
The Sultan

National Network

Grosser Burstah 45
The Sultan, c/o Cube Media GmbH
20457 Hamburg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Sultan is the common denominator for pop fans from all cultures. Eastern and Western influences are combined through the artist's diverse music and entertainment projects.

The turban-wearing entertainer is represented in the main pop culture media channels: As a singer and influencer, comic figure and producer, “The Sultan” is turning into an established star with international cult potential.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to become the global leader in diversity & positive representation of modern-Oriental culture in music, media, live performance and film / cartoon.

The Sultan is a magic carpet ride to all cultures. It's a unique and independent pop music entertainment project with a
positive and humorous twist to build bridges and integrate eastern cultures with others.

The Sultan aims to be an ambassador of Oriental cultures in western media by blending Western trends within his music and visual content. By removing the misunderstandings and fear of cultures stigmatized by Western media, the Sultan project aims to create experiences that integrate Eastern values for positive representation and inspire more inclusivity.

Building a bridge between cultures via entertainment and solving diversity problems in the western media:
• Few media role models with oriental charm
• Image problem and poor positive representation of the Orient
• Little inclusion of oriental & Asian artists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Sultan can represent Anna Lindh Foundation's interests in an entertaining way and interact as a media ambassador with continuous creative content creations, press releases and marketing. This is a unique way to reach a fresh and young audience of todays time!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Sultan's mission matches with the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation. We are looking for a strong strategic and financial partner to pull together so we can reach our mission targets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arash Ekhlasi
Job Title
CEO & Artist
Head of the organisation
Arash Ekhlasi

theaterwerkstatt hannover

National Network

Lister Meile 4
30161 Hannover

+49 511 344104
+49 511 314658
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The theaterwerkstatt hannover is one of the oldest independent theater groups in Germany. Since its founding in 1976, numerous theater productions have emerged, about half of them for children and young people. The theaterwerkstatt is leaded by a team of three. For each production the ensemble is temporarily extended by professional artists from different genres. In this way, the theater produces up to four productions a year, which are shown in Hanover and on tour. Quite a few of them find their reputation at festivals at home and abroad. The performances are shown in their own theater, in the culture centre ‘Kulturzentrum Pavillon’ (2 flexible stages / black box, with 90 and 110 seats in a atrium style). The theater is funded primarily by the city of Hanover, project-related by the state of the Lower Saxony and from various foundations. The budget varies between 150,000-200,000 € p.a.
Mission and Objectives

The theaterwerkstatt hannover offers with their aesthetically and highbrow productions lively theater experiences for children, adolescents and adults. In all productions the sensual experience of the content stands in the foreground, through the combination of language, movement, space, light and music.
The substantive decisions for each project are guided by the questions ‘What is our business, what motivates and excites us?’ The task that we face as a theater, is the compression of these questions in an open artistic process. The more freely this process can happen, the more clearer the theater can show new things, can connect the rational contemplation of our world with emotional knowledge and allow collaborative experience and viewing in the theater. A envision and understanding with all the senses, without getting stuck in the pure image - there are enough copies.
The role of the ensemble is crucial, it designs as a creative collective the content for the audience. In this theatre the actor is the creative performer. The spectator is active and alternates between seeing through the open process and fiction. In this ratio lays a profoundly democratic attitude that we want to maintain as a theater.

Main Projects / Activities

In addition to our own operation in Hanover, the theatre is internationally connected for years, with co-productions in Japan and Poland and many guest performances in Europe and Asia. From 2005 to 2009 the theaterwerkstatt hannover conceived and managed the european theater project "Babel, or we build a house" for the Goethe-Institut Nancy, Vilnius and Lisbon.
Since 2012, the theaterwerkstatt hannover expanded their international activities in the Arab region, -in the Middle East and North Africa. According to its own touring they organized jointly with the Cultural Center ‘Pavillon’ the  theater-meeting about the Arab Spring, in 2014 with the main focus on new era of the women "Aufbruch der Frauen".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since 2014, the theaterwerkstatt continuously collaborates with the Cultural Center ‘Pavillon’ and we offer under the label of "Theater in the Pavilion" an exciting place for independent theater. Together with the Cultural Centre, the theater offers ideal opportunities for performances, conferences and workshops.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The theaterwerkstatt is preparing a cooperation with Israel / Palestine and in the following with Egypt. Besides our own theater work, we are looking forward to taking a deeper cultural policy discourse in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matthias Alber
Job Title
CEO, Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Matthias Alber
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabine Trötschel
Job Title (2)
Artisitic Director

Tomorrow Together e.V.

National Network

Blumenstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Tomorrow Together is a non-governmental organization based in Bonn, Germany. The organization is formed by a group of people of diverse backgrounds, expertise, and origin to work together for making a positive impact on society. Our core activities including but are not limited to bringing social change through non-formal education, training, youth exchange, sport, and developing its own projects.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision:

Our vision is to develop Sustainability Literacy and implement the opportunities worldwide and empower global citizens to make informed and responsible decisions to build a sustainable future world. Tomorrow Together exists to make the world peaceful, where people live together in harmony. We respect the human rights of our neighbors and helps them to achieve self-reliance and enable them to rebuild their hope.

Our Mission:

Tomorrow Together (TT) believes that understanding and respect among people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives, is essential for developing globally competent individuals, builds leadership for the global community, and lies at the core of an interconnected world characterized by peace, security, and well-being for all

For this, it promotes collaboration among its Members, Reinforces the capacities of local players, and strengthens communities’ resilience by articulating the fundamental values and principles that underpin the pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge.

TT works to reduce global poverty and improve lives through education advanced learning, inclusive economic, social, and ecological development to make an effective contribution towards sustainable and widespread prosperity in developing and emerging economies.

It focuses on the intersection of developing countries and the governments, institutions, and corporations that can help them deliver the greatest progress on higher sustainability development policies and practices that respect diverse perspectives, spur intellectual debate and promote social responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main goal is to work for the establishment of UN SDG 17 goals in different parts of the world through different kinds of activities.
As our team has diverse skillsets and backgrounds and is from also different countries, we understand and could be able to differentiate the needs and problems that need/ can be solved with various kinds of programs/ projects/ activities.

We aim to engage our organization and ourselves towards development works and integrate more people in diversity to invent their knowledge, ability to utilize their talents.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share any available opportunity and seek partners through the network and work together to develop and implement projects which will come out of mutual interests. We will set our first priority to set partners from the network before searching from different arenas. Our experts could offer new project proposals to the networks which can be discussed and pitched together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network to build new partnerships from different parts of the world. We believe in diversity in implementing projects which means if we create a project with multinationals and diverse backgrounds, we would be able to reach the corner where the disadvantaged group can grow their confidence and expand their talents in comfortable and combined sectors.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Tamanna Yasmin
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Tamanna Yasmin
Contact (2) Full Name
Md Al-Beruni
Job Title (2)
Treasurer & Founder

Training Course in Armenia: ReAct-Theatre for Social Inclusion, 2 - 11 May 2023

Screenshot 2023-03-0.png

The training course in Armenia "ReAct-Theatre for Social Inclusion" from 2 to 11 May, aims to provide a set of tools to youth workers to enhance social inclusion, self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-expression in order to provide better life and professional perspectives to those at risk of exclusion.
During the training course topics of theatre based learning and the use of theatre to prevent social exclusion will be covered. Some of the theatrical techniques discovered during the TC will be based on Image theatre, Shadow theatre, Puppetry, Storytelling, Body and Voice among others.

Participants will receive practical experience with the topic, reflect on this experience and methodology, conceptualize the learning for their professional work and make a plan for applying newly developed competencies.

More information about the training: https://tinyurl.com/bdd6b544 
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/frsv5jps 

Transform e.V. - Centre for Conflict Engagement and Political Development

National Network

Wuerttembergische Strasse 12
10707 Berlin

+49 178 312 3795
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Transform's work is based on three pillars: promoting social cohesion, analyzing political developments, and conflict management. Transform e.V. works purely on a voluntary basis and is financed through project funds and donations. Transform currently has a team of five people who are financed through project funds. The annual budget is between 30,000 and 60,000 euros. In addition to the project funds, Transform is financed through training courses on methods of conflict management and communication. Transform works nationally and internationally, i.e. in Germany, Egypt, Tunis, Israel and Palestine. Our partner organizations are: Institute of Cultural Affairs, ICA:UK; Challenge, Israel; Herbert Kelman Institute, Austria;, Critical Mass, Netherlands; Institute of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany; Neighborhood management Berlin-Neukölln

Mission and Objectives

Transform e.V. serves to promote societal, political, social and cultural development, intercultural tolerance, mutual understanding as well as social commitment and understanding. The aim is not to change the world, but to show that alternative solutions to some of the social and societal dilemmas can be found through innovative methods and models of intervention. Conflicts should not only be seen as a destructive force, but also as an opportunity for positive social change and structural and moral growth. Sustainable solutions can only be found through an intensive examination of the conflict, not through short-term compromises. Communication and constructive dialogue are the key to resolving a conflict.

Main Projects / Activities

Exploring the Potential for Transformation at the Local Level in Egypt Gewaltprävention Neukoelln (Conflict Prevention at Berlin Neukoelln) Wir am Droryplatz – Bildung in Bewegung (We at Droryplatz - Education on the move) Begleitung der Gewerbetreibenden im Kontext von Bedrohung und Gewalt (Supporting traders in the context of threats and violence) Aktionswoche Pankow in Bewegung - Action week Pankow on the move

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since its founding, Transform has worked in the Euro-Mediterranean context, in Israel and Palestine, in Tunisia and Egypt. In recent years, the focus of activities has been more on intercultural dialogue in Europe, including in collaboration with the UK, the Netherlands and Austria, as well as in the German context, to promote intercultural dialogue in Berlin districts. Through various projects, we try to promote active participation and participation for everyone, to overcome social prejudices and to promote a culture of recognition and cohesion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Transform would like to expand its work and exchange ideas with other organizations in the Euro-Mediateranean states and explore joint projects. The focus should be on intercultural dialogue, communication in general and cultural activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michaela Birk
Job Title
Member of Board
Head of the organisation
Michaela Birk

Transnational Corridors e. V.

National Network

Hampsteadstrasse 81A
14167 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Transnational Corridors e. V.  (TC) is an association, and manages a network of associations with offices in Berlin, Paris and Agadir. In each of these cities a coordinator carries out projects mainly in the education sector and with the help of local managers and public servants of partner institutions. Our partners are ministries, regional governments, public agencies (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Deutsche Auslandshandelskammer, Académie Régionale Souss-Massa/Agadir) and private foundations (Fondation Elle, Fondation Air France, Fondation Société Générale, Fondation Décathlon, Fondation du Sud). We partner also with commercial companies (IBM, Cap Gemini, Groupe Lagardère-Active, Aksal Social Initiative) and with associations. The yearly budgets varies between 40.000 and 200.000 Euro. We organize personal development workshops, grant scholarships, coach students, organize study travels abroad for disadvantaged students, arrange internships in multinational companies.    

Mission and Objectives

We promote the social mobility of disadvantaged young people, mainly in North Africa, through their formal and informal education. 

Main Projects / Activities

"A bicycle for her" (2006-2012) combats the school dropouts of girls in Moroccan rural areas - the project is going on and carried out now by other associations and public bodies.  "A career for her" (2012-2018) helps female students of disadvantages community to gain a bachelor degree and to land a job. "Student Help Desk" (2016-2019) helps students of disadvantaged families in the Province of Tiznit to bridge the information, the knowledge and the financial gaps with better off students. "The transnational education room" (2016-2019) organizes youth exchange projects between Norh Africa and Europe.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the last ten years we have gained a wide experience in the management of transnational projects in the education sector. We'd like to share this experience and knowhow. All the members of our association are bilcultural with shared biographies in North Africa and Europe so that we can contribute to a better mutual understanding between these two regions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want (1) to meet more people who are interested in improving the understanding between the Mena countries and the European countries, (2) to receive new impulses from and maybe give impulses to other organizations with common interests, (3) to meet potential partners with whom we could carry out new projects, (4) to participate in different thematic working groups. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Rachid L'Aoufir
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Rachid L'Aoufir

Tür an Tür Integrationsprojekte gGmbH

National Network

Wertachstraße 29
86153 Augsburg

+49 821 90799-0
Telephone (other)
+49 821 90799-19
+49 821 90799-11
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 1792028951
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information

Structure of the organisation  “Tür an Tür” is a registered society and has considerable experience of European Union Programmes including transnational projects to improve the integration of migrants into society and into the labour market, with a focus on the recognition of foreign qualifications. Furthermore the focus is on measures for networking, intercultural learning, life-long learning, international understanding and on volunteer working. Experience in the following programmes:  EQUAL, INTI, XENOS, Leonardo, Grundtvig Number of staff employed: 35

Mission and Objectives

To enhance the integration of people with a migration background into society and into the labour market.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-ordination of the project “MigraNet”  www.migranet.org. This is a network for the structural reorganization for migrant vocational integration. MigraNet cooperated also in the network MEET (Migrants Employment Empowerment Training). The main objective of MEET was to improve labour market access for migrants. Responsible for the transnational partnership MEET. Coordination of the transnational working group “Awareness raising, promotion of positive images of migrants”- Tür an Tür” was co-ordinating the transnational working group on the theme “Awareness raising- promotion of positive images of migrants” with the main focus on developing strategies for a change in public opinion regarding migrants from deficit-orientated to resource-orientated. Together with 5 EU partners development of the media campaign “Recognition now!” A campaign to change the public view on migrants from deficit to positive / resource orientated (Films, Cinema-Spots, posters, booklet)  www.recognition-now.de INTI: Co-ordination of the project IMPACT: Integrating migrants through the provision of adaptability and competence training. The project aimed to address high rates of unemployment among particular groups of third-country nationals legally residing in the EU. The partners have been from Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and UK. XENOS: Co-ordination of the BAFV I and BAFV II project (right to stay programme - Labour market integration for Asylum seekers and refugees) SaviAV: Transnational network (Social inclusion and vocational integration of Asylum Seekers and Victims of human trafficking)

EU project Matilde - Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Regions. Research project (2020 - 2023) funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme that examines the impact of migration on the development of rural and mountain regions in 10 countries. The project develops and tests a transdisciplinary conceptual and methodological framework for a multidimensional assessment of the economic and social impact of third-country nationals. www.matilde-migration.eu


Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Güller-Frey
Head of the organisation
Stephan Schiele, Reiner Erben
Contact (2) Full Name
Stephan Schiele

Uprooted – (Hi)Stories of Stolen Children during World War II


A research and education project from the member organisation Kreisau-Initiative e.V.

The project deals with the history of children abducted from Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and other countries to Germany during world war II and forcibly germanised there. Their fate is still almost unknown today and many still do not know their roots.

By showing the history of these forcibly abducted and uprooted children, we would like to encourage a confrontation with the racist and inhuman ideology of the National Socialists. Furthermore, we would like to advocate for raising awareness of the importance of children's rights.

In October 2022, a learning platform for teachers and educators who want to cover this subject in class or in other settings with youngsters will be launched. There will be diverse learning materials available – from activity plans to a timeline to videos and podcasts.

The basis for creating these learning materials was academic essays written by experts coming from all four countries involved. The articles are available here: https://www.kreisau.de/en/new/historische-essays-zum-thema-geraubte-kinder/

"Uprooted – (Hi)Stories of Stolen Children during World War II" is led by the Kreisau-Initiative (Germany) and conducted in 2022 in cooperation with the organisations Kreisau Foundation for Mutual Understanding (Poland), Post Bellum (Czech Republic) and Tolerspace (Ukraine). The project is funded by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).

Website: https://www.kreisau.de/bildungsarbeit/zeitgeschichte-menschenrechte/uprooted/

uqbar e.V.

National Network

Schwedenstraße 16
13357 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Uqbar – Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. (Society of Representation Research) The association Uqbar – Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. was registered on 20 January 2004 into the register of associations in Berlin, Germany. The association is classified by the German fiscal authorities as non-profit and for public benefit. Since 2007 uqbar hosts exhibitions, conferences, talks, screenings and workshops in its project space in Berlin Wedding. The programme is organized by cultural producers and curators Dorothee Bienert, Dortje Drechsel, Marina Sorbello, Antje Weitzel. For the programme: http://projectspace.uqbar-ev.de. The activities of Uqbar are based on project fundraising, networking, and international cooperation. Uqbar has been beneficiary of grants by the European Commission, Culture 2007-2013 and Culture 2000; the Danish Arts Agency; the French Embassy in Berlin; the German–Czech Future Fund; the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin; the Italian Cultural Institute; The Venitian Region, Italy; the mobility fund Movin UP, Torino; the European Cultural Foundation; the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin. For a partial list of the partners of Uqbar see: http://projectspace.uqbar-ev.de/index.php?page=links

Mission and Objectives

Uqbar e.V. aims at promoting contemporary art and culture, above all implementing, supporting and hosting projects dedicated to the research and promotion of experimental, interdisciplinary artistic and cultural practices in the international context.

Main Projects / Activities

For the activities of Uqbar project space see: http://projectspace.uqbar-ev.de/index.php?page=archiv 2009–2010: Uqbar e.V. is the main coordinator of “Transient Spaces – The Tourist Syndrome”, financed through the programme Culture 2007-2003 of the European Commission 2008: Uqbar e.V, is partner of “Cairoscape – Images, Imagination and Imaginary of a Contemporary Mega City”, an exhibition with artists from Egypt and Europe, in cooperation with Zentrum Moderner Orient, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, etc www.cairoscape.org 2007: Uqbar e.V. is partner of “Don’t Worry – Be Curious!”, 4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Art Photography. Uqbar e.V. hosted four Ars Baltica Triennial satellite exhibitions. www.arsbalticatriennial.org 2005–2006: Uqbar e.V. was the main co-ordinator and beneficiary of a Culture 2000 grant by the European Commission for the project “How to Do Things? In the Middle of (No)where...” http://howtodothings.uqbar-ev.de 2005: Uqbar e.V. is partner of the conference “Klartext! The Status of the Political in Contemporary Art and Culture”, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, and Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, Berlin. http://klartext.uqbar-ev.de

Contact (1) Full Name
Antje Weitzel
Head of the organisation
Antje Weitzel