
Casa del Maghreb Arabo (13 organizations represented)

National Network

via Agostino Depretis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo. Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze. La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia. Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.
Mission and Objectives

La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo.
Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze.
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia.
Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.

Main Projects / Activities

La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo.
Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze.
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia.
Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ester Pedicini
Head of the organisation
Capasso Michele

Casa della Cultura Araba "Al Quds-Palermo"

National Network

Via G. La Farina, 21. 90141. Palermo.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association "Casa della Cultura Araba Al-Quds Palermo" aims to promote mutual understanding of Arab cultures in Palermo and elsewhere, providing to strenght relationship and cooperation activities between Sicily and the Southern river of the Mediterranean Basin. A bond that has its roots in ancient times and that should be reassessed, the association is based on proincipi of justice, peace and cooperation among peoples and cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Promote understanding of Arab culture in all its most beautiful and challenging facets, promote solidarity among peoples, peace education. The association considers the mutual cultural understanding and tolerance an instrument for achieving a healthy peaceful cooperation, Al Quds-Palermo will promote solidarity with the Palestinian people and its struggle for life.

Main Projects / Activities

The association intends to pursue its objectives by organizing cultural events, Arabic language classes, belly dance, the organization of cocktails and buffet, art exhibitions, music, movies, discussions, seminars, debates and much more .. all activities focused on the culture of the Arab world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Massimo Caltavuturo
Head of the organisation
Fateh Hamdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Fateh Hamdan

Casa delle regioni del Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Aurelia Antica,164

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Casa delle regioni del Mediterraneo Foundation is a non-profit organization created by the President of Lazio Regional Council, Pietro Marrazzo. The structure of the organization is composed by : President: M. Achilli Resp. communication and events:L.Landolfi Resp.management operational programs M.C. Fortini Resp. searching and planning: G.Popescu Resp. international relations: M.N. Gaida
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation, pursues the following institutional aims and duties of public, social and collective interest and use:
1) associate other Italian and foreign regions and local communities in the Mediterranean area with its own activities;
2) start-up reciprocal working relations, cooperation and exchange with Italian associations, bodies and organizations dealing with Mediterranean matters at a national and/ or local level.
The Foundation:
a) promotes and realises, also through other bodies and organizations activity programmes, interventions, studies, research editorial activities aimed at strengthening citizenship and participation rights, paying special attention to youngsters and women;
b) sets-up with the help of universities and research centres, a centre for services and studies capable of providing Italian and foreign regions with technical consultancies and assistance for planning, assessment and feasibility analysis of individual programmes and studies.
c) carries out training, updating and specialisation programmes and courses aimed at operators in the regions and other local communities in the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

The foundation Casa delle regioni del Mediterraneo has just inititiated its activities but has already concretely realized:
-19/27 June 2007 Lazio between Europe and the Mediterranean:cooperation strategies for substantial development projects, promoted by Sviluppo Lazio, University of Rome "Roma 3"
-International tender reserved for youghsters in order to realize a trademark/logo of the foundation.
-Visit to Italy, Rome of Ismail Serag El-Din President of the Library of Alexandria.
-April, Conference: "Invest in the Mediterranean:opportunities and tools"
-May, Festival of the Mediterranean's culture: art, music, literature, gastronomy, ecc.
-Collaboration with: Med Film Festival
-Collaboration with Mediterranea Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
President Michele Achilli
Head of the organisation
President Michele Achilli
Contact (2) Full Name
Arch. Landolfo Landolfi

CCM - Comitato Collaborazione Medica

National Network

via Cirié 32/E

0039 011 6602793
0039 011 3839455
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 346 9444881
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Comitato Collaborazione Medica is a non-governmental organization founded in 1968 in Turin by a group of doctors. Today, forty two years after its foundation, the CCM counts more than 300 people sharing the commitment for the assertion of the right to health care. The goal of its activities is the improvement of health conditions in the population of low income countries. The CCM budgetary resources for the year 2009 were over 4 millions euro. The main donors of programs currently undertaken by CCM are: the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; UNICEF; WHO; UNHCR; UE; UNOCHA; FAO; private foundations. The organization’s financial accounts are yearly audited by certified public accountants according to international best practises and regulations, both in the headquarters and in the peripheral offices. In every country CCM has a strong partnership among international and local NGOs, with involvement of local health authorities and communities.
Mission and Objectives

CCM leads development projects in the medical field using an integrated approach (water, nutrition and rehabilitation facilities) required in areas severely lacking infrastructures. The areas of intervention are characterized by a scarce incidence of medical facilities and often by environmental or political instability. When the occurrence of strong inter-ethnic tensions, droughts, floods or spreading epidemics threatens to compromise a population’s health or to interrupt the supply of essential provisions, the CCM’s medical assistance programs guarantee continuity through emergency procedures. Primary Health Care, which considers health to be a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not simply absence of disease or infirmity, is the principle inspiring CCM. Basic medical assistance proceeds with the treatment of large epidemics, efforts to contain epidemics, basic surgery, vaccination campaigns, the creation of blood banks and community pharmacies.

Main Projects / Activities

At present CCM operates in Burundi, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mali, Somalia and South Sudan with 28 between main and secondary projects. In one year, with the aid of supporters, working in 7 hospitals and 95 primary health care centres CCM vaccinated 52,000 children, conducted 300,000 medical check-ups, 25,000 surgeries and 25,000 blood tests.
The main activities of CCM consist in rehabilitating health facilities, providing medical and nursing staff, local staff’s training, procuring drugs, vaccines, medical and surgical equipment.
CCM operates to prevent diseases, ensure access to care and improve health, through the implementation of medical and surgical services, vaccination of women and children, screening of risk pregnancies, communicable diseases control, health education, and provision of safe water.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Ferrero
Head of the organisation
Marilena Bertini
Contact (2) Full Name
Marilena Bertini

CE.S.I.E - Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo

National Network

Via Gorizia n°22 90133

+39091 6164224
+39091 6230849
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Staff: President, Vice-President, Director, Socio-Cultural Promotion Department Manager, International Activities Department Manager, Socio-economic Development Department Manager, Financial Manager and 2 staff of the Financial Departement, Mobility responsible, 7 Project Manager, 2 Project evaluator and Adviser, 1 Pedagogical Adviser, 1 Volunteer coordinator. 2. Our source is European Commission, Fondazione per il Sud, Italian National Civil Service, University of Palermo, Council of Europe, Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, City of Palermo, Region of Sicily, Italian Ministry of Youth and Italian Ministry of Work
Mission and Objectives

Mission- Actively work towards the development and growth of people, groups and organisations of people through a holistic development approach, which considers the potential of each individual.
Objectives- * Promote intercultural development
* Act as a bridge between research and the application of knowledge
* Apply reciprocal communication methods in order to consolidate peace and democracy
* Abolish all forms of discrimination thus favouring social inclusion and equal opportunities
* Promote a responsible global awareness through the application of human rights
* Develop social, cultural, economic and scientific relationships at local and international levels
* Facilitate the growth of people and organisations, with particular attention to youth, through bottom-up approaches

Main Projects / Activities

Socio-Cultural Promotion Department
* National Civil Service
* Intercultural Education
* Local Community Development
* European Voluntary Service
* Sending of groups to International Youth and Cultural Exchanges, Training Courses and Seminars
International Activity Department
* Implementation of Networks and Development of Partnerships
* International Cooperation and Sustainable Development projects
* Organisation of International Youth and Cultural Exchanges, Training Courses and Seminars
* International Civil Service
Socio-Economic Development Department
* Research
* Creation of Sustainable and Fair Businesses
* Professional Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Vito La Fata
Head of the organisation
Vito La Fata
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Marzloff

CEDU Centro per l'Educazione ai Diritti Umani ( Center for Human Rights Education

National Network

Via Felice Romani 15
16122 Genova

0039 010 8399183
0039 010 8399183
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3339211542
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
    The ECHR pursues exclusively purposes of social solidarity.The Association is a non-profit organization.To achieve its aims the Association can make agreements with public and private organizations, participate in projects and raise funds and contributions. The association is financed by voluntary contributions from its members. The ECHR pursues exclusively purposes of social solidarity. It includes a shareholders' meeting and a board of directors. They are bodies of the ECHR: the shareholders' meeting the Board of Directors President  the Vice President the Treasurer the Secretary the Board of Arbitrators (established and appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting) The Association also make use of the advice of a Scientific Committee.
Mission and Objectives

The activities of the ECHR are aimed at education, training and information on fundamental human rights and are aimed at civil society, schools and universities, through: educational initiatives aimed at young people and adults production of texts, audiovisuals, websites, educational programs and any other educational or informational means to increase awareness and practice of human rights participation in research projects.

Main Projects / Activities

From 2004 to today, the ECHR has carried out various activities, activities, such as theproduction ofvolumes and publications with publications with interviews and in-depth studies on issues concerning human rights and human rights information and education, educational kits with interviews on DVD, educational projects with Genoa and Liguria schools, meetings and public events and interfaculty courses at the University of Genoa, production of documentaries on DVD. For further information, visit www.ceduitalia.altervista.org/joomla

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

collaboration through the dissemination through our website of reports studies video researches of your initiatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because we share its values, values ​​and initiatives and we would like to expand our field of activity on a European and international scale

Contact (1) Full Name
Stella Acerno
Job Title
teacher of literature and history in high schools until 2018, collaborates in the teaching of European Union law (prof. Edoardo Pusillo) University of Genoa
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Edoardo Pusillo
Job Title (2)
professor of European Union law at Genoa University

CEFA Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l'Agricoltura Onlus

National Network

Via Lame 118, 40122 Bologna

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Selon le CEFA, les grands plaies sociales qui affligent les pays en voie de développement peuvent être combattu en aidant les populations à atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire, dans le domaine du travail, de l’instruction et de l’organisation sociale. Ces objectives se réalisent à travers projets de développement rural intégré et soutenable. Notre mot préféré est autodéveloppement. Travailler en cette direction signifie promouvoir les capacités des populations locales à prendre en charge avec autonomie et efficacité les projets en essayant de maintenir et renforcer ce que on avait déjà réalisé. On travaille toujours aves des contreparties locales. La structure de CEFA se compose par 13 employés et 18 volontaires dans la siège principale de Bologna, 58 expatriés et 385 staff local dans les pays. Le bilan annuel de CEFA est de plus de 6.000.000€. Les sources de financement sont la Union Européenne, les Institutions nationales, régionales et locaux, fondations et privés.
Mission and Objectives

Selon le CEFA, les grands plaies sociales qui affligent les pays en voie de développement peuvent être combattu en aidant les populations à atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire, dans le domaine du travail, de l’instruction et de l’organisation sociale.
Ces objectives se réalisent à travers projets de développement rural intégré et soutenable, qui commencent comme petites expériences et qui vont progressivement associer plusieurs communautés et quartiers/arrondissements?.
En tous cas, la priorité reste toujours l’autosuffisance comme réponse durable aux besoins primaires (nourriture, eau, santé et instruction).
Notre mot préféré est autodéveloppement. Travailler en cette direction signifie promouvoir les capacités des populations locales à prendre en charge avec autonomie et efficacité les projets une fois le volontaires rentrés chez eux, en essayant de maintenir et renforcer ce que on avait déjà réalisé.

Main Projects / Activities

On travaille à travers de projets de coopération au développement dans plusieurs domaines: agriculture et développement rural, éducation et alphabétisation, environnement, migration, emploi, société civile. On est présent dans les pays de la Méditerranée (Maroc et Tunisie), en Amérique Latine (Equateur, Guatemala) et en Afrique Orientale (Somalie, Sud Sudan, Kenya, Tanzanie).

Contact (1) Full Name
Alice Fanti
Head of the organisation
Patrizia Farolini

CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell'Educazione e lo Sviluppo

National Network

Piazza Sant'Anna, 24 - 90133 Palermo

+39 091 7848236
+39 091 6197543
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 389 83 23 976
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
CEIPES is a non-profit organization, independent, without links to political parties, but nevertheless active politically and who seeks the active participation of all and all those who pursue our own goals or identical, promoting unity in diversity. The main purpose of CEIPES is to promote the education and development of young people and adults through activities in formal and non formal education, training, culture, peace and nonviolence, interculturality, solidarity, human rights, active citizenship, international cooperation. As well we promote diverse services thus contributing to human and civil growth at individual, community and world levels. We are trying to achieve the objectives that we proposed through diversified activities, co-financed by several institutions and programmes, such programmes promoted by the European Commission (Youth in Action, Lifelong Learning, Culture, Media, Citizenship, etc.) or public and private bodies present in the territory.
Mission and Objectives

Inspired to principles and values such as freedom, nonviolence, respect, solidarity, equality, dignity, love, cooperation, responsibility, communication, listening is a difficult mission. Like nearly all of the action we know ethics is more difficult ethical thought. How many times defend the ideas that after we fail to put into practice in our personal lives?
The mission of CEIPES is to promote the sustainable development of local communities and individuals that are promoting as the ultimate self-sustainability of community through shared responsibility and cooperation between people. Each individual / community itself awareness of their needs and resources necessary for the resolution. The CEIPES actor is a facilitator of the process of activating the community, through an educational and then creation / transformation of energy and resources. These serve to give to people and communities the ability to act as educators themselves, self-motivate in the search for their harm and in treating them.

Main Projects / Activities

01/05/2009-20/12/2009 → Fondazione Europea per i Giovani, Categoria B
Progetto n. 5014.2.B.2009. PC20
01/02/09-31/01/10 → Programma Gioventù in Azione, Azione II, Servizio Volontario Europeo Invio
10/12/08-17/12/08 → Programma Gioventù in Azione, Azione IV, Seminario
Agosto 2008-Luglio 2010 → Programma di Apprendimento Permanente, Grundtvig Partenariato di Apprendimento
Accordo n. 2008-1-TR1-GRU06-02961 3
Agosto 2008-Luglio 2010 → Programma di Apprendimento Permanente, Leonardo da Vinci Partenariato
Convenzione n. LLP-LDV-PA-08-IT-337
05-18/07/2008 → Programma di Apprendimento Permanente, Leonardo da Vinci Mobilità
29/05/2008 – 03/06/2008 → Programma Gioventù in Azione, Azione IV, Corso di Formazione
Aprile 2008 → Programma Gioventù in Azione, Azione IV, Corso di Formazione
Gennaio 2008-Dicembre 2008 → EACEA, Enhancement Of Social Inclusion Of People With Disabilities
Settembre 2006-Agosto2007 → Programma Gioventù, Azione II, Capitale Futuro

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia

National Network

Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, POLARIS, Edificio 1, 09010 PULA (CA - Italy)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4) is a private company owned completely by Sardegna Ricerche, and is financed in part by the government of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and by contracts with major Italian industries and through participation in projects co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Research and by the European Commission. we carry out applied research across a range scientific and technological areas. In particular, we aim to develop and apply innovative solutions within our chosen areas through a multidisciplinary approach. Our areas of expertise encompass large-scale computational problems requiring advanced simulation techniques supported by High Performance Computing, a long with the timely integration of newly emerging Information and Communications Technology for Education and Training areas among the social fields we face with. The annual balance sheet total is about 21.524.536 euro and at this date the number of employees is 126 plus external consultants (30).
Mission and Objectives

We focus on problems stemming from natural, social and industrial environments. Our areas of interest include computational fluid dynamics, combustion and chemical processes, geophysics, environment.The Educational and Training Group works at the definition/study/development and at the complete evaluation procedure of the conception and the development of innovative systems for schools, treating knowledge through a pedagogical perspective, act as an ICT schools observatory, ICT educational trends and development, guideline and research most relevant results in the area of ICT for teaching/training. Monitoring the expertise on Instructional Design, following the standards of the international committee IBSTPI, release online seminars on the applications developped in the Technological Park of Sardinia, contiuous education, providing training-on-the-job opportunities to teachers, and educators.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the last project (2007-2008)our ETT group has developed for four regional institutes is named "Moka" which stands for Mobile Organized Knowledge Access. In the context of school drop-outs, the objectif has been concerned with the students motivation to come into possession of educational contents,to reconcile them with learning activities, by using the technological instrument most used by him: the mobile phone,to get them involved in the preparation and development of multimedia materials for a better understanding of renewable energy resources. The SELECTS project aims at the improvement of the scientific background of students with innovative methods that employe ICT methodologies. The activities of the Hydrology and Water Resources Management (WRM) Area are centered on the improvement of understanding of fundamental hydrometeorological phenomena to better manage our water resources. Dissemination and international publication represent a regular activity carried out by both of these two research groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carola Salis
Head of the organisation
Prof. Paolo Zanella
Contact (2) Full Name
Helga Wilson