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Nabil Fahmy

Nabil Fahmy a servi pendant plus de trois décennies dans le service diplomatique egyptien, notamment en tant qu'ambassadeur d'Égypte au Japon de 1997 à 1999 et aux États-Unis de 1999 à 2008. Après avoir terminé sa carrière diplomatique, il est...

Naglaa Embaby's Organization

National Network

55 Elmahata street
Hammamat ELquba
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The organization structure
Program Manager
Trainning consultant
Legal Consultant
Financial Auditor
Data entry agents
involuntry agents.

Mission and Objectives

the areas of support for intercultural dialogue in the Arab, European and Middle East countries
One of our goals is to find youth for dialogue
A youth window that promotes dialogue between followers of religions and cultures. It is effective, influential, and capable of creating strong youth communities that consolidate the values ​​of citizenship and coexistence within diverse religious and cultural identities.
Developing safe spaces for dialogue between young people of diverse religious and cultural identities in the Arab and Euro-Mediterranean world.
Empowering young people in general and young women in particular and developing their capabilities to establish a culture of dialogue and confront hate speech

Main Projects / Activities

Naglaa El Embaby for Entrepreneurship and Services
Registered under No. 11369 of 2021
It is one of the civil society institutions that aims to build the capabilities of the human element and develop its skills in creating new and different ideas and innovations to develop the field of the labor market and so that the human element can create job opportunities that satisfy its needs without the need for continuous assistance.
Therefore, it develops society by implementing entrepreneurship programs in various fields such as education, learning, vocational rehabilitation in all its programs, and vocational training to raise the level of skills of women, young people, youth, and those with special abilities, which helps to develop society and develop human capabilities so that they become qualified for the labor market and able to create new opportunities in order to be useful. For their community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our vision
Preparing generations capable of creativity and creating job opportunities that suit their society and who are able to develop their society in a manner that keeps pace with upcoming developments and innovations.
A generation capable of advancing Egyptian society in Vision 2030, out of our belief that the human element is the most important element within society, so it must be developed and prepared to live a decent life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Foundation supports dialogue as one of its main goals, as it is the most important mechanism of intellectual, cultural, and social communication that life in contemporary society requires, because it has an impact on developing the ability of individuals to think jointly, analyze, and reason. Dialogue is also one of the activities that liberates a person from isolation and isolation, and opens channels for communication that he gains from During which there is more awareness and effective participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naglaa Embaby
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Medhat Dessouki
Job Title (2)
Program Manager

Nahdet El Mahroussa ( Revitalization of Al Mahroussa)

National Network

7 Haret Selim, off Sheikh Rihan Street, Appt. 1, 1st Floor, Abdeen

+20 (0)2 7920195
Mobile Phone
+20 (0)10 5133341
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
NM members proactively exercise a culture full of energy, talent, vigor, and great ambitions that will greatly inspire and impact the future of many generations to come. NM welcomes all Egyptians who want to contribute their thoughts, experience, knowledge, and activities towards the development of a better Egypt. On November 23rd, 2003 the officially declared NGO, Nahdet El Mahrousa was established under the registration number 5434 with 22 founding members NM is located in the heart of Cairo, in Abdeen area. Works in partnership with the Goethe Institut in Egypt and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Mission and Objectives

NM seeks to a have a positive impact on Egypt’s development through engaging Egyptian youth in developing their country and shaping its future. This is achieved through:
• NM Project Incubator: innovative development project ideas are incubated until they are independent and successful national models.
• NM Forum: intellectual discussion forum and lecture series where NM members share resources, expertise, and opinions.
• NM Policy Arm: several partnerships aimed at informing public debate and policy in Egypt.
We will succeed in our mission when
• Egypt overcomes its greatest challenges towards development.
• Egyptian youth are active participants in public policy and decision-making.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Development Fund
Mentoring For Leadership
The program aims to promote mentoring practices in the public, private and community sectors. It will introduce the concept of mentoring, deliver mentoring resources, help in recruiting mentors, raise awareness about mentoring and enhance the quality of mentoring at organizations and companies interested in implementing mentoring programs.
Youth Book
The Youth Book will be a channel through which young people read about the trials of other youth in overcoming challenges similar to their own, and succeeding despite the circumstances.
Young Innovators Award
The program aims to impact positively on the scientific culture in Egypt, to produce more scientists in the future -- more in number and better in quality. The immediate goal is to help graduating students gain access to training, funding, information, equipment, and supplies that may better meet the needs of their research projects at Egyptian national universities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadia El Gohary (Representative)
Head of the organisation
Ehaab Abdou (President)

Nahdet Misr

National Network

21 Orabi Street, Mohandessin

0020 (0) 2 3472864
Telephone (other)
0020 (0) 2 3461468
0020 (0) 2 3462576
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0) 10 1342546
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Nahdet Misr Group is a self-sufficient publishing, printing, and multimedia organization. We are unique in the Middle East in our ability to depend on our internal resources, giving us a significant competitive advantage. Nahdet Misr Group has been a leader in educational and children's publishing for over 65 years. We are also active in producing fiction and non-fiction books for adults. Since our foundation in 1938, we have continually collaborated with the best authors in Egypt and the Arab world. As a result of our distinguished record, the Group has been granted many awards over the past years, both on the local and Middle Eastern levels. As Egypt moves into the 21st century, we are setting new regional standards in publishing, not only through traditional media such as books and magazines, but also through electronic media like CDs and the Internet
Mission and Objectives

Publishing of highly intellectual works in the Arab World.
One of our primary focuses is on our publications for children. Since the establishment of Nahdet Misr, we have worked with the most outstanding children's authors in Egypt and the Arab world. Our goal is to help create a generation that is cultured and well-informed.

Main Projects / Activities

Printing, publishing and distribution.
Nahdet Misr products are distributed by over 4,000 retail bookshops throughout the country, and also by other companies such as Al Ahram Distribution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ossama Mahmoud
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Sherif Fekri

Nasr Educational Culture org.

National Network

14 morcos hanna st, agouza, Giza - Egypt

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed adel

National Alliance of Civic Education for Youth NACEY

National Network

12 Abdelwahab Selim, Maadi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Alliance is founded under 10 Founder NGOs that works and are passionate about the cause of Civic Education and have the capability to undertake the Alliance Mission among their societies and Networks and have the ability to adhere to the Civic Education purposes and are willing to contribute to the Cause to be broadened in Egypt, Tunis and Jordan, now NACEY is an umbrella of NGOs in 3 countries Egypt (35 NGO), Tunisia (12 NGO), Jordan(4 NGOs), by end of 2014 I is expected that NACEY will expand to 2 more Arab countries Morocco and Lebanon in to work towards the regional issues.
Mission and Objectives

NACEY’s headquarter in Egypt officially established in 2013 under the Ministry of Social Solidarity
registration number 14/2013, with the aim to develop fields of Civic Education work according to the
community needs.

Main Projects / Activities

The National Alliance of Civic Education for Youth NACEY seeks to strengthen instruction in civics and government and to reaffirm the traditional mission of the civic education by promoting the establishment of educational requirements and instruction in accord with the following principles:
 Improve access to civic education;
 Promote popular participation of the citizens/communities in the development process;
 Promote public access to affordable Information Communication Technologies (ICTs);
 Improve ICT use in public sector institutions;
 Develop the institutional capacity required to achieve the recognition of non-formal education;
 Effective instruction to the content of the civic education as well as the essential skills, principles, and values required for full participation in and reasoned commitment to democratic system.
 Give a role model on managing an organization that focus on civic education that supports youth participation in decision making process and volunteerism and to set bench marking for the civil society organizations in Egypt in having a transparency management policy and having a clear methodology on how to manage the risk of corruption.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Stenghting the membership by encourging NACEY members to apply for ALF member.
-Promoting to ALF Netwrok among NACEY community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an Umberlla of NGOs Organization, joining ALF National Network would be of a great benefit for us as well as ALF members, we are looking for potential partnerships with Egypt as well the rest of ALF members in North and South.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noha Ghanem
Job Title
Program Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ahmed

National Association Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADRF)

National Network

22 Baisam Sharif Street Off Ahmed Kamel - Pyramid Street - First Floor Apartment 3 behind the Giza Governorate

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
The National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) is a non-governmental associations that operates in the promotion and dissemination of human rights culture, specially for the empowerment of women National Association for Defense Rights and Freedoms (NADRF) bases itself on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Conventions (CEDAW - the Convention Againsi Torture and other agreements and treaties) as well as national legislation (the Constitution and the laws regulating rights and duties within Egyptian society) as a basic frame of reference for all of their activities and their positions directed  towards humar rights issues. The general budget is of 35,000$ every year. The Forum NED donates 30,000$ every year and the Forum's Board of Trustees donate 1.200$ every year. The rest comes from the member's donations.  The structure of the organization is formed by the Board of Directors, Waleed Farouk represents the Board as the Chair person of the organization, and Safaa Ali Hassan as Project Manager. There is a total of 7 employees which carry out tasks such as accounting, communication, legal assistance for women and international affairs.  The main areas of action are legal assitance, legal awarness sessions and campaigns to raise knowledge on rights and duties of the egyptian citizens.   
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of NADRF are reinforcing a human rights culture among citizens at all levels, promoting women's rights as an integral part of human rights and increasing awareness on the rights and legal protection ofegyptian women.
It is our mission to promote the values of equality between the sexes without discrimination or disrespect for human dignity and rights, whether civil, polltical, economic, social or cultural. Our long-term goal is to work for a reform of Egyptian legislation for it to comply with International Charters of Human Rights. 

Main Projects / Activities

Among the main projects that we have developed from 2005 to now there is the implementation of a project on women's political participation with the goal of raising their capacities in the management of
public affairs. This project lasted for two years, and it has been carried out throughout all of Egypt's regions.
We also implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years to empower Egyptian women and raise their
capacity to assume public office. Furthermore, the organization implemented a campaign for a period of 3 years that consisted in training Egyptian women and enabling them to enter the upcoming local elections. NADRF also carries out research tasks, the Assembly has issued many reports and qualitative data on violence against women and on how administrative decisions always come out unequal for women in oposition to men.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could collaborate with organizations that could take advantage of the activities we carry out, such as legal assitance for women and awaraness campaigns. It is important to share ideas and initiatives with other organizations to improve our projects and help other organizations increase their potential. We are preparing many proposals that we would like to share within the Anna Lindh Network. We are ready to work and eager to see what the Foundation can bring to us. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to project our organization internationally and for this reason becoming part of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network could be helpful to increase our visibility and allow our organization to meet partners from the Egyptian Network to develop future common projects. We are specially interested in meeting other organizations that also work for gender equality and legal assitance for women. We want to learn from what other projects can bring to us, at the end we are all working for the same goals and sharing perspectives can be a mean to accomplish these goals. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa Ali Hassan
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Waleed Farouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Farouk
Job Title (2)

National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms

National Network

22 Bassam El Sherif St. - Ahmed Kamel - Haram St. 2nd Floor Apartment 3

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms began work in 2005 to monitor the first presidential elections after the famous constitutional amendments and began to study the Egyptian society and its need to work in the positive participation and develop the participation of women in a basic way and to keep working on the file of torture and other human rights fThe association consists of a board of directors and a number of five employees from the accountant, secretary, international relations, administrative director and budget of the association each year between 70.000 Egyptian pounds and 250.000 Egyptian pounds according to the support provided to the association which comes from a number of projects with organizations such as the Endowment for American Democracy, Euromed, MEPI, US Embassy, European Union The National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms also establishes companies with other Arab organizations under the name of the Arab Association for Civil Society Organizations and the Association has coordinators in all governorates of the Republic
Mission and Objectives

The Society seeks to spread the concepts of human rights, instilling the values of democracy and respect for women, and that every citizen enjoy his rights and duties without discrimination Objectives - To spread the culture of human rights and respect women's rights as an integral part of rights and duties - instilling the values of democracy to build a state that respects pluralism and the circulation of power - Raising the awareness of marginalized groups of their rights and duties - Defending victims of human rights violations - Empower women and young people politically, economically and socially

Main Projects / Activities

- Political participation of women and raising their awareness of their political rights - Democratic Development and Legislative Observatory - Civic education for women and youth in all human rights and democracy issues - Follow-up to the electoral process - Economic empowerment of women and youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share knowledge and ideas with colleagues Implement joint projects and contribute with colleagues in achieving network goals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint work and assembly in an entity that allows creativity and increased knowledge

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
waleed farouk aly
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
waleed farouk aly
Contact (2) Full Name
habeba hassan mazen
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

National Center for Human Rights

National Network

38 ahmed oraby - shobra elkhema - qaliopia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
-Number of Staff: seven members - Resources, Treasury members donations and grants. - Partners: Tawasol Center for Women Empowerment, Moltaka Al Hewar and Ibn Khaldoun Center
Mission and Objectives

- Human Rights Culture - Youth and Women Empowerment - Election Monitoring and Awarness

Main Projects / Activities

- People Watching - Sharek Sahh - People Monitoring Popular

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through communication with other partners in the network to build up awarness in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To built and make new partners to achieve our main mission and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
maged adib
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
maged adib shafik

National Council for Women - Egypt

National Network

1113 Corniche El Nil. St. Cairo, Postal Code 11625

(202) 5748708
Telephone (other)
( 202) 5748494
(202) 5745596
Mobile Phone
00 2 012 3498
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
The National Council for Women established by Presidential decree consists of thirty members, 11 standing specialized committees and 27 branches in the governorates. It has an independent budget from the government and access to other sources funding. NCW implements its strategy for the socio-economic development of women and society through programmes and projects with partner governmental, non-governmental institutions, regional and international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

NCW is mandated to:
? Propose public policy matters for society and its constitutional institutions on development and empowerment of women to integrate their efforts in comprehensive development programs.
? Draft a National Plan for the advancement of women and to solve their problems.
? Monitor and evaluate the general policies related to women and formulate its recommendations and observations to the concerned parties.
? Advise on the draft laws and decrees related to women before submission to the competent authorities and recommend their adoption.

Main Projects / Activities

NCW has adopted a holistic approach to address the socio-economic empowerment of women through the following programmes:
? Gender mainstreaming into the national socio-economic development plan
? Social empowerment (Education and Health)
? Economic empowerment (through women entrepreneurship and micro credits
? Political empowerment
? Advocacy, sensitization and training

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Farkhonda Hassan,PhD,MP, Secretary-General
Head of the organisation
H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ambassador Samiha Abou Steit, Adviser to the Secretary-General