
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...


National Network

VIA FIRENZE 38- 00184

0039 06 4820503
0039 06 4827901
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
We are a cooperative-society with 6 employed and 5 consulents. Our year budget is about 500.000 euro. We receive for some projects funding from Protestant Church in Italy (Lutheran Church, Adevtist Church, Waldensian Church) and from some Institution like Provincia of Trento, Provincia of Verona, Ministry of Social Solidarity, etc. Beside the interfaith magazine Confronti, COM NUOVI TEMPI held project for the dialogue between israelies and palestinians at different levels: adults, young, children. COM NUOVI TEMPI accompain also delegation of italian people in Israel and Palestine and arrange also seminay trip in aree of tehre is a multireligious reality like Bosnia, Turkey, Iran, Sirya and Russia. Our partner are "Arca" in Romallo, Il "Germoglio" in Verona, Hand in Hand organisation (israel), Nafs association (israel), Dar Al Kalima School (Betlemme)
Mission and Objectives

Our objective with our magazine is let the people know that there is a multireligious reality in Italy and starting form it arrange many projects in Italy and abroad. With our projects "Seeds of peace", "Notes of peace", "Flowers of peace" for israelies and palestinians people we want give them a neuthral space out their land for met each other and discuss with the help of a psicotherapist. In this kind of projects are involved also italian students

Main Projects / Activities

COM NUOVI TEMPI edit the interfaith magazine CONFRONTI
Held national and international projects for training about peace an interreligious dialogue
Held different projects for the dialogue between israelies and palestinians
Held many seminary trip in Israel , Palestine, Turkey, Russia, Italy, Syria

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

COM NUOVI TEMPI (editor of "Confronti" magazine)

National Network

via Firenze 38 - 00184 Rome (Italy)

+39 06 4820503
+39 06 4827901
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
COM NUOVI TEMPI is a cooperative society established in 1972 and since 1989 edits the interreligious-intercultural magazine "Confronti". COM NUOVI TEMPI is composed by 125 partners and there are 5 employees and 3 cooperators that work in the cooperative society itself. The amount of budgetary resources available per year is about 500.000 € and the main sources of founding come from the pay-off for cultural services, for services offered to a third party and from contributions of private corporations. Our modalities of actions include: concrete projects on mutireligious and multicultural issues, refresher courses, exchanges (youth and adults peace operators), seminars (in Italy and abroad), scholarships, disseminations of researches and news through media (“Confronti” magazine, internet, social networks). We work with Italian and international partners, such as: secondary and high schools, universities, local and national institutions, local and national religious institutions, NGOs, cultural associations
Mission and Objectives

The object of COM NUOVI TEMPI cooperative society consists of the following activities: publishing, sale, dissemination of cultural works, books and periodicals, and the promotion of congresses, conferences, seminars (in Italy and abroad). These activities are also done through the magazine Confronti (which means “dialogue”), an interfaith and intercultural magazine, whose mission statement is to promote dialogue among the communities of faith in order to produce common actions for peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Main Projects / Activities

COM NUOVI TEMPI through Confronti magazine developed during the years project such as “Semi di Pace” (Seeds of Peace) and “Fiori di Pace” (Flowers of Peace”) for dialogue in Middle East, involving youth and adults from Israel and Palestinian territories in order to give to Italian public the opportunity to know the situation in Middle East from the voice of people that struggles for reconciliation and a just peace. Confronti organize many cultural events, seminars and congresses in order to offer a space for reflection, testimony and debate, an alternative to the typically offered by mainstream media about interfaith and intercultural issues. One of this congress was “Islam in Italy between fundamentalism and Islamophobia” on October 2011, in cooperation with the Italian press national federation (FNSI). Furthermore, during the last years, Confronti organized several itinerant seminars in Israel and Palestinian territories, Russia, Ethiopia, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, India, Lebanon, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Developing international projects on the subjects suggested by ALF and disseminating through the media (such as “Confronti” magazine) such of ideas and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network is a unique opportunity to meet people and organizations that work in different ways in the field cross-cultural dialogue, democracy building and education to pluralism and coexistence. In a globalised world, affected by an impressive economical crisis is now, more than ever, important to share opinions, case studies, in order to find a new way to build on solid bases the future society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Lipori
Contact (2) Full Name
Gian Mario Gillio

ComeUnaMarea Onlus

National Network

18 Dominici Street
90146 Palermo PA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS, founded in Palermo in 2005, is a no profit cultural association  implementing eco-compatible development models and social equity.

It is engaged in the valorisation and promotion of the historical, artistic, environmental and ethno-anthropological heritage of Sicilian territory

The organisation, active in the social and voluntary sector, promotes the safeguarding of human rights, equal opportunities and implementing initiatives to combat gender violence.

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS collaborates with the schools by activating non-formal education paths.

In the multicultural field it acts as an intermediary between different cultures to promote the peaceful coexistence among peoples of the earth.

The organisation carries out projects to protect the environment and education to healthy lifestyles.

It also acts as a human resource incubator, through the "Intercultural Time Bank", an innovative form of social economy.

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS conducts cultural events at national and international level.  


Mission and Objectives

ComeUnaMarea is inspired by the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity, democracy and pluralism.

The Association pursues civic  and socially useful aims by carrying out one or more activities of general interest, mainly through voluntary work.


Fields of activities:

Democracy/Active citizenship


Human rights


Intercultural dialogue

Non-formal learning

Peace and conflict

Sustainable development


Main Projects / Activities

ComeUnaMarea operates at national and European contest.

Its activities are financially supported by financial contributions from the European Union, public institutions and donations.

It has participated in EU Programs in the field of non-formal learning as LLP Programme Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, ERASMUS + and Europe for Citizens Programme.

The projects that received funding from Anna Lindh Foundation are:

- 2008  "Between Culture and Language - a journey of flavours"

- 2010 for the 'IMAP' project

- 2020 for the 'RinF Recycle in Fashion' project

The organisation took part in UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Campaign 2013/14/15 and is involved in actions for:

- European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR)

- Cerealia Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are partner in Cerealia Festival http://www.cerealialudi.org/en/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

RIDE-APS promotes the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Concetta Bruno
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Concetta Bruno
Contact (2) Full Name
Musso Marco

ComeUnaMarea Onlus

National Network

Via Matteo Dominici 18
90146 Palermo PA

091 6374371
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

ComeUnaMarea Onlus is a non-profit cultural association born in Palermo in 2005 that pursues purposes of social utility, implementing eco-compatible development models and social equity.

Our work, in the initial phase, had the cultural promotion as its objective (our first projects were supported by the Cultural Heritage Department of the Sicilian Region). Over the years, the association expanded its activity areas including Human Rights, social sustainability, environmental protection, non-formal education.
The expansion has produced other ways of collaborating (primary and secondary schools, universities, third sector entities, companies) and reaching new goals with different and increasingly prestigious interlocutors, especially international ones.

Mission and Objectives

Our activity mainly consists in carrying forward an active and participatory citizenship.
People must  become responsible for their own decisions, aware of their own value and rights and duties and of their own passions and needs as individuals.
To facilitate and support this participatory cultural growth, particular attention is paid to the involvement of young people.
We dedicate specific efforts to children to help them in their intellectual growth, alongside and supporting schools with non-formal and informal education projects on cultural and environmental issues. At the same time, our work cannot take place without interacting with and with the family.

Main Projects / Activities

Our commitment to education on legality combines a daily work of widespread education in the area with participation in demonstrations against the Mafia and with the implementation of active citizenship education activities.
A commitment whose recognition was such as to allow our association to move its new headquarters to a confiscated property assigned to us for this purpose.

In contrast to gender-based violence, we lead awareness-raising initiatives, combining different skills and different interlocutors (Schools, Public Administrations, NGOs, realities in the health sector and universities).
We are founding members and implementers of the COMMUNITY OF RESPECT project, an initiative which, in synergy with similar Italian and foreign realities aims to carry forward the concept of respect in a broad sense, both towards the individual and towards the environment, coining it through different themes and perspectives.

In addition to our participation in the European Week for Sustainable Development promoted by UNESCO and the EWWW European Week for Waste Reduction, we support initiatives aimed at environmental, ecological and social sustainability.
 In support of environmental sustainability we have carried out circular economy projects related to the recovery of textile waste and the reinvention of products starting from waste material, in order to promote the durability of clothing and accessories and the awareness of the polluting impact on the part of the participants of the fashion sector (Project RinF, Recycle in Fashion).

One of the activities we are most proud of is our BANK OF TIME, born in Palermo in 2010.
It is an initiative that looks at social issues through a reciprocity project. A sort of society on the move in which the skills and competences of the individual are measured in terms of time "to be shared" and "shared".
The Time Bank is not a voluntary project, even if its members are all volunteers, but an indirect reciprocity. In fact, through the exchange, doing "something for" we end up "doing something with", that is, it is the relational and convivial aspect that prevails while the functional aspect remains extremely important.

Contact (1) Full Name
Concetta Bruno
Head of the organisation
Concetta Bruno

ComeUnaMarea Onlus

National Network

18 dominici street
90146 Palermo PA

+39 6374371
+39 0916884070
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3394352947
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3472337481
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

ComeUnaMarea Onlus, founded in Palermo in 2005, is a no profit cultural association  implementing eco-compatible development models and social equity.

It is engaged in the valorisation and promotion of the historical, artistic, environmental and ethno-anthropological heritage of Sicilian territory

The organization, active in the social and voluntary sector, promotes the safeguarding of human rights, equal opportunities and implementing initiatives to combat gender violence.

ComeUnaMarea Onlus collaborates with the schools by activating non-formal education paths.

In the multicultural field it acts as an intermediary between different cultures to promote the peaceful coexistence among peoples of the earth.

The organization carries out projects to protect the environment and education to healthy lifestyles.

It also acts as a human resource incubator, through the "Intercultural Time Bank", an innovative form of social economy.

ComeUnaMarea Onlus conducts cultural events at national and international level.  


Mission and Objectives

ComeUnaMarea is inspired by the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity, democracy and pluralism.

The Association pursues civic  and socially useful aims by carrying out one or more activities of general interest, mainly through voluntary work.


Fields of activities:

Democracy/Active citizenship


Human rights


Intercultural dialogue

Non-formal learning

Peace and conflict

Sustainable development


Main Projects / Activities

ComeUnaMarea operates at  national and European contest.

Its activities are financially supported by financial contributions from the European Union, public institutions and donations.

It has participated in EU Programs in the field of non-formal learning as LLP Programme Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, ERASMUS + and Europe for Citizens Programme.

The projects that received funding from Anna Lindh Foundation are:

2008  "Between Culture and Language - a journey of flavours"

2010 for the 'IMAP' project

2020 for the 'RinF Recycle in Fashion' project

The organization took part in UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Campaign 2013/14/15 and is involved in actions for:

- European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR)

- Cerealia Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are partner in Cerealia Festival http://www.cerealialudi.org/en/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

RIDE-APS promotes the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Concetta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Bruno Concetta
Contact (2) Full Name
Musso Marco


National Network

v.amendola 1
Mariano Comense (Como)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Comida is an independent association which deals with media and communication, seminars, cultural events, coordination of national and international webs, realization of aid projects in South America. We have just started our activity and we don't have a budget; we are organizing an event to promote our work and have a little financiation. We have different associations working with us.
Mission and Objectives

promote direct cooperation, respect of human rights, environmental education, historical memory, arts and social activities, communication in war areas, education of youth, organization of public events, mediation between different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Actually we are planning a big festival in Milan to promote international and direct cooperation; we are creating a new thing in Italy, a way to share projects and needs, a new social space to talk with people out of internet and immaterial forums. With the incoming gain we won't help association but direct projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simone Pozzi
Head of the organisation
Simone Pozzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Teo Todeschini

Comitato di Collegamento di Cattolici per una Civiltà dell'Amore

National Network

Via Sant'Antonio,5
Via Doganale, 1 -00043 Ciampino (Roma)
20122 Milano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association is a non-profit organization and aims to: - Raising public awareness through the organization of conferences, national media campaigns. The Association works in partnership with the Missionary Institutes, present in more than 40 poor countries, to promote projects that create job opportunities locally, for poor fathers. - Realizing, at some schools, the project "Education to globality" which consists of a partnership between a school of Rome and a poor school in Africa, Brazil and India and to support these by distance adopting of their teachers. - Since 2007, the Committee cooperates with the J.P. II for the Sahel Foundation, which aims to help the people of Africa to achieve self-development in terms of employment and education. The Association constitutes of: a Board , a National Secretary, an Honorary Chairman, two employees and some volunteer members. The funds of the Association are identified mainly in liberal contributions.
Mission and Objectives

The task of the Association is to promote development projects in developing countries, through awareness campaigns and public events and mainly operates on two levels: one that involves the realization of micro-projects and the second concerning interventions of greater size as the launch of microenterprises in Africa and in particular in the Sahel region.
Through national media campaigns (for example Campaign "Against Hunger Change Life" and "Adopt a dad in the South of the World", already launched by Pope John Paul II In the angelus of 18 March 2001) the association works with the Missionary Institutes present in more than 40 poor countries, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Haiti, India and Peru, for the promotion of projects of distance adoptions . These initiatives aim to create job opportunities locally, with pay, for poor householders.
This program was started in 2002 and aims to support the creation of a micro-business background in poor countries, through an action of participatory planning and training in the laboratory made possible by collaboration between lenders, missionary world and small Italian enterprises.
Since 2007, the Committee works with the John Paul II for the Sahel Foundation, established in Burkina Faso under the auspices of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum", which aims to promote projects of human, social and economic development in the nine countries of the Sahel.
The projects are based on the full involvement of small and medium-sized European companies - through the creation of medium and long term partnership with the operators in developing countries, providing in particular the provision of know-how and technology and the training of local staff. In this way one can increase their level of internationalization and contribute in some way to the reduction of the phenomenon of unemployment in Europe, particularly serious in the present economic situation.
What we expect to achieve is, an ethical approach to the African Continent, by many defined “the Continent of the Future”; helping European companies to grow in the African market while accompanying the growth of the African market itself. In particular, the aim is to give rise to an virtuous internationalization, so that it may be true development cooperation in terms of training of local staff, transfer of production know-how and technology in particular.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the beginning up to now they were made 28,024 micro-projects which include sponsorships of children and dad, micro projects in agriculture, food, education, energy, water, etc ..
Have been made, the following Micro in collaboration with the Missionary Institutes :
1. Achievement in Derrière-Wharf on the outskirts of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, the "Artisans Program" through which about sixty young graduates were able to start their work and production in their country.
2. Implementation of the "Training School for Carpenters" in the village of Kwentou, in Burkina Faso, which gives young people practical tools to enable small businesses and cooperatives of artisans.
From 2008 to date the following cooperation projects have been carried out in the Sahel in collaboration with the John Paul II Foundation for the Sahel :
1. Construction of a mill and a multipurpose room in Noaka, Burkina Faso
2. Construction of a cereal bank to Boala, Burkina Faso
3. Education and training of women's groups to design and pilot operation of income-generating activities in 47 Departments in Burkina Faso
4. Construction of a water pipe for irrigation in the center of the mission at Brin, Senegal
5. Annual program of support for the design of programs of breeding cattle to Ringuissi, Burkina Faso
6. Construction and installation of a power plant with photovoltaic panels Tiedin in Burkina Faso
7. Construction of a house and a shed for children and street children in Kaya in Burkina Faso
8. Program of construction of two boreholes in villages and Bisgé Tamasgo in Burkina Faso
9. Creation of a well equipped with a hand pump Bantuankepela in Burkina Faso
10. Construction of a multipurpose room equipped and functional Diannah- Malary in Senegal
11. Starting a sartorial involving 40 women in Cairo
12. Construction of a well for the children of a primary school and the village population Nohoungo / Bollin, in Burkina Faso

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Rotunno
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Rotunno

Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli

National Network

Via Germanico, 198 -00192

+39 063215498
+39 06 3216163
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The CISP Office in Rome currently includes four operational structures: Programs, Training, Innovation and Resources, Administration Office (18 persons). In Italy CISP has also other territorial offices rooted at a regional level. While, in the countries where it operates, CISP has established local offices run by project managers or Country Representatives (about 600 persons). The 2007 CISP balance, approved by the Assembly of Members on June 2008 : 14.552.862,64 In collaboration with various local partners, CISP develops concrete projects. The projects are carried out thanks to the financial support and contributions received from individuals, associations, foundations, enterprises and Italian as well as international public and private institutions, such as: the European Union, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Civil Defense and other Italian institutions, UN agencies and the governments of industrialized countries, as well as those of the countries where CISP operates and their local administrations.
Mission and Objectives

The principles and purposes of the CISP are summarized in the Declaration of Intent and the Code of Conduct for cooperation programs endorsed in 1997. In 2008, the Declaration of Intent has been extensively updated and the new one, entitled "For the rights and against poverty. Approaches and operational priorities of the CISP - Development of Peoples", identifies the following priority areas of CISP’s action : a) The right to a social and economic security: development of income opportunities, migration and development, food security, b) the right to health and access to water and sanitation; c) the right to a future: the rights of children, adolescents and young people and development of environment and natural resources; d) the right to humanitarian assistance: emergency and first reconstruction e) support of public policies for social cohesion and civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

In collaboration with various local partners, CISP develops projects of humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation, development and applied research in over 30 countries in Africa, Latin America, Middle East, Asia and Europe. In the European Union countries, CISP carries out projects of information, training, education for development and inter-culture, fight against racism and social exclusion as well as the promotion of international solidarity. In collaboration with the University of Pavia, Pavia Supreme School of IUSS and two other NGOs, CISP established the Cooperation and Development School of Pavia, which operates two international Masters in Pavia and resulted in the development of two other international Masters in Cartagena des Indias in Colombia and Bethlehem in Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandro De Luca
Head of the organisation
Paolo Dieci Director and Legal Representative
Contact (2) Full Name
Deborah Rezzoagli

Committee of Coordination of the Organizations for the Voluntary Service

National Network

Viale Monza, 40 20127
Milan (MI)

+39 02 2822852
+39 02 2822853
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. COSV is a NGO composed by Associates Assembly, Guaranty Board, President, Management Board, General Director. The staff employed is 5 Project Managers, 3 Project Assistants, 4 Accountants, 5 Support staff, 15 Voluntary staff. 2. Total resource available in 2005 is 3. Major sources of COSV funding include grants from national and international institutions (MAE, UE, UN), other private donations. 4. COSV role is to support the local partners in the implementation of the project, supervising and monitoring the activities, providing legal advice, technical and managerial support. 5. In every project, COSV cooperate with at the least two local organisations.
Mission and Objectives

COSV’s mission is to undertake action focused on underdevelopment poblems in multidisciplinar approach.
In accordance with this belief, COSV works to:
o participation of civil society and populations in the planning and implementation of development measures;
o improvement of social services, especially in the areas of health, family planning, water supplies, sanitation and housing;
o promotion of equitable sharing of the growth, paying particular attention to the objectives and targets established at UN summits concerning the fight against poverty and incorporated in the international development targets;
o strengthening democracy and defence of human rights;
o cultural cooperation and youth exchanges.

Main Projects / Activities

o Sanitation, with preference for primary health care (country centers and reference hospitals) and for integrated projects (health, water and waste disposal), privileging mother and child care, training to local staff and sanitary education;
o Agriculture and zoo technology, reforestation; recovery of traditional technologies and introduction of suitable technologies; preservation and development of traditional cultures;
o Vocational training, especially for intermediate technical sector;
o Rehabilitation and habitat, reclamation of service structures, training to maintenance, constructing with adequate materials, recovery to traditional systems;
o Income generating programs, mainly supporting women’s micro-entrepreneurship and craftsmanship; support to traditional saving forms and country banks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cinzia Giudici (President)
Head of the organisation
Cinzia Giudici
Contact (2) Full Name
Paolo Comoglio (Director)