
Institute of Mohamed Ali for the Research of the Eastern Tradition (I.M.A.R.E.T.)

National Network

Mohamed Ali’s Residence, Panagia District

0030 2510 620151
0030 2510 620 156
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6937 203292
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6932 916112
General Information
I.M.A.R.E.T. is a registered NGO with the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was established several months ago by concerned citizens in Kavala, Greece. Its aims include the study of the Egyptian influence in Greece and vice versa. The intra-cultural exchange and dialogue, as well as the promotion of art as a means of intra-cultural understanding. The first major co-operation partner is Cultnat of Bibliotheca Alaxandrina with the aim of documenting and digitizing the architectural heritage of the Mohamed Ali era in Egypt and Greece. Conferences and publications are scheduled to come out of this project as well as other. Our main partners are expected to be other NGO, universities, research centres and government agencies. There will be several sources of funding.
Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Lychounas
Head of the organisation
Michael Lychounas
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Tzouma Missirian

Institute of Psychosocial Development (Ι.Ψ.Α.)

National Network
+30 2410 258040
+30 2410 258040
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6945929037
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6947425495
Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Athina Marouda – Hatzoulis
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Elli Papadimitriou; Ms. Georgia Zavraka


National Network

50-52 Valtetsiou str.
10681 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

INTER ALIA is a private not-for-profit organization based in Athens, Greece. Its activities are carried out through its two interconnected branches, a youth organization and a think-tank. Both branches have common aims though diverse tools for pursuing them. Inter Alia's founders and members are particularly interested in contemporary challenges of the EU with particular focus on education, democracy and collective action, and social entrepreneurship.

Mission and Objectives

INTER ALIA aims: - To bring people closer to each other and to Europe through breaking stereotypes, analysing and deconstructing conflict, engaging actively in key political issues and dialogue. - To raise awareness of the EU & prospective EU citizens on available channels for acting, participating & shaping Europe - To utilize the increasing willingness of the European youth to share their skills, expertise and energy, and to improve youth employability - To apply pressure to EU mechanisms for the expansion of participation of EU & prospective EU citizens in the European process - To provide multi-disciplinary approaches and integrate fragmented knowledge into a fruitful scheme

Main Projects / Activities

INTER ALIA's members and network of partners target the organization's aims through both theoretical/academic and practical (educational & civic) ventures. Specifically, Inter Alia uses four basic tools for action: - Analysis: Collecting & publishing original analyses that touch upon contemporary developments, concepts and ideas that unite or divide us, that promote or obstruct collective action and Europeans’ common sense of belonging, and that impact on our perceived role within the community at all levels (local, regional, national, European, global). Inter Alia has published more than 20 policy analyses this far. Some of the recent ones were related to: viewpoints towards Islam in contemporary Europe; the rising populism in Western Balkan countries; the education revolution that is attempted by particular institutions through new media and tools. - Debate: Promoting direct interaction between experts (policy makers, scholars) and the wider public. Training courses, workshops, seminars, public discussions & conferences are the main tools for promoting dialogue and participation with the underlying goals of making Europe more popular and likeable. Inter Alia holds regular events that aim at communicating contemporary issues of Europe through non-formal learning methods. Along with activities at the national level, Inter Alia has been represented by affiliated experts and young members in numerous international activities such as workshops, training courses, job-shadowing, forums etc. - Networking: Inter Alia aims at supporting and promoting views & activities of numerous organizations that share our vision for an active and assertive European demos. Collective action is an essential step for minimizing the distance between the EU and the European constituencies and for effectively applying pressure towards more accountability and openness. These aims have been pursued through promotional activites for partner organizations as well as through participation to a number of partnerships and consortia involved in a variety of national, European and international projects. - Research: Inter Alia’s platform is open to scholars, academic & policy analysts, but also to students and journalists who wish to contribute articles in their field of expertise related (but not limited) to contemporary cultural, political, educational, economic, commercial & social issues of Europe. The production of Inter Alia's research portfolio is made up of three collective volumes, public opinion surveys and social research as well as occasional papers. Inter Alia is run by a team of professionals from different fields (http://interaliaproject.com/people.html) while participation is project based. Inter Alia has involved a number of people from diverse fields in its ventures including young academics, civil society organizations, associations and think tanks, high-school students and youth. These partnerships are cultivated and extended through Inter Alia's growing pan-European network of partners and collaborators (http://interaliaproject.com/partnerships.html).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

INTER ALIA through its philosophy that one organization cannot achieve much on its own but must put itself inter alia its peer, can contribute in the main aims of ALF for bringing together civil society and citizens across the Mediterranean to trust-building and mutual understanding which are among others among the core aims and values of ours.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to empower our organisation through stable networks based on common values. At the same time we can assist other organisations in their respective goals. Alltogether, our joint aims can be better promoted through joint ventures rather than fragmented action with questionable continuity. Thus, cooperation for the joint civic benefit, the serving of ALF aims and at the same time of the mission of each organization is our main motivation for joining.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikolaos Pasamitros
Job Title
Academic Director
Head of the organisation
Nikolaos Papakostas
Publication Illustration

Intercultural Education in the European context

This book offers a comparative analysis of the intercultural theories and practices developed in the European context. Bringing together work on the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands and Sweden, it examines specific approaches to intercultural education...

interdisciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation

National Network

Fanariou 52
69100 Komotini

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Interciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation "ideopolis" was founded in 2013 through the initiative of young scientists from different disciplines and fields of application. It is a non-profit organization designed to function as an intermediary towards public development institutions, private companies and collective organizations and NGOs thus creating the conditions for mobilizing human resources and capital. At the same time it seeks the adoption of thematic synergies with development targeting in national and European level. It aims at international cooperation and the adoption of initiatives that will provide solutions beyond overcoming local or any kind of obstacles. "Ideopolis" associates believe in synthesis, different opinions and versatility as factors of development and social prosperity.
Mission and Objectives

Interciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation "ideopolis" is grappled in many different sectors, according to the area of expertise of its members and collaborators, and in accordance to the needs of partners of public and private sector and NGOs.
More specifically:

    It prepares development master plans with thematic or spatial orientation

    It creates and supports development and social partnerships

    It designs, submits and implements project proposals under calls for E.U. programmes

    It organizes promotion and information activities

    It prepares and implements social interventions in cooperation with NGOs

    It designs specialized educational material and it proceeds it the organization of training courses

    It creates master plans for viable and sustainable development

    It invests in the society of knowledge and new technologies

    It supports public and private organizations, as well as NGOs for the promotion of common purposes

    It develops partnerships in European level

Main Projects / Activities

"ideopolis" is currently actively involved in the implementation of various project fighting unemployment in the Rural region of EastMacedonia & Thrace, Greece.
It is also developing initiatives, through multiple funding opportunities, for improving human resources in the crossborder area of Rhodpe Region (Greece-Bulgrary).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioanna Vlachogianni
Head of the organisation
Ioanna Vlachogianni

International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS)

National Network

4 Xenophontos Str.
10557 Athens

+30 210 324 2321
+30 210 324 2244
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The ICBSS is a think tank focusing on the wider Black Sea Area and in particular on its regional cooperation dynamics as well as relations with the EU, the Mediterranean countries and other international partners. It is a related body of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) serving as its acknowledged think-tank. The ICBSS is governed by an international Board of Directors, formed by senior representatives from the diplomatic and academic communities from 16 countries of the wider Black Sea region and EU. The Board elects the ICBSS Director General and Alternate Director General, responsible for the Centre’s management. Currently the ICBSS has twelve employees, four external experts and two interns. The Centre has an annual turnover of approx. 700 000 Euro proceeding from Greek statutory sources, EU programmes, IOs and other donors. It undertakes research projects, advocacy and networking activities often in collaboration with international partners.
Mission and Objectives

Through all its activities, the ICBSS aims to foster multilateral cooperation among the countries of the wider Black Sea area as well as with their international partners, under the motto of “Promoting Synergies Across Regions”.
As an independent research and training centre the ICBSS strives to pursue applied, policy-oriented research, build capacity and promote knowledge on the Black Sea region both within and outside its boundaries.
As a related body of the BSEC its goal is to fulfil in the best possible way its institutional role and the assignments received by carrying out studies, offering policy advice and coordinating activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The ICBSS carries out activities in diverse areas, always focusing on fostering multilateral dialogue and cooperation. Current topics are EU-Black Sea interaction, good governance and institutional renewal, energy, science and technology, and security and stability. It regularly issues publications, organises events and has expertise in managing research projects in social sciences as well as science and technology. Programmes and publications include:
- ICBSS Annual Conference and Annual Lecture
- Black Sea Research Network: a multidisciplinary system of research institutes in the wider region
- ICBSS Outreach Programme: engaging leading experts and local stakeholders in debates on regional affairs
Project management; specifically of EU co-funded regional projects (FP6 and FP7)
- Xenophon Paper series of comprehensive, policy-oriented studies
- Policy Briefs on topical issues
- Black Sea Monitor: an electronic review of regional affairs
- Contribution to the Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Taylor & Francis Group (Routledge, London)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Almuth Wardemann
Head of the organisation
Dr, Dimitrios Triantaphyllou
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Dimitrios Triantaphyllou

International Conference on Security and Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

International Conference on Security and Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

The Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence of the University of Athens organized in Athens on November 4 2022 an International Conference on Security and Energy in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a welcome from the Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias, and the participation of dozens of experts from Europe, the USA and Eastern Mediterranean countries.

The first session was dedicated to maritime delimitation issues in the Eastern Mediterranean. Under the chairmanship of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens, Professor L-A. Sisilianos, Professor J.L. Suarez de Vivero from the University of Seville, author of the "Seville Map", Professor N. Ros (France), Dr. Y. E. Acikgonul (Turkey), energy expert A. Varshavsky (Israel) and Assoc. Professor I. Stribis (University of the Aegean) analyzed the effect of islands on maritime delimitation, the stages of the delimitation process, and delimitation agreements between neighbouring states in the Eastern Mediterranean. The need to respect international law and negotiate in good faith was also underlined.

The second panel’s focus was on security issues in the East Mediterranean. The panel was coordinated by Professor at the University of Athens P. Tsakonas, while Gen. (ret.) A. Gilead (Israel), Dr. R. Meinardus (Germany), Professor C. Aktar (Turkey), Dr. P. Savvides (Cyprus), A. Burweila (Libya) and Professor K. Ifantis participated in it. It was stretched that Greece is a precious partner to Israel, as well as the stance of Berlin that Greek sovereignty on the Aegean islands is unquestionable. Special mention was made of Turkey’s practice to abusively evoke Art. 51 of the UN Charter on self-defence. Thus, aggressive Turkey moves towards becoming a pariah-state. Libyan analyst A. Burweila made evident that the Libyan-Turkish agreements are null and void not only from an international law perspective, but also with regards to Libya’s national law.

Under the coordination of Professor N. Farantouris, former Minister of Energy, Professor G. Maniatis (University of Piraeus), K. Stambolis (Institute of Energy of South-Eastern Europe) and A. Burweila (Libya) participated in the third panel which treated the subject of energy challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean. The speakers emphasized that, for the next 30 years, Europe's energy mix will include both natural gas and renewables, hence the need for rapid exploitation of natural gas deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean, and their importance for the EU’s independence from Russia. The two Greek speakers supported the importance and viability of the EastMed pipeline. Ms. Burweila presented the recent Libyan proposal for the construction of a gas pipeline from Greece to the eastern Libyan coast. The proposal was based on an earlier discussion and planning of this route in 2007-2009, as analyzed by the intervening former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs G. Valinakis, who also explained its advantages in relation to EastMed. Therefore, the reinstatement of the proposal should be seriously considered.

In the last panel, chaired by the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Professor G. Valinakis, the prospects for the future were examined with the participation of American analyst Dr. M. Rubin (American Enterprise Institute), A. Aydintasbas (Turkey/Brookings Institution), Ambassador (ret.) M. Harrari (Israel) and Dr. Th. Dokos, national security adviser to the Prime Minister. Dr. Rubin was very critical of Turkey's international behaviour. Ms. Aydintasbas maintained that the NATO de-confictional channels are of vital importance. Finally, the former Israeli ambassador Harrari underlined the risk of escalation "due to wrong perceptions" and recommended preventive normalization diplomacy and the "non-exclusion of Turkey".

More info: https://jmce.gr/portal/en/2022/11/22/international-conference-on-security-and-energy-in-the-eastern-mediterranean/

International Deveolpment Institute ( Branch )

National Network

13181 Zarqa

962 0777994015
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
International Development Institute( Branch) is branch of Intenational deveolpment Institute which is charity, local and regional authority, and research institute at Jordan in the fields of social sciences and modern and classical languages.      
Mission and Objectives

International Development Institute fuctions at local, national and international development , It also have very good ties with national and international institutions and associations of development , Education , Health and International Relations.It is also wiling to join the world federtion of United Nations Association shortly after

Main Projects / Activities

Studying Aramaic language project 
European modern and classical languages studying
Local community development
Consultations national and international
Facilitating development projects localy and regionaly
International Collaboration to assist humanitarian support
   Aims at srengthening Solidarity, Justice and Security
localy and internationaly

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasmin Al-Shaishani
Head of the organisation
Hilary Adams