
Bulgarian Youth Association

National Network

j.k.Nadejda 2, bl.270A, vh.B, ap.28
1220 Sofia

+359 887 777 618
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Bulgarian Youth Association is a Youth non-profit/non-governmental organization established in Sofia, Bulgaria at 2014 when a group of young people decided to unite their efforts for causes that are important to all of us, although we come from different backgrounds. The idea of this organization is to be the point from which to obtain a common vision for the important aspects of our lives. We wanted it to be the means by which our ideas are born, to materialize, to see the real result. Because we realized that an idea will never see the light of the day, if you do not find a collaborator who believes in it, supports it and gives it the strength to survive.

Mission and Objectives

Bulgarian Youth Association aims to support the active involvement of young people in various areas of public life; to promote personal development and democratic citizenship, volunteering and youth mobility; to support the development of the abilities and potential of young people from different social and ethnic groups, and young people with disabilities. The path to this is participation in various national and international projects, implementation of joint activities in partnerships with other organizations or networks; organizing advocacy campaigns; development and implementation of strategies and programs at local, national and international level. Members of the organization are involved in developing, evaluating and managing various programs and projects in the social sector, education and the media. One of the main priorities of the Bulgarian Youth Association is developing international partnerships with similar organizations, active exchange of ideas and best practices, creating a rich network of European partners. We stand for the basic human rights and follow the European moto "Unity in Diversity" by promoting European values. We want to be the change for a better future, it’s up to all of us! Our motto is VIA JUVENIS (The path of youth, The way of the young). From the statute: The objectives of the Association are: 1. promote the upgrading of qualifications and motivation of young people; 2. Support for social integration and personal fulfillment; 3. The development and promotion of active citizenship of young people; 4. encouraging youth to participate in representative democracy; 5. The development of education, democratic values, science, culture and sport; 6. construction and promotion of European values; 7. The protection and promotion of human rights; 8. stimulating mobility in and outside the Republic of Bulgaria, informal education and intercultural dialogue; 9. building positive attitude of society towards representatives of different groups and ethnicities, reduce discrimination and marginalization; 10. promoting employment and the inclusion of all young people, regardless of educational and social level or cultural background; 11. contribute to the development of support systems for youth activities and the capacity of civil society organizations working in the youth field; 12. encourage the provision of services for the integration of vulnerable youth groups in society, including unemployed and students, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and others; 13. support to disadvantaged youth; 14. promote and build a culture of life and public health; 15. The protection and preservation of the environment; 16. improve the quality of life of young people in the country; 17. conducting various types of charity events. Means to achieve the objectives: 1. participate and organize local, national and international educational programs and projects in the field of ecology, healthy lifestyle, human rights, democracy, employability of young people, sports, tourism and others. 2. organize seminars, conferences, round tables, discussions, etc .; 3. issue certificates and certificates of participation in training courses, seminars, conferences as well as for his outstanding contribution to the work of the Association; 3. issue reports, analyzes, articles; 4. develop innovative training methods to enhance na vocational training and practical training of young people; 5. draws professionals to support its activities; 6. developing professional cooperation with related institutions and organizations; 7. Provide assistance to organizations with similar objectives; 8. build volunteer network; 9. cooperate with European volunteers from different backgrounds; 10. develop partnerships with different organizations to work together to achieve objectives; 11. seek the assistance of sponsors in the face of government institutions, foundations, private enterprises and others.

Main Projects / Activities

We are proud to announce that, although we are relatively young youth non-governmental organization, we are one of the most active organizations in Bulgaria when it comes to participating in Erasmus + programme and other international projects, such as Youth Exchanges. We have sent more than 70 young people from Bulgaria to projects in most European countries. Having said this, we are positive that we have a vast experience in and capacity to actively be part of and organize Erasmus + Youth Exchanges. After the success of many of our events, our organization got a license to be the only one representative of the foundation “MasterPeace” in Bulgaria. “MasterPeace” aims to inspire everyone to use their talent and energy for building peace and togetherness. It will help lead the way to a more sustainable world with less armed conflicts. Also it’s the fastest growing grass-roots peace movement in the world, with the ambition to reach out to millions and mobilize at least 400,000 new peace builders by 2020. Every year on 21st September the “International Day of Peace” we organize informational campaigns, dance, music and art  mutual activities with the coordinators of “MasterPeace” from the other member countries. Other big event we organize is on 1st December the “World Aids Day” where together with partners we inform young people where they can get free testing for HIV, what are the dangers of unprotected sex, how can you get infected and thanks to our strong partnerships, get free condoms where we give them out to the people.      

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The core team of Bulgarian Youth Association consists of seven founders and up to ten constant volunteers, all of them young people of different professional profiles, and each one of them responsible for specific aspect of the projects/activities that we realize or plan. The target group of our activities are primarily ambitious and enthusiastic university students seeking additional sources for personal and professional development and interested in working on youth projects. With regard to this, more than 70 young people have been part of our local, national and international activities so far. We have been actively involved in all stages of a youth exchange: planning, defining roles and responsibilities of project partners, meetings, preparation, logistics, communication between all partners involved, arranging project timetables, as well as promotion of projects and dissemination of their results through our Internet pages and by organizing informative sessions for the local youth. We have very well prepared volunteers who have long work in the non-governmental sector and in the field of intercultural dialog, youth initiatives and involving different people in one mission. We believe each of our members could have great contribution to the project aims and will do their best to actively look for new possibilities for solving current issues. The multiplier effect is important for us and our members are ready to help. Over the years we have created vast networks of young people through which we can easily reach out and disseminate the results of the projects. Thus the message we want to spread can be easily seen and continued. Our team possess vast experience in the youth sector and the field of youth exchanges and trainings. Each of our members has previous background in the non-governmental sector and has been involved in voluntary activities. Through the numerous projects that we have taken part in, organized and prepared groups for activities abroad under different youth initiatives, we have gained experience and developed a good sight over the youth work. During the years we have gained significant experience in the fields of event management as well as communication with national and international partners on different organizational levels. All of our team members have significant experience in the NGO sector, as we have worked on integration processes of minority groups, refugees and with disabled people. Currently we are preparing several initiatives in this direction All of our members are very motivated and work with great passion. During the years we have created vast networks of young people through which we can easily reach out and disseminate the results of the projects. Thus the message we want to spread can be easily seen and we are always in touch with young people, who could be involved in various activities. Our team consists of three highly motivated and active founding members /Kristiyan Andreev, Daniel Popov and Nikolay Nedyalkov/, an accountant and several young volunteers . The volunteers assist in the development of the youth voluntary activities and youth exchanges under the Youth in Action Programme and ERASMUS+. - Kristiyan Andreev (Founder and President) – currently studying for bachelor on Public administration 4th year at the University of national and world economy. Highly skilled person in representing the NGO. Involved in the NGO sector since 2011, excellent communicator and youth worker. Actively involved in national youth projects and international Youth in Action and Erasmus+ projects. Went to more than 45 national and international projects. Also he was part of the organization and coordinator of many sport and cultural events. He is also part of the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth and has many trainings and awards including a honorary title for excellence in humanitarian work for 2014. Also part of the biggest student organization – AIESEC, British council – volunteer, Business Club UNWE – in his university and in the Youth UN association. Actively involved in many other organizations and non-formal groups and famous for his partnership building skills. He is the president of Bulgarian Youth Association and Coordinator for Bulgaria of the foundation MasterPeace. Also one of the representatives of the International Peace Youth Group in Bulgaria. - Nikolay Nedyalkov (co-founder and vice-president) – has a master degree in Law. He is dealing with youth policy of the organization, legal assistance, documentation and stability of the structure. He used to work at “Transparency international” Bulgaria, as a legal advisor. Has participated as organizer and interviewer in different types of research groups to sociological agencies. Has been to various national and international trainings, seminars and conferences related to Bulgarian and European legislation, human rights, entrepreneurship, employment and employability, youth empowerment, PR and fundraising of NGO’s, events of contact making and creating partnerships. He has several publications of legal topics. His motto is “Nothing is impossible”. - Daniel Popov is a medical student and an active member in our organization as coordinator of the volunteers. Participated in many Red Cross events and trainings, also very active in Youth in Action and Erasmus+ . His work is to find, appoint, motivate, delegate and coordinate the work of the volunteers so that they feel involved and have self-satisfaction of being an active members of the society. The project manager: Extensive experience in project management and with the former Youth in Action Programme. The accountant: specialised in NGO accounting and works with several NGOs that apply for various grants. Her experience and abilities are proven by the exact calculation of the budget and by excellent work regarding reimbursement of participants. Youth workers and trainers: the Bulgarian Youth Association is proud with the workers which went to more than 70 projects in national and international programmes. Their training and experience prove to be a valuable asset in any project that Youth in Action and Erasmus+ implements or participates in. Most of them were youth exchanges, seminars, training courses, partnership building activities, networking, policy making and some related to European Voluntary Service (EVS) activities. That's why our name is so recognizable and we are considered a reliable and trustworthy partner

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the family. As young people, we are concerned about our future, and we have to step forward building it, and not wait something to happen. Joining Anna Lindh will give us access to member events and trainings, and also to have the right to apply for projects. This will give us a lot of knowledge for future development. It will be a pleasure joining your foundation. Thanks

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristiyan Andreev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kristiyan Andreev

Bulgarian –American center of Economics and Management "ECOM INTELLECT"

National Network

2, Konstantin Velichkov Str.
Plovdiv, 4000

+359 32 655 225
Mobile Phone
+ 359 889 219 774
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ECOM INTELLECT is a Private Professional College issued by Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria since 1992. We have the right for execution of the forth educational degree, accomplished in two years in the following professional fields: • Management and Business Administration; • Marketing and Management; • Animation; • Computer Science; • Hospitality and Tourism Management; • Tourist Guiding There are 1200 graduates at present. In January 2006 ECOM INTELLECT received an award in for the College of the year. The education is both in English and Bulgarian. The students are from 20 to 35 years old. Both full time and distance courses are offered. For the excellent execution of the educational process we have prepared highly trained team of qualified lecturers, who teach in English. After Bulgaria became a member of EU on January 1, 2007 we as educational institution have the intention to establish fruitful and beneficial cooperation with similar institution from EU countries. We have contacts with a lot of foreign organizations and universities.
Mission and Objectives

ECOM INTELLECT main mission statement is to make education accessible to all by offering full-time,part-time and distance learning degree programs as well as increasing the adult participation in the non-formal educational system. We prepare students for success in a global market. We would like to restore the link between labor market and education and maintain and enhance leadership role in education and enhance intercultural and cultural relations.
The Bulgaria’s membership in EU is challenge for us for enhancing our cooperation with foreign universities and colleges including the possibilities for representing them in Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

We participated in projects at PHARE program concerning proffessional education of unemployed.
We organize seminar with local public autority concerning environment and sustainable development, education and career development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krasimira Bakardzhieva



L’Association pour les Initiatives Internationales de Coopération (ICC) est une organisation qui a été mise en place par des individus qui souhaitent renforcer la société civile. Celle-ci fonctionne comme le Chef de File du Réseau National bulgare.

Les autres domaines d’action de l’association incluent la promotion de la participation des communautés locales dans les processus de décision et les mécanismes de gouvernance; le développement économique et social du pays et de certaines régions cibles; le soutien aux groupes vulnérables; le développement de l’éducation et de la culture; l’égalité des chances et l’intégration des différents groupes ethniques; la résolution de conflits; et la protection de l’environnement.

Center Bulgarian Parents

National Network

5 Poroi
Blagoevgrad 2700


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a young organization. We don't have a lot of experience. We are only three people.
Mission and Objectives

To popularize the problems of the current and future parental. To develop plans and strategies to support current and future parents and their execution, too. To ensure collaboration and mediation between families with problems and institutions, local authorities and non-profit organizations, to provide support and consensus on the issues of parental. To develop and implement ways to overcome poverty.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation and implementation of programs for parents and family, social work, helping parents in need and their families, support their development in all areas. Developing, organizing and conducting of educational and training events, courses and training programs in accordance with the needs of parents and families. Providing professional consultations and advice on the activities of the Association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marieta Naumova
Head of the organisation
Silvia Mitrinska
Contact (2) Full Name
Desislava Rumenova-Miladinova

Center for Art and Culture Sunward

National Network

8 Pl. 15.IX.1903 St.

+359 886 278 347
Telephone (other)
+359 884 800 648
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 886 278 347
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Our Structure of the organization, including 7 board members. We have been participate as a partner organization into several projects connected to youth exchange; leadership; international communication; media Currently we are rolling the organization with the help of local sponsors, incomes from activities, and personal projects. Our main Partners involved in the organization's projects are International Initiatives for Cooperation; Association Link

Mission and Objectives

Center for Art and Culture Sunward, Designs, develops and executes projects, activities and events related to Art, Design, Architecture, Education and Culture in the territory of European Union. We are trying to collaborate with local partners into different causes. Our main goal is focused on Education and how the Creativity could help people learning, improving and creating a better environment for life.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our classes this year 2012/2013 Education/ Culture/ Atrs Fine and Apply Arts: - Printmaking - Traditional Drawing - Experimental Painting - Traditional decoration - Open workshops, exchange programs Design and Architecture: - Digital Arts - media communications, advertising, culture - Design and Architecture - Environmental changes - Net and Web Art - Digital Painting Theory of Contemporary Arts - Artistic Communication - Theory of Arts - The Art and the Sports, (philosophy of movement) - Performing Art or how to express my self

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivaylo Gogov
Head of the organisation
Razlog, Bulgaria
Contact (2) Full Name
Galiya Mihova

Center for Creative Justice Razgrad

National Network

Razgrad 7200, complex Osvobozgdenie 34, PoBox 237
Razgrad 7200

0359 84 661694
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0359 899 187068
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

At present 2 full-time employees work at the NGOs Center: Executive Director and Program Coordinator. The NGOs Center in Razgrad has expanded the interaction between the public institutions and the civil sector. The organization has developed a successful public- private partnership with the Regional and District Courts, Regional Prosecutor and the local police in Razgrad. This encouraged the team to keep up fostering the positive reform in the Judiciary at a local level and affirming the principles of transparency and accountability of the judicial system at national level. The available office (80 sq.m.), located in the center of Razgrad, which is additional advantage for the project implementation. Enough space with controlled electronic and human access will be available for the project team. The office has: meeting room; 4 PC, laptop, printer, copy machine, direct phones; direct internet access; multi media; a secretary. These available resources make us confident that we could provide quality management support and expert assistance to the financial organization. We are founder of National Court Watch Network in Bulgaria (June 2007). Since Aug 2006 the NGOs Centre is a member of the National Civic Coalition for Monitoring of EU funds in Bulgaria. Since February 2005 the organization is an active member of the Social Services Network and founder of the Association of Social Enterprises in Bulgaria. In March 2004 the Organization was a co-founder of the Community Policing Network in Bulgaria. In May 2004, the NGOs Center represented Bulgaria in the process of building the Minority Policing Regional Network in Romania. The NGOs Centre Razgrad works in close partnership with the local courts in North-East Bulgaria and closely monitors the regional implications of the National Reform in the Judiciary

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGOs Center is to advocate for civic participation in the democratization process at local level. The organization strongly supports the overall development of a civil society in Razgrad Region.

Main Projects / Activities

Community Policing; A sequence of 6 one-year projects focused on developing community policing were implemented by the organization. Trainings on the National Strategy “Police Close to Society” were provided. A Police Support Group was established in Razgrad as a result of the long and successful collaboration between the NGOs Centre and the Regional police headquarters. Social inclusion and human rights: At present the NGOs Center in Razgrad implements a number of local and regional projects “Roma community consultants”, “Equal Opportunities for Job Placement at the Police for Representatives of Ethnic Minorities”, “Daily Center for Socially Disadvantaged Women”. The development of the NGOs Center as a social services provider is a priority for 2006 and 2007. The organization provides support to vulnerable groups, especially social and health-care support to women from ethnic minority groups. In 2005-2009 the organization filed over 100 cases based on the Access to Information Act before the Regional and court of Razgrad and Supreme Administrative Court, against the local authorities. In over 70 % of the cases the court pronounced the denied access to information as illegal. Apart of the abovementioned projects the NGOs Center has completed a number of other democracy-related projects. Full texts available at: http://ngo-rz.org; http://court.ngo-rz.org; http://police.ngo-rz.org.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgi Milkov Dimitrov
Head of the organisation
Georgi Milkov Dimitrov, Chariman od the managing Board

Center for Economic and Social Initiatives – Tundzha

National Network

Str. Graf Ignatiev 40-b-34

Mobile Phone
+359 899 33 08 32
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Center for Economic and Social Initiatives - Tundja is a nonprofit organization registered under the Law on Legal Persons with non-profit company case № 9 of 2009 of Yambol District Court.1 chairman of the board and 12 members of the board. MIG-Tunja
Mission and Objectives

Sustainable development of the Municipality of Tunja. Conservation, multiplication and mobilization of resource potential of the area. Civil society development and social inclusion of young people, women and disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

"CESI-Tundzha" is an organization which has now involved as partners in the realization of project "Development Opportunities", contract № BG2006/018-343.10.01-1.43, performer who is Hegra LTD-Yambol. Participate in the formation and operation of MIG-Tunja (MIG Tunja created under the program for rural areas, Axis 4 Leader for the development and implementation of the Strategy for Rural Development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sevelina Ilieva
Head of the organisation
Tatyana Ilieva

Center Immigration and Integration

National Network

5 Bulgaria Boulevard

+359 887 915547
Telephone (other)
+359 2 9815526
+359 2 9815526
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 887 915547
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Center Immigration and Integration is a non-profit organization in public benefit, registered with a donation by its founders. The organization does not have paid staff. Its founders and affiliates work on project basis and are supported by a circle of volunteers. CII incorporates representatives of the immigrant communities as well and believes in their inclusion in initiatives and debates of issues that affect them.
Mission and Objectives

CII's mission is assist the policy making process for the immigrants in the country and their integration into the Bulgarian society from the perspective of respect of human rights and social inclusion.
CII pursues the achievement of the following objectives:
(i)development and introduction of complex, innovative and interdisciplinary educational, scientific and cultural programmes, related with the advancement of the civil society in Bulgaria and increased civic participation in the policy-making process;
(ii)study and assistance of the social integration and personal realization of young people and persons in vulnerable socio-economic condition, including ethnic minorities, refugees and migrants;
(iii)development and implementation of contemporary forms and approaches for protection of the human rights of refugees and migrants, fight against racism and xenophobia, development of intercultural dialogue and integration;
(iv)study of the polices related to the cross-border migration of persons and provision of asylum; development of concepts, strategies and models for their updating and upgrading in line with the world processes and the membership of Bulgaria in the EU;
(v)organization and coordination of cooperation initiatives between European organizations in the context of the common EU policy for asylum seekers and migrants;
(vi) methodological, technical and expert exchange of knowledge and information.

Main Projects / Activities

"Support for the inclusion of immigrants in the Bulgarian society", co-financed by the European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals, "Integrated grant scheme for the implementation of activities, aiming the introduction into practice of the Common Basic Principles of the policy for integration of immigrants in the EU", creation of a methodology for the progress, building the necessary capacity".
LinguaINCLUSION European models and good practices for linguistic integration in primary schools with young immigrants

Contact (1) Full Name
Tihomira Trifonova

Center of Legal Aid - "Voice in Bulgaria

National Network

ul. Triaditza 5B, fl, 2, office 226
1000 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information

CLA has an executive board and about 15 staff members - lawyers, communication expert and a fundraiser . We are project based financially covered, mainly by EPIM program. Some other source of financing are small international or national funds. Projects we work currently are focused on alternative on detention, regularization of migrants and refugees, providing legal aid for those seeking asylum in our country . We have seminars and educational modules for administration actors working on the field, 1st line, from Migration service, detantion centers and alike. CLA have elaborate very steady partnership net as we are very recognized in the sector. Our main partners are national authorities, NGO -s from the sector. One of our international partner is International coaltition of Detention, PICUM , EPIM , MsF and we are constantly extending the net.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to guarantee the respect of the human dignity of migrants, refugees, foreigners, and to contribute to their empowerment and independence. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups on the territory of Bulgaria, by providing legal aid and conducting advocacy.

We provide pro bono legal consultations to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, as well representation in administrative and judicial proceedings at the national and European levels.

We provide free legal consultations and hold group information sessions for foreign nationals held in detention in Bulgaria.

We conduct advocacy campaigns and activities aimed at establishing institutional and judicial practices, as well as legislation, that are in accordance with international and European standards, and at changing of public attitudes.

We conduct research in the area of migration and migration policies and their implementation.

A guiding principle in our work is the supremacy of ALL human rights and the respect for them, and non-discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion, ethnicity, gender or other characteristics.

In carrying out our mission we are independent from any political, state, religious or corporate interests and influences.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing legal aid for migrants, refugees, those seeking asylum and humanitarian protection; Working on introducing alternatives to detention of migrants and vulnerabe people crossing the border in search of pretection, advocacy human rights and dignity as well as access to legal work for migrants being in a "limbo" position (regularisation), campainging and working for ease the procesures for recieving status of those leaving in procedures.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a partner for promoting cultural diversity, as a partner in providing and advocating for protection, access to education and normal living condition fo kids and youths from migrant families, as a chanel for AnnaLindh values

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share common vision for the need of constand education and advocacy of human right , diverity and cultural exchange. We see these as a constant activity for promoting positive change at the society and state actors regarding the vulnerable groups.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Zornitza Getcheva
Job Title
Co mmunication expert
Head of the organisation
Diana Radoslavova
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Radoslavova
Job Title (2)
Founder and a laywer


National Network

1 Knyaz Boris I Str., N 15, fl.2
Petrich 2900


+359 2 856 94 52
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 897 980385
Mobile Phone (other)
+421 904 836 477
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation is a non-profit juridicial person,according to the Bulgarian law, for execution of non-profit, socially useful activities. At the moment the staff consists of two persons. The team of the foundation participated in the preparation of projects with Greek and Italian partners under the Programme INTERREG B III CADSES. The team of the foundation cooperated with the applicant in the development and some part of the implementation of previous projects, as follows : - “ Balkan Public Folklore and Songs”, ref.number BG 2002/000-624-05.17. - “ Communication strategy implementation “ 2004 The Foundation participated as a partner to the applicant Municipality of Petrich under the program Phare TBC Bulgaria-Greece in the project “Crossborder cooperation for implementation of sustainable tourist product in the crossborder area of Municipality of Petrich, Bulgaria and Municipality of Seres, Greece, ref. number BG 2004/016-782. Main partners involved in the organization's activities are the founder and the two members of the Board of Directors. We have partner relations and reccomendations by the NGO "Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development" with it's chairperson Anna Lalkovska.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation's objectives are: stimulating development of Crossborder cooperation in the fields of regional development, culture, education, ecology and trade associations; stimulating civil pdrticipation in the process of regional economic development and attracting investments for execution of projects of social significance; adapting and applying business practices; assisting development and consolidation of sector of non-profit juridical persons; boosting the capacity of the particular organisations and the sector as a whole; icreasing professionalism and applying successful practices and transparensy of the organisations' activities and dissemination of mechanism, which guarantee the execution of the will of the founder and donors; informing about the activities of the sector and creating a favourable social climate; optimising the legal and taxation environment of the sector; improving coordination and joint activities in the sector; stimulating civil activity in the establishment of regional security in Southeastern Europe; adapting and disseminating democratic mechanisms and practices from the countries with developed democrasy; encouraging dialogue and cooperation between the non-profit juridical persons, the profit organisations, the State and the local self-government upon solving problems with social importance.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation's activities are: organizing and conducting studies, work meetings, seminars and conferences; organising different training initiatives; collecting and disseminating information, related to activities carried out by Bulgarian and foreign donors and programmes, as well as activities in the field of regional development, culture, education, ecology and trade associations; providing legal, financial and organisational consultancy; building up and developing partnership with universities and research centers; publishing and distributing print and electronic material, related to the Foundation's activities;forming expert opinions; organizing discussions and providing proposals for changes in the normative order; organizing studies and conducting research projects; providing technical aid; publishing activities; providing consultancy services; preparing analyses; creating and distributing electronic products; exercising rights upon intellectual property.

Contact (1) Full Name
Penka Lazarova Valcheva
Head of the organisation
Penka Lazarova Valcheva