البوسنة والهرسك

Theater festival "KEZA" Fest Banja Luka

Dis Theater Banja Luka, B&H

In Banja Luka, on March 30, the festival of optimism "Keza fest" was closed.

The Banja Luka audience had the opportunity to watch 9 extraordinary performances from Bugojno, Konjic, Tuzla, Vitez, Travnik, Zagreb, Belgrade and Banja Luka. Workshops for young actors, socializing with actors from the region were also organized in the Youth Center, and the audience could see an exhibition of young artists, enjoy the performances of DJs and musicians.

This year there are also the latest board games "Tropika".

The audience jury declared the most successful performance, "TAXIMETAR" (Co-production of GKM Vitez and HK Travnik)

The festival lasted from 24 to 30 March 2023.

The organizer of the festival is "Dis-teatar" with the support of the Banja Luka City Administration and the Bosnia and Herzegovina network of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation "ALF".

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This weekend, three great plays on theater days in Vitez

City youth theater Vitez

This weekend, three great plays on theater days in Vitez

After last weekend the audience was delighted by the performances "Taximeter" by GKM Vitez and HAK Travnik and "Palace of Laughter" by DIS Theater from Banja Luka, the theater days in Vitez continue this weekend with three new performances. All performances are played in the Vitez Theater Hall, starting at 8:00 p.m.

The actors of the Children's Theater "Eko art" from Bugojno will be the first to take to the stage of the Vitez Theater Hall, who will play "The Bards" on Friday, September 29. The play features Ines Fuka, Selma Huskić, Ajna Krvavac, Muris Bušatlić, Amila Hamzić and Azra Dželilhodžić.

About the play "Bardov'ce": He is certainly the biggest, the best, the most performed... He is the Bard.

And they are… hmm, dissatisfied? A bit grumpy and very determined. And what if… if some characters, written a long time ago, could jump the barriers of time and tell their creator what they really think? Offer him your ideas? Explain what mistakes he makes? Three wonderful, capable women are on a mission. They haven't been written yet, but they know exactly what's coming next and are determined to change the course. They are spokespeople, in their own name and for everyone who has already been written and those who are not yet. If necessary, with the help of... magic. That, He has already given it to them! And He's… hmm, He's a man.

On Saturday, September 30, the audience will have the opportunity to watch the play "Love at First Sight" by the Slavonski Brod Youth Satirical Theater. Mr. Kosta Bandula responds to the ad for the new husband of Mrs. Marija Trkulje-Gazivoda. They both try to present themselves in the best light, but the life stories they confide in actually reveal their characters and destinies. All of this imbued with light melancholy, the reality of life and a touch of humor. The text is "Love at first sight" by Fadil Hadžić. Director Silvio Stilinović and assistant director Saša Karić staged the play for the first time on the stage in Slavonski Brod. In addition to Silinović, who is the main actor in the play along with the director, Tanja Medić Savić and Luka Kovač act.

The sixth weekend of this year's theater days will conclude the "Fedra" Theater from Bugojno with the play "Life Before Her". Through twenty mutually unrelated but intertwined scenes, the play talks about girls, women and women with an emphasis on the relationship of the environment and society towards them... The play stars Ajla Beganović, Ermina Music, Semir Beganović and Zina Šahović Kulašin. The adaptation and direction is by Amel Ugarak, and the text was based on the motifs of the texts by Maja Pelević "orange peel" and others. and Mira Gavran's "All About Women".

The general sponsor of the 15th Theater Day "Vitez 2023" is the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, Culture and Sports of the Canton of Central Bosnia and Minister Bojan Domić, and the partner of the festival is ALF BiH.

TIM System

National Network
البوسنة والهرسك
+ 387 33 77 77 07
Telephone (other)
+ 387 33 77 77 01
+ 387 33 77 77 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 61 207 495
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 61 272 906
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
TIM System Agency from Sarajevo is specialized for campaigns of public interests. TIM System is a national, independent, full marketing agency, which is the market positioned in the top marketing and production activities. Our professional relationship we have proved the quality of completed projects, as well as the satisfaction of our clients.
Mission and Objectives

TIM System is unique compared to other large players because it is domestic and independent of any agency chain. We deliver services to both domestic and international clients.
Our people come from diverse professional backgrounds and posses wide knowledge of international standards. We follow world trends and offer you cutting edge communication best suited to your needs and budget. Our in-house facilities consist of graphic design stations, video and audio editing suites, audio studio for recording and mastering, video animation and postproduction facilities.
TIM System develops its professional production activities using the most advanced digital video and audio equipment in order to offer top quality audio and video recordings and production. In addition, TIM System engages some of the professional staff: radio presenters and actors.
TIM System production service also includes development of concept, journalistic work on content and editorial finalizing of the program.
We wish to emphasize that we have the most media and production tasks performed for domestic and international institutions, including:
The Council of Ministers BiH campaigns promoting human rights
Council of Europe - a campaign promotion human rights, tv series,
"Human Rights from A to Z"
OHR-TV series about the return of "How much longer until the return"
OSCE - the campaign "Choose brighter side of life"
Central Election Commission - Campaign 2008 ELECTIONS
The Government of the Federation-campaign promoting social responsibility
Government of Canton Sarajevo - a campaign promoting social responsibility
Government of Brcko District - Campaign promotion Brcko District - 10 years District, a documentary film for the EXPO 2010 fair in Shanghai ...
FBiH Ministry of Health-promotion campaigns of social responsibility
Ministry of Refugees and Displaced FBIH-documentary "Return to Hope"
Ministry of Culture and Sports FBIH - Campaign promotion of cultural and historical heritage
Ministry of Physical Planning and Environmental campaigns promoting environmental protection, tv spots, documentaries, outdoor advertising, " Save nature for the time of the coming "
and many others ...
Our agency's creative team led by renowned journalist bh Sanela Prašović- Gadžo, who worked 17 years at the Public Broadcasting Service, the work of journalists, reporters, correspondents from the Tribunal in The Hague, the editors of the news program, and as editor of one hundredth of political debate shows, interviews with foreign and domestic officials.
Sanela Prašović Gadžo created and terms of reference for this tender and wrote a short screenplay.

Main Projects / Activities

TIM System BH as a leading production house expressed interest in the production of TV documentary. Our goal is through the story of documentary TV show the connection between people of different religions who live in the Balkans.
So, the movie would be filmed in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatian and Macedonian.
Documentary film to show people a link to the thread of these areas, a working title is: The same love, is not it?

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanela Prašović Gadžo
Head of the organisation
Sanela Prašović Gadžo
Contact (2) Full Name
Edisa Fulurija

Training in Mostar within the project REST_ART

Local Democracy Agency Mostar

Local Democracy Agency Mostar

Training in Mostar within the project REST_ART

Between September 18th and 24th, 2023, #LDAMostar was the organizer of the Training in Mostar as part of the project REST_ART, cofunded by the EU.


We are thrilled to share that 18 passionate participants from 6 countries came together to make a difference. These incredible individuals hailed from Albania, Greece, Croatia, Egypt, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, uniting their diverse backgrounds and perspectives for a common cause—our environment!


During this enlightening week, these environmental champions engaged in a series of activities:


They put their knowledge to the test with a Climate Quiz.

They engaged in Thought-Provoking Debates on Environmental Awareness.

They embarked on a captivating Study Visit at UG Nešto Više in Mostar, exploring the permaculture, volunteerism, and the organizations' work in general.


REST_ART is all about:

Presenting the beauty of our environment.

Raising awareness about its challenges.

Sensibilizing communities for action.

Preventing harmful attitudes through the incredible power of art.

These scheduled mobilities have one clear goal:

To highlight the profound influence of art on environmental preservation.


Artworks are not just beautiful; they are the tools of ecological activism:

They shed light on urgent issues.

They simplify sustainability messages.

They mobilize people to take a stand for our planet.

Additionally, this event included a comparative approach and photography research, focused on plastic waste management in Mostar. This data will serve as a compelling tool to hold local municipalities accountable and drive change through communication and dissemination.


Join us in celebrating this international collaboration for a greener, more sustainable world!


Zelena akcija / FoE CroatiaUnited Societies of BalkansShoqata Together for LifeADP-ZidJovesolides EgyptAgencija lokalne demokratije Mostar


#REST_ART #Environment #ArtForChange #ClimateAction #MostarTraining #EUfunded #EnvironmentalAwareness #Sustainability #ArtActivism #TogetherForChange


Transcultural Psychosocial Educational Foundation

National Network
البوسنة والهرسك
E-Mail (2)
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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
TPO Foundation is structured as local NGO with 3 full time employees, 3 part-time employees and dozen of associates on various project activities. Approximate Annual budget is 200.000 BAM Source of funding comes from donations. Main partners are: Medica Zenica, Lara Bijeljina, Zena BiH Mostar, Forma F Mostar, Krajiska suza S. Most, Udruzene zene B. Luka, Perpetum Mobile B. Luka, Vesta Tuzla, Fondacija Cure Sarajevo, Infohouse Sarajevo, IMIC Sarajevo, Nahla Sarajevo.
Mission and Objectives

TPO Foundation mission is contribution to development of democratic civil society, increased awareness on gender equality, establishment of partnership ethics and promotion of accountability and responsibility in family, society and political life in BH, via implementation of educational, research, psychosocial and intercultural program activities.
TPO Foundation was developed from HNI TPO organisation network with headquarters in Amsterdam, present in BH from 1998, implementing projects in the filed of psychosocial care, education and reconciliation and dialogue among returnees population.
Since 2004, by HNI TPO Amsterdam decision, local team in BH works as and independent nongovernmental organisation under the name of TPO Foundation, however, formal registration was completed in 2006.
During 2004, TPO Foundation as a local organisation, directed its activities toward educational and research projects in cooperation with BH, European and USA universities.
Mission realization
TPO Foundation mission is implemented via several strategic areas:
Education - Cooperation with universities and other organisations in implementation of education reform in BH. Establishment of education centres in cooperation with educational and cultural institutions offering programs for intercultural, multi-religious and civil education, predominantly for the youth population.
Preparation of curriculum, syllabi, and studies in cooperation with the state institutions and other organisations.
Research - evaluation of situation in the field of education, human rights, gender equality, with the purpose of preparation of adequate policies and specific project activities. Promotion of scientific approach, sensitive to gender and cultural individual differences.
Gender equality - Promotion and implementation of local and international standards on gender equality and support to state mechanisms for equality at all levels of governance.
Advocacy - Advocacy for changes in action policies and adoption of new with the aim of development of democratic civil society, and awareness- rising in society on importance of active involvement and participation of citizens in decision making.
Capacity strengthening - Preparation of training packages in cooperation with respective state institutions as well with other international institutions and organisations. Support to education reform , health care and social rehabilitation via training of professionals and promotion of strengthening of user's initiatives, and psychosocial support to children and youth.
Intercultural dialogue - Promotion of intercultural dialogue, peace and reconciliation in cooperation with NGOs, both BH and international, dedicated to this issues. Organization of public debates and round tables, meetings of artists, academics, and NGO activists capable of providing solutions for joint work and co-existence, from their perspective. Organisation of meetings in small local communities with the aim of gathering representatives of divided communities in BH and opening a dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

a)Pilot research project: 'Survey on tolerance in BH and USA among Muslims, Orthodox and Catholics' in cooperation with State University Arizona , with the purpose of comparison of tolerance level among mentioned population in Bosnia and abroad.
b)Research project: Women, religion and politics, in cooperation with IMIC Centre where 20 towns and villages were paid a visit and 529 participants interviewed. The purpose of the research was to examine impact of religious heritage and cultural and customary tradition on woman status in public life and politics.
c)Publication of book Women, Religion and Politics with cooperation with IMIC centre and Centre for interdisciplinary post-graduate studies with the support of Soros Foundation and Canton Sarajevo government.
d)Implementation of Article 5 of CEDAW Convention with the purpose of elimination of discrimination toward women especially in the rural communities. Project is being implemented with the support of Ecumenical Women's Solidarity Fond.
e) Training seminar: Gender-based Violence and Mutireligious Dialogue
f)Development of school books for Culture of religion in partnership with Goethe Institute and OSCE.
g)Empowerment of Women Voters: 101 reason why vote for women

Contact (1) Full Name
Naida Pekmezovic
Head of the organisation
Emir Siljak
Contact (2) Full Name
Zilka spahić - Šiljak

TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE - Atrocity Prevention Virtual Roundtable



This February, PCRC is joining the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, and Humanitarian Law Center in a roundtable organised by International Coalition of Sites of Conscience to discuss linkages between atrocity prevention and transitional justice.

Atrocity Prevention Virtual Roundtable


The linkages between atrocity prevention and transitional justice are significant, but frequently overlooked. The former seeks to prevent genocides, crimes against humanity, war crimes and ethnic cleansing by identifying specific risk factors for mass atrocity. Transitional justice also places at its center goals of justice, truth, reconciliation and non-repetition of past violations, but is routinely seen as distinct from atrocity prevention because it is considered as mostly backward-looking given its focus on redress and coming to terms with the past. However, transitional justice mechanisms play a significant role in mitigating atrocity risks by addressing impunity, contributing to institutional reform, allowing spaces for truth-telling and breaking the silences and distortions of the past. This roundtable will highlight the nexus between transitional justice and atrocity prevention by focusing on the role of psychosocial support, and documentation and archives in upstream prevention and the need for gender justice in larger prevention efforts.


Feb 23, 2023 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Tuzla Youth Association

National Network
البوسنة والهرسك
+ 387 35 280 026
+ 387 35 280 026
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 61 804 691
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 62 353 814
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Tuzla Youth Association is a registered 17.march 2004, even though their work began even 2003. TUZLA YOUTH ASSOCIATION(YOUNG TUZLA OR UMT)is a youth association in the TUZLA CANTON, which at an innovative way to use a specific educational model, a model "YOUTH TO YOUNT" education, who follows the most modern trends in education of young people in the world and that is most acceptable model of education of youth. Using this model showed that young people always prefer to learn from those close to you, or from people of their age. Young people will direct the action, which carries the multiple effects: * occupies your body and spirit of youth in the critical pubertetskom and adolescent age and does not allow them to his energy and attention focus on the negative models of behavior and action * through action and theatrical expression to educate young people about various topics, to learn to live, and live on the scene uočavajući differences between good and evil * imaju mogućnost selekcije i pozitivnog izbora have the possibility of positive selection and election * young people are united by law of art where there is maximum social component and the Association of Young TUZLE allows them to! Users-Members of associations "YOUNG TUZLE" Tuzla are children and young city of Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton between ages 7 and 25 years who were successful representatives of primary and secondary schools tka, successful and Talented students in Tuzla, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Vienna, successful individuals, winners of the municipal, cantonal, state, European and world competitions, the representatives of other NGOs. Association in their work strives to: * Improving the cultural, social or environmental awareness by organizing various cultural and artistic, sporting, educational, social and environmental projects * Promoting the success of individuals through electronic, written and other media, and providing support to individuals in the realization of their ideas * Connecting with schools, other youth groups or associations, institutions, centers ... * Inclusion in international projects with the organization of workshops with different topics: theater workshops, dance seminars, workshop painting, music and other educational content.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of organization:
Improving the living conditions of young people in Tuzla and the surrounding area regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious, social and any other categories of membership.

Main Projects / Activities

7 big theatre performnace ( with 240 young people on stage)
5 big publicatinos ( About young people, about human work, about theatre education... etc)
5 art exhibitions ( About young people - graphic designer)
10 concerts ( Young music gropu from Bosnia)
International projects ( Entry in the international exchange project with young people from Italy, Germany, Macedonia, Denmark and France under the auspices of the Youth European Union; Realization of the international exchange of youth, Youth Together - www.me-myself-and-we.com)
Many cultural events every year
Tuzla Youth Association is author (setter-on) Tuzla Youth Theatre ( For young actors from Bosnia)
Tuzla Youth Association is author (setter -on) Dance club Youth of Tuzla

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
HALIDA HASANAGIC, Coordinator of activities

Udruga mladih ENTER

National Network
البوسنة والهرسك

Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 1
72250 Vitez
البوسنة والهرسك

063 335 334
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Udruga od svog osnivanja 2005 godine okuplja veliki broj mladih ljudi sa cijele teritorije općine Vitez ali i iz susjedih općina. Udruga nema stalno zaposlene osobe a većinu adiministrativnih abveza obavlja Direktor udruge. Trenutno Udruga ima preko 50 aktivnih članova koji djeluju kao volonteri na akcijama koje udruga organizuje. Udruga se finansira potporama od strane Općine i Županije. Najznačajnija aktivnost koja se sprovodi u kontinuitetu jesu dramski programi tako da je najveći proj realizovanih aktivnosti proveden upravo kroz ovu oblast, kroz Gradsko Kazalište Mladih. Najčešći partneri  GKM-a su DIS Pozorište mladih Banja Luka i MTM 1974 Mostar. 
Mission and Objectives

Misija Udruge mladih "Enter" je poboljšanje kvalitete života mladih, aktivno uključenje mladih u sve aspekte života zajednice i prepoznavanje mladih kao prioriteta, te edukacija i pomoć mladima u usvajanju novih znanja, njihovom osposobljavanju, odnosno razvijanju njihovih kreativnih vještina. 
Vizija Udruge mladih "Enter" je stvaranje društva i sredine u čijoj izgradnji i donošenju odluka aktivno sudjeluju mladi ljudi i gdje su njihovi interesi zadovoljeni. 
- okupljanje, edukacija te poticanje i  razvijanje kreativnosti mladih
- podizanje svijesti o nužnosti očuvanja životne sredine
- suradnja sa drugim sličnim udrugama i organizacijama u zemlji i inostranstvu

Main Projects / Activities

- Kursevi jezika i računara
- Kreativne radionice 
- Sekcija dramskog stvaralaštva kroz Gradsko kazalište mladih
- Priprema i izvođenje kazališnih predstava za za djecu i mladež 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Želja nam je uključenjem u mrežu učimo od iskusnijih ali i da podjelimo znanja koja smo mi do sada stekli.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

U ALF želimo da se uključimo kako bi smo proširili kroz potencijalnih partnera na projektima te kako bi smo također na osnovu tih partnerstava povećali dijapazon svojih aktivnosti.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Sajević
Job Title
Director of organization
Head of the organisation
Ivan Sajević