
EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EuroMed University · Monastero degli Olivetani · 73100 LECCE (Italia)
Lo Scrittoio_ EMUI · Federico Ozanam 134 · 00152 ROMA (IT)
00152 ROMA

+39 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 198 1250
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
International Academic and Research Center (Union for the Mediterranean), Tax Number: CIF G87905626, the EMUI_ EuroMed University, www.emui.eu, is a Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priorities of the Horizon EU Framework Program 2020. Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. With foundational character are represented, under agreements, the following centers: 1. Morocco: Mohammed V University of Rabat; 2. Egypt: University of Cairo; 3. Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 4. Italy: University of Salento, University of Foggia; and 5. Spain: Complutense University of Madrid. The Secretary General assumes the Secretary of AC. The Presidency of the AC corresponds to the Academic Coordinator. The AC may propose the addition thereto of other universities in the geographical, political and cultural space of the Mediterranean, it proposed to be adopted, if necessary, by the Direction Council, prior nonbinding Social Council report. Is the function of AC do Academic and Research annual Planning of the EMUI_ EuroMed Universiy. This offer consists of postgraduate degrees, specific or joint ventures with other universities represented in the AC, a proposal will be approved, where appropriate, by the Direction Council, after binding report Social Council. These postgraduate degrees will be officially recognized by academic and political authorities stipulated by the State of the proposing institution.   STATUTES & REGULATIONS: http://www.emui.eu/OBEMUI/20.2017.1.pdf ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK: http://www.emui.eu/bodies/index.html
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
Actions Programme_ 2017: http://www.emui.eu/ActionsProgramme_2017.pdf
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable Development: http://www.emui.eu/human_rights.html
Lifelong  Learning Programme: http://www.emui.eu/LLP.html

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International and Institutional Relations
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Head of the Cabinet

EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EuroMed University · Monastero degli Olivetani · 73100 LECCE (Italia)
Lo Scrittoio_ EMUI · Federico Ozanam 134 · 00152 ROMA (IT)
00152 ROMA

+39 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 198 1250
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
International Academic and Research Center (Union for the Mediterranean), Tax Number: CIF G87905626, the EMUI_ EuroMed University, www.emui.eu, is a Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priorities of the Horizon EU Framework Program 2020. Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. With foundational character are represented, under agreements, the following centers: 1. Morocco: Mohammed V University of Rabat; 2. Egypt: University of Cairo; 3. Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 4. Italy: University of Salento, University of Foggia; and 5. Spain: Complutense University of Madrid. The Secretary General assumes the Secretary of AC. The Presidency of the AC corresponds to the Academic Coordinator. The AC may propose the addition thereto of other universities in the geographical, political and cultural space of the Mediterranean, it proposed to be adopted, if necessary, by the Direction Council, prior nonbinding Social Council report. Is the function of AC do Academic and Research annual Planning of the EMUI_ EuroMed Universiy. This offer consists of postgraduate degrees, specific or joint ventures with other universities represented in the AC, a proposal will be approved, where appropriate, by the Direction Council, after binding report Social Council. These postgraduate degrees will be officially recognized by academic and political authorities stipulated by the State of the proposing institution.   STATUTES & REGULATIONS: http://www.emui.eu/OBEMUI/20.2017.1.pdf ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK: http://www.emui.eu/bodies/index.html
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
Actions Programme_ 2017: http://www.emui.eu/ActionsProgramme_2017.pdf
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable Development: http://www.emui.eu/human_rights.html
Lifelong  Learning Programme: http://www.emui.eu/LLP.html

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International and Institutional Relations
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Head of the Cabinet

Ente Morale Biblioteca Pinacoteca Camillo d'Errico

National Network

Corso Manfredi n.132
Palazzo San Gervasio

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
our organitation is a no-profit fundation,formed by an administration counsil in which 5 members take part: the President is the head of the town Palazzo san Gervasio, the "keeper" and director whose function is that of taking care of the conservation of cultural goods of our fundation such as books, pictures and printed sheets of a certified value, then one state representative of cultural goods, a representative of the people, and a representative of the family who gave all the prestigeous goods to the fundation. Budgetary resources not available at the moment. Private and public sources of funding. EXchanges between galleries and museums. The main partners are public and private galleries and fundations.
Mission and Objectives

our main objective is that of making our collection of pictures know all around Europe and the world and promoting a cultural exchange

Main Projects / Activities

the main activity is that of taking care of the conduction and succesful life of the museum and the library and some of the projects are that of opening a school of art, of painting and restyling of the pictures inside the picture gallery and promoting cultural exchanges among different countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saluzzi Mario
Head of the organisation
Pagano Federico
Contact (2) Full Name
Genga Cinzia

Ente Nazionale per la protezione e l'assistenza dei sordi ENS-ONLUS

National Network

Via Gregorio VII, 120

+39 06398051
+39 0639805231
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The ENS (ONLUS) is the national non-profit organization responsible for the protection and assistance of the Deaf in Italy as well as social promotion association included in its national registry by decree of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of 10 October 2002. It has been recognized as a non-profit organization for the protection and assistance of the Deaf with the express purpose, among others, to initiate the deaf in society, helping them to participate in productive activity and intellectual, to facilitate, in the post-school, the development of their activities and capacities to the various professional activities to assist them in finding employment, to cooperate with relevant government departments, as well as with authorities and institutions that have as their object the care, education and the activities of the deaf, and to represent and defend their moral, civil, cultural and economic aspects of hearing and speech disabilities in public administrations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the ENS is the integration of deaf people in society, promoting their growth, autonomy and human fulfillment.
It exercises the functions of representation and protection of the moral, civic, cultural and economic rights of deaf Italian conferred by the laws, through its designated representatives as provided by law.

Main Projects / Activities

The ENS is trying to organize the 2nd Summit of the Deaf of the Greater Mediterranean, in order to analyze the role of deaf people in society for the recognition of their identity.
During the Summit will set up the Union of the Deaf of the Greater Mediterranean, with the main objective of unity and cooperation of all associations of the Deaf of the countries of the Greater Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Orietta Leonardi - Segretario Generale
Head of the organisation
Ida Collu


National Network

Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 12/4A

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EPTA is a federation of social enterprises, established on 1st of june 2000. At present is composed by seven cooperatives with about 600 employees. The associated cooperatives work on social and sanitary services in the city of Bologna and its province, These services regard the social integration of disadvantaged people and the improvement of citizen wellness. The 2007 balance sheet shows a yearly turnover of € 3.940.209,00. The company capital is € 228.076,00
Mission and Objectives

see attached file

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance and education of children, young people, disabled and/or aged people; rehabilitation; contiuous training in social and sanitary fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mauro Rinaldi
Head of the organisation
Antonio Bria
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Formaggio

ERI - European Research Institute

National Network

via scialoja 26,

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
L’European Research Institute è un ente no-profit che si occupa di promuovere la ricerca e la sperimentazione per l’innovazione negli ambiti scientifici e sociali. Lavoriamo per migliorare le condizioni economiche e culturali dei cittadini europei, e non solo. Sosteniamo, attraverso le nostre attività, il rispetto per l’ambiente, il territorio e gli esseri viventi. “Essere cittadini del mondo” è la nostra visione. Il nucleo che forma il gruppo di lavoro di ERI è nato a Torino negli anni '90.
Mission and Objectives

In un periodo storico nel quale le menti più brillanti emigrano dall’Italia, la nostra “mission” primaria è invece quella di lavorare per far emergere i talenti che il nostro territorio possiede. Ci piace l’idea di lavorare per contribuire a limitare “la fuga di cervelli” dal nostro Paese. Questo significa che, dopo aver individuato e supportato le potenzialità locali, è necessario aprirsi e dialogare con le varie realtà europee e internazionali per migliorare insieme la qualità della vita dei cittadini dell’UE. Ci proponiamo di essere un laboratorio di idee in grado di recepire e promuovere le proposte più innovative nei campi del sociale, della scienza e della cultura.

Main Projects / Activities

Ricerca e Sviluppo Finalità Favorire la competitività, la ricerca e lo sviluppo sostenibile dei sistemi produttivi. Modernizzare l'economia per garantire la sopravvivenza del nostro modello sociale e raggiungere obiettivi di crescita e occupazione. In particolare le azioni dell'European Research Institute in questo ambito si concentreranno: • sugli scambi di Know How per favorire lo sviluppo della conoscenza e dell'innovazione dei sistemi produttivi; • sulla crescita sostenibile dei sistemi produttivi, secondo la strategia di Göteborg e la direttiva Europa 20 20 20; • nell'individuazione di possibili sinergie tra i territori per favorire, innovare e valorizzare le eccellenze locali; • nell'aumento della sostenibilità dei sistemi turistici attraverso progetti comuni per la diversificazione e l'organizzazione trasversale dell'offerta. Protezione e Gestione del Territorio Finalità La gestione dei rischi concorre al raggiungimento degli obiettivi della strategia di Copenhagen, relativi alla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e alla gestione delle risorse naturali in maniera responsabile. In un contesto di mutata sensibilità nei confronti del patrimonio naturale e del paesaggio, i punti che compongono la nostra mission sono: • proseguire nel recupero e nella gestione della biodiversità, del patrimonio naturale, degli spazi naturali, urbani, periurbani e rurali seguendo un percorso graduale che va dall'approfondimento delle conoscenze già acquisite, alla messa in rete, alla programmazione e alla realizzazione di azioni innovative • coordinare e migliorare l'efficacia dei dispositivi di prevenzione dei rischi naturali e tecnologici e degli interventi di emergenza, approfondendo e divulgando le conoscenze, rafforzando l'informazione alle popolazioni e consolidando i rapporti tra le strutture operative; • rivitalizzazione economica e alla gestione del territorio con realizzazione di filiere forestali multifunzionali in un'ottica di sviluppo di sistemi economici e sociali sostenibili. Qualità della vita Finalità Il benessere sociale e individuale dei cittadini che vivono e lavorano nelle comunità. Lavoriamo per attuare le Strategie per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'Unione Europea che prevedono di raggiungere “coesione e equità sociale attraverso la promozione di una società democratica, sana, giusta, coesa; nel rispetto dei diritti fondamentali e della diversità culturale, che crea pari opportunità e combatte la discriminazione in ogni sua forma, nel rispetto della tutela dell'ambiente”. Nel concreto puntiamo a: • migliorare l'offerta e l'accesso ai servizi socio-sanitari, con particolare riguardo alle fasce della popolazione più deboli (donne, anziani, disabili, residenti in aree marginali); • proporre soluzioni che rispondano alle esigenze di mobilità sostenibile in un'ottica di area vasta, con attenzione alla programmazione, alla logistica, alle ricadute sociali, economiche, turistiche e ambientali; • incrementare e diversificare l'offerta culturale per rafforzare l'identità comune, anche attraverso l'informazione e la comunicazione; • favorire l'integrazione tra cittadini attraverso la mobilità e gli scambi in ambito educativo, sportivo, formativo e lavorativo.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La nostra esperienza nel campo della ricerca scientifica negli ambiti ambientali, prevenzioni dei rischi e qualità della vita per gli individui è un buon valore aggiuto.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La scelta di entrare nella rete della fondazione AL è dovuta a 2 motivazioni principali: 1- il valore aggiunto dello sviloppo del mediterraneo 2- favorire a livello locale la partecipazione attiva alle attività dell'associazione a individui nativi nel bacino del mediterraneo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iskender FORIOSO
Head of the organisation
Iskender FORIOSO
Contact (2) Full Name
Federico FLORIS


National Network

via Piranesi, 10
20137 Milano


+39 02713613
+39 02713613
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3335349207
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
esterni is a cultural association established in Milan in 1995. It has a staff of 15 people working on projects concerning various themes as design, social responsability, inclusion, cinema, architecture, communitary development and local food. The total budget per year is around 1.000.000 euro. The association's projects are funded through 3 different sources: public fundings (main institutions: Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, Provincia di Milano, Ministero della Cultura and Ministero della Gioventù), cultural entities (foundations, cultural associations, consulates, embassies) e sponsorships. Actions: concrete projects, workshops, communication projects, events and lectures. Main parners: Media - UE, FAI (Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano), Fondazione Cariplo and Municipality of Milan.
Mission and Objectives

esterni develops ideas, projects, interventions, and designs creative solutions for cities and public spaces. All the interventions respond to existing problems and are conceived to improve life in the cities, relations among people, dialogue among different cultures, to create new spaces for socialization and cultural development.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1995 esterni has been developing cultural projects, ideas, interventions, ideas in many fields: from public design to cinema, from music to art, from social issues to urban regeneration. The main activities are:
. yearly esterni's productions as Milano Film Festival (www.milanofilmfestival.it), Public Design Festival (www.publicdesignfestival.org) and audiovisiva (www.audiovisiva.com);
. single events, interventions, projects thought for the public spaces;
. projects on commission developed with provate entities, public bodies and public

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Savoldelli
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Castellini

Etnobarometro (Ethnobarometer)

National Network

via della Giustiniana, 301

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
No profit research association. One full time research assistant, part time secretary, partners or correspondents in 12 European countries, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. Average annual budgetary resources €100,000. Sources: private foundations. All projects organized in collaboration with local research institutions and/or individual experts in the concerned country. Started operating in 1997. Registered as a legal no profit association in 2006.
Mission and Objectives

Monitoring and analysis of
1) immigration flows, integration processes and multicultural policies and practice in Europe,
2) interethnic relations, human rights and democratization in the Balkans, Turkey, North Africa and the Middle East,
3) dialogue and collaboration between Europe and Muslim-majority countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Integration of immigrants in main European cities. The crisis of multiculturalism in Europe. Islam in/of Europe.
The impact of 9/11 on the life and status of Muslims in Europe and the United States.
Minorities and ethnic conflict, political and social developments in South East Europe (in particular Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Romania).
Turkey: the Kurdish issue, reforms and EU accession. Change in Muslim-majority countries: focusing on the role of women, family structures, human rights, democratization, the role of media. Europe’s response to the “Arab Spring”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Silj, Director
Head of the organisation
Christian Giordano, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Gianpaolo Derossi

EurAsia Dance Project International Network

National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

EurAsia Dance Project International Network, directed by Stefano Fardelli, has more than 20 EurAsia Partners in 18 countries all over the world through Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Pacific States and Central America. It has become one of the biggest dance networks worldwide and one of the cultural "bridges" linking the five continents.
The Network is supported by all the Italian Embassies and Italian Cultural Institutes of the countries where it is based, and also by all the EurAsia Partners, governments and institutions, both private and public.
EurAsia Dance Project International Network is a Non Profit Association legalized by the Italian Government: it is a great opportunity for young dancers and choreographers of any origin. It enables them to study abroad and spread out their culture, share their experiences, giving them access to artistic residencies, meetings, shows and dance opportunities at the highest level of the global dance scene.
The EurAsia Partners are based in UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, India, Iran, Indonesia, Kuwait, Senegal, Mexico, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, South Pacific United States, South Africa, Armenia, Nepal and shortly new partners will join us from Brasil, Italy, Gambia, Ghana, Serbia, and India. All of them support all the events we organize and all of them represent their countries in the world through EurAsia itself.
Our non european partners give their talents the chance to be selected, and our european partners give them the chance to study and become real professionals.

Mission and Objectives

The EurAsia Auditions are on tour in the poorest and most dangerous countries of the globe in order to give a chance to all those kids who share our same passion, helping them to fight for a better life and to fulfill their dream of becoming professional dancers.
With the support of all the EurAsia Partners, EurAsia´s Artistic Director is creating the first generation of contemporary professional dancers in many countries of the world, changing the dance history of these countries but also helping them to spread out their cultures abroad, breaking the borders between the continents.
Thanks to these new cultural meetings and fusions, EurAsia also gave birth to a new taste in contemporary dance, where different bodies, different ways of moving and traditional dances meet in one single place: Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The network wants to be a chance for cultural exchange and cultural meetings. It allows these students to take auditions for the biggest academies of Europe without flying abroad. The students selected during the EurAsia Auditions win a 50% / 80% scholarship for all the 3 / 4 year professional programs.
The EurAsia Auditions are on tour in Iran, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Kuwait, Senegal, Armenia, Nepal, South Africa, Gambia, Papua New Guinea and many other countries.

After being selected, students become part of EurAsia International Network as EurAsia Students and they get the chance to be chosen for international exchange studying programs, as well as for dance contests, artistic residencies, international festivals and other dance opportunities abroad, granted by all the EurAsia Partners. Eurasia also involves them in its own activities: EurAsia Summer Camp, EurAsia Prize, EurAsia Dance Award and EurAsia Repertory.
All the EurAsia initiatives in Europe are free of charge for the EurAsia Students. EurAsia is taking care of everything they need.

Once they finish their professional training, our students become EurAsia Dancers and they have the chance to work with the biggest international dance companies, EurAsia Partners, and of course for EurAsia Dance Company and Stefano Fardelli´s projects on tour all over the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to the several dance opportunities granted by the EurAsia Partners, EurAsia is opening its calls for European Dancers too. Since 2016, when the network was founded, our European Students have had the chance to study with many talents coming from abroad and to travel to their distant countries, in order to experience the stories they heard from their foreigner classmates.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EurAsia Dance Project International Network would be glad to be part of ALF Network in order to connect with more institutions that share both our aims and view of the future for the new generations of the world.
EurAsia look forward to build up new collaborations and partnership.
EurAsia look forward to support other projects and to receive support for the EurAsia´s commitments too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefano Fardelli
Job Title
Artistic Director / President
Head of the organisation
Stefano Fardelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Storto
Job Title (2)
Business Manager