Utile e Sostenibile

National Network

Contrada Piano Cappelle

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Futuridea è un'associazione per l'innovazione utile e sostenibile nata nel 2008 con la precisa finalità di promuovere ed attuare una strategia di sviluppo ecosostenibile, attenta all'elaborazione di risoluzioni e progettualità non imitative e di una governance dell'innovazione capace di monitorare, selezionare, valutare costantemente i risultati della ricerca e studiare rapidamente gli impatti in rapporto alla competitività delle imprese, all'efficienza della pubblica amministrazione, nonchè all'equità sociale.
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo è quello di operare in un contesto nazionale e internazionale e con talenti in rete web 2.0, vere interazioni di idee e di eccellenze per procedere rapidamente alle azioni complesse in grado di facilitare il trasferimento tecnologico alle imprese e alle società (prototipi, azioni dimostrative, governo della proprietà intellettuale, divulgazione, informazione e formazione).

Main Projects / Activities

Nello specifico si occupa di redigere reports sulla sostenibilità ambientale, tenere campagne sulla sensibilizzazione ambientale, redigere informartive e organizzare conferenze in collaborazione con organismi locali e internazionali

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmine Nardone
Head of the organisation
Carmine Nardone

Gàlata Produzioni Culturali

National Network

via centotrecento 11 - 40126 Bologna

0039 051 226239
Telephone (other)
skype: tatarbey1
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3405791569
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3474645878
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Gàlata Produzioni is an entreprise founded by Vincenzo Pergolizzi working with a team of 5-8 young professionists of audiovisual world. Gàlata Produzioni is working with a patrimony of 80.000 euro in structures and cameras, his budgetary resources. We work for Rai tv with several documentaries and reportages, winning international and national awards. Gàlata Produzioni works with several local, regional and national partners, and in coproduction with european audiovisual Production Companies.
Mission and Objectives

Gàlata Produzioni work about important subjects, themes, histories, metaphores for man today. Interculturals themes, histories beetwen orient and occident, cosmopolitics and ecumenical themes would reach the aim of a world peaceful, where the diversities are the richness of live. The mosaic of cultures, religions and traditions can become a richness and an opportunity for our world, in the world-village globalized today and tomorrow.
Yesterday the people lived and experimented togheter the peace for long time: today too, specially in the mediterranean world, the populations would live togheter in peace and harmony.
Gàlata Produzioni is specialised almost about the old ottoman empire old regions and the turcophones regions, in mediterranean see and in central asia republics.
Its documentaries, for tv and cinema, won international and national awards in coproduction with Rai.
Best italyan documentary on the environnement at Cinemambiente Festival in Torino. International Awards in Russia, Bulgaria, France, Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

-Vita da Profughi, "Refugees Life" (2000)
-La fattoria di asini (2002)
-L’ultimo fonditore di Campane (2002)
-Ladri di Organi, "Organ's Thiefs" (2002)
-Ferrara, città della bici, "Ferrara, city of bicicles"(2003)
-Nomadelfia, "Nomadelfia-living togheter" (2003)
-Andina, la giovane ciclista (2004)
-Beyoglu, dopo le esplosioni - "Istanbul, after the explosions" (2004)
-Ticinesi a Bologna (2004)
-Mamma li turchi (2004)
-Nsehlenet: sei momenti di incontro - "Nsehlenet:Six meeting moments"(2005)
-Navi avvelenate - "Poisoned Boats" (2005)
-Voci di parroci in Turchia (2006)
-Mevlevi (2006)
-Benedetto XIV, pellegrino in oriente (2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Pergolizzi
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Pergolizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Grazia Maiorana
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Game for Euro-Med - GEM

GEM - Game for EuroMed was a 12-month project that aimed to promote education for intercultural citizenship through playing. The project involved 4 organizations from 4 countries: CESIE from Italy, ADICE from France, WASEELA a Thinktank from Egypt and “JOHOUD”...


Gdansk Solo Dance Contest


The contest was organized by EurAsia Partner Gdansk Festwal Tanca, with Stefano Fardelli as the host and the EurAsia Artistic Director playing a significant role in selecting participants.

They were organizing a dance contest, and each year, one EurAsia Dancer is selected by Stefano Fardelli to participate in the event. The selected dancer joins participants from around the world to showcase their talents.

The contest was scheduled to take place from September 4th to 8th at Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland.

The purpose of organizing the contest was to provide a platform for talented dancers from different parts of the world to showcase their skills and creativity. Additionally, it served as an opportunity to promote cultural exchange and collaboration in the field of dance. The selection of a dancer from the EurAsia network demonstrated their commitment to supporting and showcasing talent within their network.

To participate in the forum, interested individuals could visit the official website gdanskifestiwaltanca.pl or contact the organizers gdanskifestiwaltanca.pl,  for details on registration, and participation guidelines.


النوع الاجتماعي

Gender Equality and Fight Against Stereotypes

On May 8, the debate on the theme “Gender Equality and Fight Against Stereotypes” took place on the RIDE's institutional Facebook page, within the context of the monthly online debate series.

Generazione Zero

National Network

SP 60 km 3,5
97100 Ragusa RG

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Generazione Zero (GZ) is an Italian association founded in Ragusa (2011) from the idea of a group of students involved in a YiA programme, with an Executive Board of six memebers, including a Treasurer and two advisors.
The association's two main working areas are 1) antimafia – drafting and publishing articles concerning mafia issues on www.generazionezero.org, and promoting projects/activities to educate youth about legality; 2) human rights development - editing the www.dirittieuropa.it website with a deep focus on human rights issues, promoting partenership with Festival del Diritto (Piacenza, 2014) and working on the "Europe in Translation" project with the ECHR aiming at translating Information Notes for Italian jurisprudence.
The association works in Ragusa, Rome, Turin. Main partners include Libera, Fuci, CGIL, Siciliani giovani, Radio Impegno, Red-Tree (Spain), Youthfull-Yours Slovakia, Attiva-Mente, FERSO (Poland), Az-emberseg-erejevel-CVHA (Hungary) , Teatro-Metaphora (Portugal), Rujienas novada pașvaldiba (Latvia), Get-On-Board (Bulgary), Udruga-better-me (Croatia), Mediterrean forum for social development-MFFSD (Morocco).

Mission and Objectives

The association main aim is that of promoting and spreading general culture. We take care of social and economic integration of vulnerable groups and outsiders.
Generazione Zero also promotes a feeling of european belonging, fostering the empowerment of citizens through democratic tools; and educates the public on the respect of institutions and law, on the fulfilment of the Italian Constitution and the value of transnational justice.
Furthermore, we recognize and defend the brotherhood between Mediterranean people, the respect for the environment and the territory as well as the participation of local communities to our country’s development. We promote and defend interculturality, gender equality and youth rights.
The association fight against all kinds of mafia, in every form and meaning, as a criminal, economic, political, social and cultural phenomenon. We reject any form of racism, discrimination, prejudice, fanatism, illegality and corruption. We base our activities on freedom of information, development of knowledge, educational tools as well as cultural and cognitive individual growth. Generazione Zero fights and deconstructs every dogma, enhancing tolerance in all its meanings.

Main Projects / Activities

The association developed the following projects:
- “Generazione Zero Sicilia”, 2011, Youth in Action programme: journalism and active citizenship in Sicily (province of Siracusa, Ragusa, Enna, Catania) for adolescents and young people;
- "Human dignity as fundamental value for european justice", 2013, Youth in Action programme: journalism focused on human rights and ECHR, events and informal training on these topics (Piacenza);
- "Gutenberg 2.0", 2014, course for promoters of social comunication in collaboration with the journal "Insieme" and Libera Ragusa;
- "Walls and Borders", 2015, Torino "Biennale Democrazia" programme, project focused on analysis of migration problems using three paths: journalistic, semiological and case-law;
- "Agromafie",Ragusa (2013/14): a series of events called 'Agromafie', about mafia and its strict links with rural activities;
- "Who we are - Who you are", 2015, Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa), on migrants’ exploitation and education against mafia, contributing to a SPRAR project of the social coop 'Nostra Signora di Gulfi’;
- “Radio Impegno” project, Rome, 2016, together with other 50 local and national associations, a live streaming late-night radio project, focused on antimafia, education on legality, social integration
- "Europe in Translation", Catania, Rome and Turin, 2016-2019, in partnership with the Head of the Case-Law Information and Publications Division of ECHR, which aims to translate the Information Notes drafted by the ECHR from English and French in Italian language;
- “L’Europa dei Diritti”, Alessandria and Verona, 2017, project in partnership with the local Eurodirect offices, aimed to prepare and inform both University students and the civil society about the topic of Human Rights in Europe, European justice and the value of human dignity;
- “AOS – Agitarsi, Organizzarsi, Studiare”, Ragusa, 2018, project developed thanks to the refunds of the MPs of the political party Sinistra Italiana, journalistic and educational project for high school students;
- "WeRadio Greece", Serres, 2019, partner in a project funded by Erasmus+ programme, for european young workers to improve their webradio skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Generazione Zero can contribute to the network in Italy with its digital skills both in the training of young and in the media. For such reason, our added value is not only professional/technical, but also in terms of helping improve a critical thinking in young people. We founded our activities on social inclusion and gender equality. This can be an opportunity for youth groups to try out their skills in an equal, friendly environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Generazione Zero decided to join ALF Network because we would like to broaden the reach of our activities in the Mediterranean area, engaging with more organisations to foster international cooperation, in new ways and fashions. Furthermore, given our active participation within the European civil society, we could also be beneficial to the network, bringing experience, knowledge and contacts.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Pitroso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Giulio Pitroso
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Lo Presti

Giolli cooperativa sociale - centro permanente di ricerca e sperimentazione teatrale dei metodi Boal e Freire

National Network

Via chiesa 12, 43022 Montechiarugolo (PR)

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
--- Structure It has a staff of 5 permanent employees, 6 members and 10 collaborators on project, more a group of actors for the Forum plays. The permanent staff includes 2 supervisors/trainers, 1 responsible for marketing, 1 for administration, 2 coordinators. Giolli has an administrative responsible who will be charged of this project. Moreover we have 2 skilled trainers with long experience that can lead the operational part of this project. The entire staff, well experimented and in tune, can provide support for the implementation of this project and we have already connection with several psychiatric public units because we have been working in this field as before as association (since 15 years) and also with several stakeholders, mainly in Reggio Emilia, Mantova and Parma provinces, due to permanent collaboration in different projects and to the last European project Fratt. Giolli has the capacity to curry on both at the organisational level and the administrative one, this project, thanks to the experience made with Fratt project. --- Budget in a year: around 150.000 euro. --- Sources of funding: mainly public resources (European project, public italian bodies) due to specific projects. Partially individual fees paid for our courses. --- Ways of actions We run several projects and courses all over Italy and also in Europe. Moreover we do eprformance of Forum-Theatre on demand about social and pedagogical issues. --- Partners involved Siamailar european organisations for european funded projects. Italian cooperatives and Public Health units, Municipalities, schools, prison.
Mission and Objectives

Giolli cooperative (http://www.giollicoop.it) is an italian private non profit organisation based on cooperative values. Its mission is to empower groups of citizens with less power and voice in the society, in order to promote democracy and social justice and fighting against every discrimination.
Giolli is supporting the social integration of disadvantaged groups, trough developing and conducting specifc projects, courses and spectacles with prisoners, psychiatric patientes, youth at risk, drug addicts and people working with such groups like social workers, educators, policemen, psychologists, and so on.
Giolli started some years ago to collaborate with some movements and Municipalities to promote project concerning civil participation, elaborating process ad hoc, to increase the citizens activism and engagement on the community issues.
The cooperative functions also as an adult education provider, in fact we have had several accredited Trainings in Service for teachers and social workers under Grundtvig programme.
The main theoretical references are these four (http://www.giollicoop.it/index.php/it/il-metodo):
1. Theatre of the Oppressed,
2. Freire's approach of conscientization,
3. No-violent approach,
4. Community Development Approach.
Giolli has its own network connecting people and groups trained by it and it is also member of different networks:
1. International Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) movement,
2. ENAR (European Network Against Racism),
3. Legacoop Italy - one of the powerful meta-organisation that gathers many cooperatives,
4. Theatre in prison regional coordination,
5. Theatre in prison national coordination,
6. DES - Solidarity Economy District of Reggio Emilia.
7. Peace school of Reggio Emilia.

Main Projects / Activities

Fratt: anti racist project funded by Fubdamental rights and citizenship EU program
Fotel: project against Early School Leaving, financed by EU program Comenius
Projects in psychiatry and prison since many years in Parma and Reggio Emilia provinces.
Forum theatre plays all over Italy about prevention of drogue, bullying, racism, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our method, a mix of Boal's and Freire's approach (theatre and pedagogy), linked to Community development and No-niolence approaches.
With our expertize in leading projects, different target groups (prisoners, psychiatric patients, youth, migrants, social workers, policemen...), also abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are starting a cooperation with some arabic countries and would like to have more contacts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Mazzini

Giordano Gioha' Academy

National Network

Eusebio Chini

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio. ​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario. Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.
Mission and Objectives

Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio.
​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario.
Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.

Main Projects / Activities

Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio.
​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario.
Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giordano Gioha'
Head of the organisation
Giordano Gioha'