

National Network

Behler Street, Entrance 4, Flat 30, Talat Harb, Cairo.

+20 223964467
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Hoqook is an independent media organisation with a social aim, including a special focus on human rights, dialogue, democratisation and responsible media. Hoqook publishes around 100 news articles and features daily online from Cairo and through a network of correspondents around Egypt; broadcasts radio programmes; and produces original video material. The organisation has a popular Youtube channel featuring around a 1000 videos. Furthermore, we train young journalists and citizen journalists on digital communication, in addition to organising and broadcasting roundtable debates. Hoqook currently employs some 70 journalists and staff, as well as maintaining regular ties with a further network of citizen journalists and bloggers around Egypt. Hoqook has also initated the Arab Network for Community Media and Community Radio, and has together with UNESCO developed recommendations for a regulatory framework for community media. Hoqook is funded by Oxfam Novib and partner also with IMS and SIDA.
Mission and Objectives

To be a reliable and independent source of news and in-depth reporting in Egypt, focusing on the fields of human rights, political participation and democratisation, giving a voice to youth and marginalised groups, and closely interacting with the audience through social and digital media, while training a new generation of young professional and citizen journalists in high journalistic and ethical standards. Hoqook strives to contribute to a truly plural, inclusive, accountable, democratic and civic government. Priorities are promoting social dialogue; human rights and women’s rights in particular; pluralist democracy; and the voices of vulnerable and marginalised groups in society. Hoqook also aims to strengthening the voices of (secular) civil society and thereby their ability to spark ordinary people’s involvement with their causes and to have wide-ranging durable impact.

Main Projects / Activities

Hoqook's main activities consist in providing reliable information to its audience in order to give people a chance to make well-informed decision. At the same time, through trainings, work with community media as well as advocacy work together with other civil society organisations, Hoqook aims to work for a more inclusive, balanced and ethical media in Egypt, with respect for human rights and free speech

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hoqook can contribute with its expertise in media and also services like broadcasting of events. The large number of followers enables Hoqook to use its online platform for publicity. In addition to this, Hoqook hopes to contribute with its work for community media and join the Network's members cause for free speech and human rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Hoqook considers it as crucial for its work to be part of Anna Lindh Network, as networking is an important tool enabling the numerous human rights organizations in the Euro-Mediterranean area to work united towards a common cause. A membership will enable Hoqook to participate with its expertise in the field of media and human rights besides benefitting from the communicational platform and intermember solidarity that such a network provides.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh Saeid
Head of the organisation
Sameh Saeid
Contact (2) Full Name
Veronica Overlid

Horya Center for Political Studies and Human Rights

National Network

A 49 Salah Salem St., and El nahda
port said

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure consists of the President of the Organization: Board of Directors - - Executive Management - Unit Projects - Programmes Unit - Unit Information. Number of employees: 7 Sources of funding: self-funding because the organization still in its early stages was not proceeding on the establishment Since short time. Ways of working: the center depends heavily on networking with institutions and organizations friendly. Project was implemented civic education for a month and a half and aims to deploy an effective War political awareness among young people. The center is also holding seminars periodically and discusses the most important issues on the Egyptian arena. Center is also working with the presidency of one of the cities in Port Said training career structure and motivate the city's political participation Partners: - Association of Human Development - Egyptian Democratic Institute - New Woman Foundation - Presidency of the city of Port Fouad
Mission and Objectives

• Vision:
See the founding to the local community in Port Said is in dire need to increase the political culture based on logic and scientific thought and to create an environment and a political society based on democracy and the axioms related to the needs of society and practices of democracy and politics in general on the basis of sound.
Founders also see that the community in Port Said free from social studies and human very specific scope of the demographic issues in addition to directly come into contact with friction of human rights and the empowerment of marginalized groups
• Tasks:
The horya center for Political Studies and Human Rights to its main tasks is to raise awareness and educate the community handed indefinite political and juridical practice and encouragement of democracy and work to increase community participation in various forms in addition to the formation of research units are the core ideas of the local banks
• Objectives:
1. The training of ordinary citizens on political concepts and mechanisms of democracy and motivate them to practice political
2. Help civil society organizations on the effective management of emerging good
3. Provide advice and research studies relevant to the geographical scope to help local politicians and interested in the renewed access to the facts
4. Raise the efficiency of individual categories of marginalized people to reach their level of awareness and community empowerment and human rights and citizenship

Main Projects / Activities

Completed work:
1. Training on election monitoring. Shura Council, 2010 - in collaboration with the Society
Human development. June 2010
2. The Center in partnership with the Women's Foundation to train new workers to invest in Port Said on the rights of working women in the labor law.
3. Participated in the campaign, freedom of association with many of the institutions of civil society and the formulation of the law of freedom of organization and institutions and NGOs.
4. Center participated with many organizations of civil society - at the invitation of the New Woman Foundation - drafting articles of criminalization of sexual harassment
5. Control of the Shura Council elections by observers of the center
6. Training on the parliamentary elections. November 2010 in partnership with the Association of Humanitarian Altaatnnumeih
7. Control of elections by the People's Assembly, 35-Monitor and the formation of a control room and follow a special election center
8. Salon the future of Egypt in cooperation with the Egyptian Democratic Institute in October 2010
9. Symposium on constitutional amendments in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. March 2011
10. Youth Salon. March 2011
11. Control of the constitutional amendments in collaboration with the Society of Human Development and the formation of a control room follow-up to Voting Day. March 2011
12. Kicks Salon freedom of the first episode for citizenship. March 2011
13. Symposium on the future of Egypt in cooperation with the youth club Almisheinn. April 2011
14. Citizenship Seminar in cooperation with the presidency of the city of Port Fouad. May 2011
15. Workshop on basic concepts in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. May 2011 - Civic Education Project
16. Symposium on Political Participation in collaboration with the presidency of District Port Fouad. May 2011 - Civic Education Project
17. Symposium on political concepts and terminology. In cooperation with the presidency of the city of Port Fouad June 2011 - Civil Education Project
18. Workshop on the foundations of political participation. Human Development Society in cooperation 2011 - Civil Education Project
19. Workshop political systems in collaboration with the Society of Human Development. June 2011 - Civil Education Project
20. Second rings Salon freedom. Community dialogue. June 2011
21. Citizenship Workshop in collaboration with the Society of Human Development June 2011 - Civil Education Project
22 - Workshop of popular control. Human Development in collaboration Magamaah June 2011

Contact (1) Full Name
mahmoud elsawy
Head of the organisation
Sameer Elmkawey
Contact (2) Full Name
Sameer Elmkawey

Houqouqi Association for the Rights of Disabled People

National Network

Nawal ahmad awad Street from Abu-Bakr al seddiq Street. maryoutia - Haram


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
عدد العاملين بشكل دائم 5 عدد العاملين بعض الوقت 4 الشركاءجمعيات كواليس وجمعية مصر للتنمية الاجتماعية ومؤسسة حقوق الطفل المصريى ا، مصادر التمويل حتالآن تبرعات الاعضاء بالاضافة لدعم عاجل من البرنامج الاورومتوسطي، الانشطة الحالية اصدار التقارير الدورية والتنظيم للندوات والحفلات ومختلف الانشطة التي يقوم بها التحالف المصري لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة والذي اسسته الجمعية
Mission and Objectives

نحو مجتمع دامج يرفض كل أشكال وصور التمييز وخاصة التمييز بسبب الإعاقة، يحصل فيه ذوي الإعاقة على حقوقهم المساوية لجميع فئات المجتمع، ويتمتعوا فيه بالمشاركة الكاملة بمختلف مجالات الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية، ويحصلوا على النصيب العادل من الفرص المتاحة.
العمل على تمكين الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من العمل الجماعي المنظم للحصول على حقوقهم والدفاع عن من يتعرضوا للانتهاكلت المختلفة، من خلال تبني النظرية الاجتماعية والمنهج الحقوقي، وعن طريق أنشطة تهدف للدمج المجتمعي بكل المجالات.الهدف العام
التصدي لقضايا الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وأسرهم، والتأثير الإيجابي في الاتجاهات السلبية السائدة رسميا ومجتمعيا ضدهم، نحو دمجهم في المجتمع بالمساوة الكاملة مع الجميع دون تمييز.

Main Projects / Activities

التدريب على التأهيل المرتكز على المنهج الحقوقي " تم تنفيذه بمحافظة الفيوم بمصر مارس 2009
تاسيس التحالف المصري لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة بالاشتراك مع عدد من الجمعيات اللأهلية العاملة بهذا المجال
اصدار أول ورقة تحليلية لاتفاقية حقوق الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة باللغة العربية، منشورة على شبكة المعلومات تحت عنوان " نحو فهم أعمق للحقوق الخاصة "
اصدار ورقة نظرية حول " مشروع قانون ذوي الإعاقة، منشورة على شبكة المعلومات تحت عنوان " مشروع قانون ذوي الإعاقة – ماذا نريد ؟
اصدار عدد من البيانات الصحفية ردا على وقوع أي انتهاك لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة والتدخل القانوني في بعض الحالات
اصدار عدد من التقارير الحقوقية غير الدورية:
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في العمل " منشور على شبكة المعلومات
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في التأهيل " منشور على شبكة المعلومات.
• تقرير " ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم " منشور على شبكة المعلومات.
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في إمكانية الوصول " معد للنشر قريبا.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hend Nazeer
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ghareb Soliman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmad Hamdy

Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assuit

National Network

23 July st., Ibn Sina tower beside Renaissance cinema, Floor 6, Assuit

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2/ 01020066717
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
- Structure of the organization: 1- Chairman 2- Executive Director 3- Coordinator 4- Accountant 5- Executive Secretary 6- Translator 7- Helper - Number of staff employed: 6 employees - Budgetary resources available in a year: 1- Membership Subscriptions 2- Donations 3- Grants
Mission and Objectives

- Association's Mission: "Promoting and protecting human rights through calling for citizens' empowerment without discrimination and implementing sustainable development programs under institutional and moral bases and values." - Association's Objectives: 1. Enhancing and protecting human rights. 2. Tackling any case in which violation of human rights occurs. 3. Presenting any case of human rights in Assuit to the Government as well as providing suggestions that might help in preventing these violations. 4. Cooperating with the United Nations and all other organizations in the field of enhancing and protecting human rights. 5. Increasing the transparency in the field of human rights. 6. Enabling inhabitants to understand their rights and increasing their awareness when dealing with governmental authorities. 7. Creating awareness in community and enabling people to understand their community needs and to discuss human rights issues. 8. Boosting girls’ and women’s rights. 9. Enhancing the rights of the Egyptian children.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects: 1- "Towards Healthy & Clean Environment" Project funded by European Union. 2- "Reform and Democracy Actions in Upper Egypt" Project funded by Freedom House. 3- "No Terrorism, No Violence" Project funded by British Embassy. 4- "Youth Act - Youth Leadership in Upper Egypt" Project funded by Street Law, INC. 5- Institutional Support funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Nasser Ibrahim Abou El Oyoun
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nasser Ibrahim Abou El Oyoun

Human Rights Association for good

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Works Human Rights Association for good on economic development and income and spreading the culture of networking and partnership at work and stimulate the skills and tools that will help to develop its contribution to the development process and the adoption of a method involved in providing humanitarian services and community in an effective manner and I have takes into account this simplified steps in the form of systematic sequential logically based on interdependence and construction helps in Tkadiam services system and a good image with less effort. - Design activities. - Identify methods of monitoring and evaluation. - Continuity. - A needs assessment. - To identify and resolve problems.
Mission and Objectives

Self-funding and did not get Assembly on any financing from a donor facial far organizational structure made ​​up of several members of the 10 women from men 10 active members of five men and five women working inside the Assembly voluntary and there are at least two facilitators worker and supervisor operator and field supervisor

Main Projects / Activities

1 - There is a comprehensive medical clinic all disciplines and has a private clinic for women and Obstetrics
2 - no operator to teach girls the art of sewing and handicraft
3 - There are several projects, networking with associations and institutions
4 - There is awareness projects for villages that operate in.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association works in the villages and there are studies to the most important problems of the villages in which they operate Assembly
Assembly has basic information about the villages in which it operates

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain experience in all areas of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Najwa Mohammed Abdel Rady
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Osama Hashim Abu Ezz
Contact (2) Full Name
Osama Hashim Abu Ezz
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board

Human Rights for Charity

National Network

El-Salamoy Village - Akhmim - Sohag - Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
it's 36 person including 5 persons forming the staff Sources of funding are mainly from gifts and the income of the organizations' projects. seminars i human rights and women rights, charity as orphans' day
Mission and Objectives

providing help for poor families, health care and medications for poor people, care for orphans and widows , financial support for poor people.

Main Projects / Activities

Healthy care (medical center with low fees) and poor families as (food Boxes and meat) projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for more projects and more exchange thoughts

Contact (1) Full Name
Nagwa Abd El-Rady Mohammed
Head of the organisation
Osama Hashim Abo El Ezz
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Mohammed Khalil

HUMAN RIGTHS ROAD - الطريق لحقوق الإنسان

National Network

الدور الرابع – برج الايمان " 2 " العمراوى الصغرى " ميامى الجديده " – قسم المنتزة اول – الاسكندرية

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
We are a civil association working in the field of anti-corruption and legal support to the hands of the Board of Directors consists of 5 people and we have a number of 3 employees strive to achieve the following objectives: 1 - We work in the framework of the implementation and support international cooperation and technical assistance in the framework of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in 2003 which was signed by Egypt. All styles backers aimed at preventing corruption and risks caused by corruption in the Egyptian society and its security, which restricts the functioning of democratic institutions and values ​​and social justice.Partners in project "Sitabannnat" with the center of the initiative, a member of the network ..And the project "Ally Sootk" with a group of Egyptian civil society organizations have got the training in the United States in support of this project.
Mission and Objectives

We seek to achieve the following objectives:. 1 - We work in the framework of the implementation and support international cooperation and technical assistance in the framework of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in 2003 which was signed by Egypt. All styles backers aimed at preventing corruption and risks caused by corruption in the Egyptian society and its security, which restricts the functioning of democratic institutions and values and social justice. 2 - As we aim through it to support the values of democracy and morality, justice and crime reduction and control, training and awareness and control mechanisms of international cooperation in this area 3 - Activating the terms of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption .. 4 - Work on issuing national index on perceptions of corruption in the Arab Republic of Egypt. 5 - Strengthening relations and ties with TI, and with bodies and international organizations and centers related to the goals and programs of the Assembly. 6 - Prevention and detection sites and mechanisms of various types of political corruption, economic and social, administrative and moral support in the Arab Republic of Egypt. 7 - receive complaints and reports of incidents of corruption and to take legally required. 8 - Training of media organizations in the preparation of press investigations to uncover the facts relating to corruption .. 9- The right to access to information and whistleblower protection for corruption.

Main Projects / Activities

1 - Sete project girls against sexual harassment and underage marriage 2 - Draft Ally Sootk political awareness 3 - Draft National index of corruption

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide our own headquarters acts as network we can provide trained staff to contribute to the realization of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in working together, which promotes cooperation between civil society organizations and the exchange of experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Wael Ahmed Abdou
Job Title
Chaiman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Wael Abdou
Contact (2) Full Name
Sherif Abdel Monem Awad
Job Title (2)
Executive Director


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
iyhab abdelfattah
Head of the organisation
دعم الشباب ونشر الوعى والثقافةالسليمة وتوفير فرص لهرض الرأي
Contact (2) Full Name
khaled gamal
Job Title (2)

ICARCH Gallery

National Network

9 Hafiz Ibrahim St., Wabour El Miah, Alexandria, Egypt

+2 03 4270878
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
ICARCH Gallery is an international architecture gallery that promotes multi-culturalism through a variety of projects, including international architectural competitions, exhibitions, etc. We initiate and organize international architectural competitions that promote an active involvement with society, trying to better our lives through promoting peace, high cultural ideals, awareness of our global cultural heritage. All the works we receive we publish on our website, creating thus a virtual architecture museum, open to anyone. Thus, we create a forum for developing new ideas, relating architecture with other cultural fields and life in general. Until now we functioned independently, but we plan to associate ourselves with other organizations that have similar goals.
Mission and Objectives

Just like The Anna Lindh Foundation, ICARCH Gallery attempts to promote dialogue between cultures. This is why the focus of our projects are everywhere in this world where we believe a certain problem can be solved, or improved upon, by a significant and beneficial architectural gesture. Thus, we had projects in Paris, Florence, Chicago, Brasilia, and now Alexandria and Cairo.
Indeed, a peaceful and creative dialogue between cultures, across time and space is our main objective.
ICARCH stands for International Competitions in Architecture.
It also hints, sufficiently well, towards Icarus, Daedalus' son, who perished when he dangerously approached the Sun.
The name ICARCH has a few other meanings, but these are more obscure and we choose to leave them aside, for now.
ICARCH came into being from a deeply seated belief that architecture should be again intimately connected with broader cultural issues. It tries nothing else but to build bridges between diverse cultural fields, generally not connected with architecture.
More than this, it tries to "personalize" again architecture by re-connecting it with the "story of life" at a time when everything seems to point towards an increased abstractization and depersonalization, not to say alienation...! But how to "tell a story" through architecture is not very easy... perhaps a possible answer might derive from that intuition Gaston Bachelard had when he stated that a mollusk does not build a house to live in, but lives in order to build its house...!
There is an important difference here. If the "house" is not just another "product" to be quickly possessed and consumed by the voracious "consumer," but the culmination of his / her existential journey, then the house becomes, essentially, the most accurate expression of his / her biography, all the better if that biography had / has a certain relevance. And if the "house" expresses intimately that biography, we can only expect it to be rich, and sufficiently individualized to be able to receive a proper name. Not the name of its architect, but the name of the "author" of that biography, whose expression, in built form, it actually is!
We are interested mainly in "houses." but we use the word "house" in the most generic, almost archetypal way. At bottom, in architecture everything is a "house." A school is "the house of learning," a bank is "the house of money," a church is "the house of god," a library is "the house of books," etc... It is this very primal meaning that interests us, be it "real," or metaphorical.
To end: we can only say, together with Jean-Luc Godard, in his film "Notre Musique," (Our Music) that even a more or less banal castle like Elsinore, in Denmark, could become a very special one, once we learn that it was Hamlet who lived there...!
This is because, all of a sudden, the "house" becomes illuminated by a significant biography, that is, by an "earned life," that is, by a LIVED LIFE!
Thank you,
ICARCH Gallery

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 we initiated at least fifty international architectural competitions and we received more than four hundred projects from more than thirty-five countries. All these works, original contributions to culture, are displayed on our website.
The latest competitions we just launched are: A BRIDGE FOR ALEXANDRIA - through which we try to unite, physically and symbolically the Coptic Church and the Mosque on the street Khalil Hamada that have been recently involved in the tragedy that left almost 30 people dead and many others injured. Through our project we try to promote peace and to unite the Crescent with the Cross, as a symbolical way to show that two religions should not necessarily be segregated, but united.
In the same spirit we just launched another project for Egypt, A NEW TAHRIR SQUARE - Cairo. We feel the existing Tahrir Square does not express any longer the socio-political realities of Cairo and Egypt in general and that a new spatial configuration for this important square is needed, after the recent revolution.
Please see the invitational texts for these two last competitions on our website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shahira Ihab Hammad
Head of the organisation
Ioan Dan Coma


National Network

36 Taawoneyat Smouha, Behind Modereyet El-Amn, Smouha (Currently incubated by Ro2yaty Training Agency)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
icealex is a community-based open space supporting innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship education. 5 community servants/catalysts are currently employed. Our main partner and current host is Ro2yaty Training Agency. icealex is part of the icehubs.org network. We have developed a sustainable revenue model where community members receive icealex valuable services in exchange for money or other services that the community needs to strive. For example, it's either that you pay LE100 to attend one of our training programs, or you can volunteer as a photographer and attend the program for free. We also target international agencies like GIZ as sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Increase the employability of 18 - 26 year old Egyptians by:
1. Providing workshops and training programs that aim at increasing their creative skills, and help them find a job or create one.
2. Promoting collaborative thinking styles, open-source models and social businesses as solutions to the current economical problems.
3. Providing a co-working space and hub for young entrepreneurs and support the Alexandrian startup scene.
4. Focusing on innovative usage of the earth's resources, without harming the environment or any living organisms.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is the icealex FabLab, which is part of the fablabs international network. We aim at providing all the needed tools and expertise to a community of learners and practitioners of crafts, do-it-yourself hobbyists and technology lovers.
We also provide training programs in many topics like: Agri-business, Business Model Canvas, Open-source Philosophy, Art of Hosting, Visual Facilitation and Wordpress.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Saieed