

Ahmad Aminian

Islamologist, religious historian and philosopher. Aminian is school mediator at the City of Brussels and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies of religions and secularism at Free University of Brussels (FUB). Aminian is also co-founder and President of Omar...


AI :promesses de productivité, apocalypse pour l’emploi?

Depuis la sortie de ChatGPT en novembre 2022, les spéculations vont bon train quant à l’impact économique de l’ intelligence artificielle (IA). Les uns promettent un boom de productivité à venir, les autres une apocalypse sur le marché de l’emploi...

Aisbl Joseph Mbeka Makosso

National Network

20/F1 Av Du Martin Pêcheur
1170 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

village de formation en alternance pour les chômeurs en RDC
8 dont 3 bénévoles
800€/an sur fond propre
Création du village et mise en formation en immersion totale du chômeur
ACODED et ses partenaires locaux, Congo solidarité et volontaires

Mission and Objectives

Vise a mettre les chômeurs au travail

Main Projects / Activities

Formations en alternance

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je ne sais pas encore

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

conseillé par cncd

Contact (1) Full Name
mbeka Mbumba Joëlle
Job Title
Présidente fondatrice
Head of the organisation
Mbeka Mbumba Joëlle

ALF's Village

Visuel ALF's village

Le Festival Théâtres Nomades s'est tenu à Bruxelles du 18 au 21 août 2022. Dans le cadre de l'organisation de ce festival de théâtre et des arts de la rue, nous avons voulu donner une place toute particulière aux membres du réseau belge mais aussi aux réseaux internationaux de la Fondation Anna Lindh. En effet, le “Village de la FAL” avait pour but de présenter les diverses organisations de la société civile aux spectateur·ices mais aussi de créer des liens entre ces structures elles-mêmes.

Une dizaine d’associations ont pris part à l’aventure durant ce weekend haut en couleurs ! 

Ce sont ALDA, Association européenne pour la démocratie locale de Strasbourg, Duo for a Job,  La confédération européenne des clubs de jeunes, Arts et Publics, Le Petit Vélo Jaune, Cultures Publics, SCI, MUS-E, BOZAR, le groupe de recherche de la Faculté des sciences politiques et sociales de l'Université de Gand - Développement des conflits, qui ont animé pendant trois jours une partie du souk du Festival Théâtres Nomades.

Ce fut une très grande réussite et nous souhaitons organiser d’autres rencontres de ce type prochainement. 

Alive Architecture

National Network

Avenue Walckierslaan 54
1160 Auderghem
1160 Brussels

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Alive Architecture is a research based practice situated in Brussels. All projects contribute to knowledge within the ongoing discussion about the expanded role of the architect, enlarging the discipline from built space to Lived Space. We consider the process of each project as being essential to its outcome, stimulating urban transformation in a playful and artistic way!

Mission and Objectives

In order to trigger Lived Space we play four different roles: The one of the Observer of the existing spatial, social and economic and cultural situation to trigger the locations unique identity. The one of the Engager to reveal interests and expertise of multiple stakeholders. And the one of the Mediator between top-down & bottom-up actors that allows us to play the role of the Enabler of citizens with the aim to co-produce the city!

Main Projects / Activities

Our key projects are between the urban, the social and the artistic - focussing upon the socio-urban transformation of the public space in region of Brussels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through generating socio-urban transformation in the region of Brussels as well as the top-down and bottop-up network related to it. Through our large portfolio of projects that we developed since our foundation in 2010, we are in contact with key actors from the institutions side (Several institutions as Perspective.Brussels, Brussels Environment, SAU, Bruxelles Mobilité...) as well as with non-profit organizations (Toestand, Communa, Samenlevingsopbouw...) .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to enlarge our European network and to collaborate on EU scale projects of socio-spatial / socio-artistique urban transformation, taking the responsability for this to happen on the perimeter of the region of Brussels.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Pferdmenges
Head of the organisation
Petra Pferdmenges

Alpha Omega Conseil

National Network

Rue de la Concorde 36
1050 Ixelles

+32 4 91 07 80 35
Telephone (other)
+212 6 71 08 56 43
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Organisation de conseil centrée sur l'humain, Alpha Omega Conseil est une petite structure qui déploit actuellement son énergie sur les sujets afférents à l'UpM, au travers de ses deux positions stratégiques que sont la Belgique et le Maroc (base à Marrakech).
Mission and Objectives

Au delà des activités clients entreprises, Alpha Omega Conseil travaille avec des partenaires locaux au Maroc à la mise en place d'une structure de Fondation dont l'objectif serait de répondre aux impératifs liés à la pauvreté et au chômage par des projets de culture-emploi.

Main Projects / Activities

1. conseil en organisation, management et gestion humaine au quotidien
2. accompagnement de dirigeants mais aussi de personnes indépendantes
3. activités bénévoles tournées vers l'humanitaire et la culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin de Waziers
Head of the organisation
Martin de Waziers
Contact (2) Full Name
Guilhène de Cidrac
decolonisation VUB

Alternatives for the future of the Belgian development cooperation

Both in Belgium and partner countries, the colonial approach permeates all levels of development assistance. This is the view of, Adriana Moreno Cely, a Colombian VUB researcher, and principal investigator of the report. The study confirms the constant repetition of...

AMARC Europe

National Network

legal office: Vlasfabriekstraat 11 B-1060 Brussels
operational office: Via Umberto Partini 21, 00159 Roma

Bruxelles, Rome

+39.06.8632 8312
+39.06.8638 3967
Mobile Phone
+39.393.9674 999
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
AMARC Europe is the regional branch of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters. In Europe the network exists since mid '90s, but in 2009 the organization has set up a new official registration act as International Non profit Organization according to the Belgian law. The regional Conference, held in December 2008 in Romania, gathered members (community radios and national federations of community and independent radios) from 23 different European countries. At present, the Board of Directors is composed by 8 directors (from Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Finland, Georgia) and a Secretary General (based in Italy). Among the sources of funding, AMARC Europe is involved in the global network of AMARC and in the harmonization process which allows trans-regional approaches to fund raising and donor's international agencies. Despite all, the structure is still little sized, having just one staff employed person (the Sec, General as regional coordinator).
Mission and Objectives

The main global objective of AMARC since its creation (in 1983, as a global movement) is to accompany and support the establishment of a worldwide community radio sector for a more pluralistic and democratized media sector. Nowadays, AMARC advocates for the right to communicate at the international, national, local and neighborhood levels, defend and promote the interests of the community radio movement through solidarity, networking and Cooperation.
In Europe, AMARC, local radio groups and other transnational fora (such as the Community Media Forum Europe) are organizing lobbying efforts towards government and international institutions (i.e. - European Union and Council of Europe) aimed at gaining approval so that community media can more easily network, being able -at the same time - to collectively work on national and region-wide on social and developmental issues.The main challenge will be planning to meet the potential for the expansion of community radio across Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

AMARC Europe is involved in the following activities (identified in the current Plan of Action):
Advocacy and policy research: To achieve improvement in the policy, legal and regulatory environment for community media and for the right to communicate
Knowledge sharing and capacity building. To strengthen the sustainability, effectiveness and relevance of community media and to increase the appropriation of community media by excluded and marginalized communities to better identify, discuss, articulate and voice their development concerns.
Content exchange and social action campaigns. To amplify the voices of the excluded and marginalized on key issues in sustainable democratic development and to strengthen south-centered perspectives.
Gender equality and women’s rights. To promote women’s voices and rights, to combat gender-based discrimination and to strengthen women’s participation in community media at all levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Diasio, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Mariano Sanchez, President

Arab Women's Solidarity Association - Belgium

National Network

6, Avenue de l’Eternité 1070 Bruxelles

0032 2 229 38 10
0032 2 229 38 01
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 474 79 05 69
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
-Structure: L'association se constitue d'un Conseil d'administration, composé de 5 administratrices bénévoles élues pour une durée de 4 ans par l'Assemblée générale, composée d'une cinquantaine de membres. L'association emploie une employée polyvalente à temps plein. - Ressources budgétaires: 55.000€ (total des recettes enregistrées pendant l'année 2008) - Sources de financement: Le Ministère de la Culture et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté Française de Belgique subventionne le poste d’une employée à temps plein (2008 et 2009). Une partie des frais de fonctionnements sont couvert par un subside ponctuel de la cellule « Politique générale d’appui aux associations » de la Commission Communautaire Française de Belgique (2008 et 2009). D'autres sources de revenus sont des subventions ponctuelles de différents pouvoirs publics belges, les recettes de certaines de nos activités, les cotisation des membres et les dons.
Mission and Objectives

AWSA-Be a pour objectif d’une part de promouvoir les droits et l’amélioration de la condition des femmes originaires de tous les pays du monde arabe, qu’elles résident dans leur pays d’origine ou dans un pays d’accueil, qu’elles soient primo-arrivantes ou issues de la deuxième voire troisième génération et d’autre part de créer, à travers ces femmes, des ponts entre les différentes cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

- Les rencontres d’AWSA: Conférences-débats
- Les soirées d’AWSA : Soirées de promotion d’artistes femmes et d’écrivaines arabes
- Les soirées et rencontres de solidarité internationale
- Femmes au café : Initiation à la mixité de l’espace public
- Les ateliers : Eveil à la situation et aux droits des femmes
- Les cours d’arabe
- La chorale
- Les rencontres littéraires
- Les formations

Contact (1) Full Name
Alicia Arbid
Head of the organisation
Noura AMER

Art Moves Africa (AMA)

National Network

Antoine Dansaert, 98
1000 Brussels

+32 476 676 149
Telephone (other)
+32 476 676 149
Mobile Phone
+32 476 676 149
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Mobility Fund of Artists & Cultural Operators within Africa. This includes : North Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa, East Africa and Central Africa
Mission and Objectives

Art Moves Africa (AMA) is an international not for profit organization aiming to facilitate cultural and artistic exchanges within the African continent. AMA offers travel grants to artists and cultural practitioners living and working in Africa to travel within the African continent in order to engage in the exchange of information, the enhancement of skills, the development of informal networks and the pursuit of cooperation.
AMA was initiated by the Young Arab Theatre Fund (YATF) and a group of African and Arab organisations to facilitate and encourage the mobility of artists and cultural operators within the African continent. AMA has been incubated in July 2005 by YATF and became an independent international organization in February 2008.
• To facilitate regional and trans regional cultural exchanges in Africa for individual artists/cultural operators and cultural organisations and encourage the mobility of artists and cultural professionals to exchange experiences, information and ideas
• To encourage artists and cultural operators to work towards shared projects and artistic collaborations across the continent
• To provide the opportunities for artists and cultural operators to gain more knowledge of the diverse contexts and the cultural environments of the African continent
• To encourage independent initiatives, small projects and participation in highly professional artistic and arts management workshops, seminars and residencies for artists
• To encourage the attendance of festivals that provides artists and cultural operators with the opportunity to gain wider exposure and enrich their own creativity
• To develop methodologies to increase access to information and knowledge on arts and culture within Africa

Main Projects / Activities

- Mobility Grants
- Mobility Hub Africa

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija El Bennaoui