مقدونيا الشمالية

Eurothink - Center for European Strategies

National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

Petar Pop Arsov 6-5/2
1000 Skopje
مقدونيا الشمالية

+389 2 3217 511
Mobile Phone
+389 78 306 598
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, think-tank organization founded in September 2002. Eurothink is made up of an executive office, Steering Board, and member's assembly. It holds a staff of 4 full time employees, 2 part time employees, and 1 intern. Its annual budget runs between 300 000-350 000 Euros. The main sources of funding come from the European Union, as well as other donors such as the National Endowment for Democracy and individual bilateral donors. Primarily, the work of Eurothink is made up of concrete projects. Some of the partners involved in Eurothink's work are ALDA, Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation, NGO Infocentre, and others.

Mission and Objectives


The vision of EUROTHINK is for the Republic of North Macedonia to be a developed, democratic and liberal society based on the principles of justice, equality, freedom and prosperity. We see the EU integration process as the best instrument for achieving our vision.


EUROTHINK – Center for European Strategies is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit and secular civic association that supports the integration of North Macedonia in the European Union and Europeanization of society through evidence-based public policy research and policy development, vocational training and advice, regional cooperation, and advocacy for change.

Main Projects / Activities

Media4EU - Civil society program for the participation of media in North Macedonia's EU integration (EU funded)
Towards accountable and transparent policing in North Macedonia (NED funded)
Coalition against Illegal Logging (NDI funded)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through our knowledge and expertise in European integration processes, in particular from the security and media fields. Furthermore, we can add our experience in bilateral relations and trust building between neighbors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be involved in exchange with North African countries, receive new perspectives, and increase our impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitar Nikolovski
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dimitar Nikolovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Frosina Krushkarovska
Job Title (2)
Project assistant

Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture

National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

Dimitrije Chupovski 20/8
1000 Skopje
مقدونيا الشمالية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Lokomotiva is a small organization, project-based run due to a lack of available resources for structural funds. There are twelve members of the assembly, four people in the management structure and two ongoing collaborators. All are working on honorarium basses. Sources of funds are mixed, mostly from European funds, international donors, and some from the Ministry of Culture. Lokomotiva developed and implemented diverse culture and art projects, in different media and formats, such as performances, education, capacity building, training programmes, debates, discussions, exhibitions, researchers, advocacy activities and others. Lokomotiva understands culture as an extended field, co-related with society, and art as an experimental communication and post-discipline field that extends the forms of expression, production and dissemination.
Lokomotiva is a co-founder of spaces and associations locally and regionally and was a co-organiser in different EU projects, some late: ArtClimateTransition (2019-2023), (Non)Aligned Movements and ReImagine- green transition in performing arts.

Mission and Objectives

Lokomotiva is a civil society organization that develops and creates working conditions for the development, research, production, and presentation of the art practices and other work processes of professionals in the field of contemporary arts and culture.
Lokomotiva achieves this by generating new models of collaboration, advocacy in the creation of developmental cultural policies on local, regional, and international levels, discursive, residency, educational and production modes, as well as the development of needed capacities in the community.

2020-2024 Strategic Goals
• Strengthening the educational and research capacities and possibilities in art, culture and socio-politically relevant issues (ecology, gender politics, feminism, commons etc.);
• Creating new collaborative and support systems in the field of art and culture (residencies, mentoring and curatorial programs, research programs etc.) based on feminist intersectional approaches, togetherness and the creation of a safe environment;
• Improving working conditions in the field of contemporary art and the non-institutional scene (new space, institution, residency space(s), workers’ rights and universal basic income);
• Creating systems and mechanisms for international cooperation in the field of culture

Main Projects / Activities

Lokomotiva has an interdisciplinary approach to its programs and includes activities that support professional development and lifelong learning through education, creation and production, art exchange, diffusion, research, lectures, presentations, public debates and networking, and it is also present accentuated with a special purpose within a specific program activity.
What connects all programs is the re-reading of production models, educational, institutional and social practices and discourses, association models and partnership cooperation and advocacy for social change. All programs aim to offer new approaches and models of cooperation, production and education that contribute to social cultural and development and changes.
Programs in 2024
1. Contemporary culture and policies – a program designed to reform policies and politics in the field of art and culture (EU project ReImagine- Green transition in performing arts (EU project/ regional series of workshops, development of curriculum, toolkit and 12 diverse projects in N.Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Bulgaria) and Gender equality in culture and the arts (discussions after performances)
2. PERFORMANCE PLATFORM festival- performances/workshops (Diverse performances in collaboration with other festivals).
3. Collaboratory – research and production of artistic, curatorial and theoretical practices -residencies, workshops, discursive and educational programs, new approaches in building knowledge (Artistic residencies, KULTRAINING – education and cooperation for the communities (for non-professionals and professionals); Curatorial practice in Context – International School; digital archive of contemporary dance and choreography and exhibition on regional performance and dance practices)
4. Open spaces – program intended for building partnerships, developing methods and exchanging knowledge (Cooperation, participation and continuation of Membership in the European Dance, ONDA France, GPS USA etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will bring sociocultural capital cultivated over the past two decades within our organization, through collaborations and our programs, particularly focused on the Balkans region but extending to encompass a broader European space. Our collective expertise encompasses a diverse array of experiences, fostering an intersectional perspective that integrates cultural dynamics with pertinent socio-political themes such as environmental concerns, gender politics, feminism, and communal initiatives. Moreover, we have a deep understanding of collaborative methodologies and their frameworks, including insights into both local and international cooperative endeavors. Additionally, we are engaged in policy activities and advocacy actions for providing better working conditions within regional collaborative contexts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to connect and share our experiences with other regions and spaces, to bring those experiences to our collaborators- artists, cultural workers and other communities. Also, we would like to enhance endeavours among us and other organizations, bring artistic works, but also talk and discuss issues that concern us- such as gender inequalities and politics, environmental catastrophe etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Tanurovska -Kjulavkovski
Job Title
Program director/ president
Head of the organisation
Biljana Tanurovska - Kjulavkovski
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilija Chockova
Job Title (2)
financial director and program manager

Macédoine du Nord


Le premier réseau d'organisations de la société civile en Macédoine du Nord a été établi au début de l’année 2024 grâce aux efforts de l’European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA Skopje. Le réseau national vise à maintenir un profil équilibré et diversifié du secteur de la société civile macédonienne, couvrant divers domaines, afin d'assurer la complémentarité, de promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle et d'encourager les approches participatives.

L'objectif principal du réseau est de promouvoir la bonne gouvernance et la participation citoyenne au niveau local en Macédoine du Nord et dans la région plus large des Balkans occidentaux. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, le coordinateur du réseau et ses membres s'engagent à adopter des stratégies qui encouragent une approche pratique et facilitent les activités de transfert de connaissances entre pairs. Ces initiatives visent à maximiser l'engagement des membres du réseau et à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs capacités et domaines d'expertise.

North Macedonia


The first network of civil society organizations in North Macedonia was established in early 2024 through the efforts of the European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA Skopje. The national network aims to maintain a well-balanced and diversified profile of the Macedonian civil society sector, covering various fields, to ensure complementarity, promote mutual understanding, and encourage participatory approaches.

The network's primary goal is to promote good governance and citizen participation at the local level in North Macedonia and the wider Western Balkans region. To achieve these objectives, the network's coordinator and its members are committed to adopting strategies that encourage a hands-on approach and facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge transfer activities. These initiatives aim to maximize the engagement of network members and make the most of their capacities and areas of expertise.

Rural Coalition

National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

Jordan Piperkata, Street, 15
6250 Kicevo
مقدونيا الشمالية

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Rural Coalition is already a recognized partner of local civil society organizations, municipalities, institutions, which covers more segments of action, starting from grass root activities, up to monitoring, following legal national and EU regulations, creating documents for public policies, representation and monitoring. More than 10 years this organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life in rural areas. It is non-formal coalition of 58 local grass root organizations through which it covers all the territory of North Macedonia. It has 2 employees and 8 engaged persons on honorary basis. It has 100.000-150.000 annual budgets and 90% its’ activities are financed by European Union. As we already mentioned it has variety of activities like field activities and working through the method learning by doing, organization of workshops, seminars, national and international experience and knowledge sharing etc. Main partners: local associations, national organizations and organizations from the Western Balkan countries.

Mission and Objectives

Improving the conditions in rural areas for the establishment of sustainable family farms and organizations through direct support, capacity building, contribution to balanced regional development and participation in the creation of local and national agrarian policy.
Objectives: First objective if focused on promoting gender equality in the local community, including economic empowerment, financial independence and social inclusion of women with a focus on women from rural areas, as well as inclusion and activation of young people in the local community, and towards the creation of sustainable local development with developed and competitive rural communities.
Second objective: Advocacy based on evidence according to the needs of the community, as well as in the direction of bringing the legislation closer to the citizens at the national and local level, including EU integrations, especially in the clusters related to local and regional development, gender equality and agriculture and rural development
Third objective: Development of rural tourism as one of the main sources of income and opportunities for the development of local and rural communities, but also an opportunity for employment and self-employment of the local population.

Main Projects / Activities

We have variety of projects and activities like: Academy for women entrepreneurs from rural areas which we have organized with US Embassy in our country, then projects that are related to strengthening the capacities of youth in rural areas and their involvement in local public decision making processes; currently we are working on establishing of local partnerships for local climate change; digitalization of services in rural areas; gender-responsive budgeting; preparation of monitoring reports for different aspects of spending of public funds by the municipalities; gender mainstreaming in the sector of agriculture and rural development; creation of local strategies and plans for municipalities and local action groups etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can first contribute to the promotion of the network in our country, given that we cover the entire territory of the country and that we have 58 member associations. Furthermore, we would make our contribution in the area of network capacity development, project management, coordination, then our active involvement in the organization and implementation of events, projects, workshops etc. Also, because we have a long network of associates of all types (institutions, CSOs, ministries, municipalities, etc.) we could encourage new partnerships and networks in order to strength the network and its active contribution to the politics, social and economic development of the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking in such a network will bring the organization a different kind of benefits considering that it is one of the world's most famous foundations. Additionally, through the network we will be able to build our capacities as an organization, we will be able to build the capacities of the member organizations, and through the network we will connect all over the world with organizations similar to us, so we will also expand our work and acting area. As we mentioned, we can contribute a lot to the network as well, and our experience from working in networks so far shows that the changes and improvement of our life and society depend on how many stakeholders work towards the same goal. The more we are, the greater is the success, so that is our main motivation to become part of such a new network, the first of its kind in our functioning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liljana Jonoski
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Liljana Jonoski
Contact (2) Full Name
Boban Kostadinovski
Job Title (2)
Program coordinator


National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

7500 Prilep
مقدونيا الشمالية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

SEGA is national platform of youth organizations in North Macedonia, with over 20 years’ experience in lobbying for needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism. The main focus of field of work of SEGA is: Youth activism; Youth participation; Youth employment; Democracy, mutual confidence and cooperation; Community development; Information; Advocacy and lobbying for youth policy. Moreover, SEGA have significant experience in research, publications, development and application of innovative youth tools. SEGA has long-term cooperation with a number of primary and high schools, VET centers, universities, business sector and governmental institutions. The management structure is composed of the following bodies: · Assembly – composed of all members; · Governing Board – composed of five representatives of the full members, elected by the Assembly; · Supervisory Board – composed of three representatives elected by the Assembly members. The executive structure is organized in the Head office, which is located in Prilep, with 7 permanent staff members. SEGA’s budget turnover for 2023 was app. 521’000 EUR, mostly funded by EU, UN agencies, Pestalozzi Children's foundation, etc.

Mission and Objectives

SEGA’s MISSION SEGA works on development and implementation of youth policies at local and national level, connects and strengthens youth organizations aiming to activate youth and improve the conditions for their personal and professional development in the Republic of Macedonia SEGA’s VISION Youth influence the changes and the development of Macedonia, participate in the decision making at national and local level for issues that directly concerns them. SEGA as a sustainable and developed youth coalition enables youth to believe in themselves, to accomplish their interests, to create and to build.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Youth participation towards strong and sustainable community development The project is financed by the European Union and aims to improve the quality of youth policy implementation based on structural cooperation and substantial participation of networked civil society. The expected key outcomes are: To strengthen the capacity of CSOs to independently and effectively influence local decision makers related to youth issues based on evidence and through local networking, To enhance the civic competences of young men and women to substantially participate in the democratic community life using innovative models through gender-sensitive and peaceful approaches, and To enable public institutions to develop and implement informed and quality youth-related public policies based on equal opportunities through sustainable partnership with local civil society. Youth empowerment enabling prospects in Prilep The main aim of the project, which is supported by the SOS Children’s Village, is to contribute to improving employment prospects and active participation in the labour market of vulnerable youth in Prilep. Through the project, SEGA raises awareness of the local community on the need for social integration of vulnerable youth in Prilep, increases the employability skills of vulnerable youth from Prilep and enhance their employment competences based on the actual labor market requirements. Promotion of safe school environment This project’s objective is to enable children from primary and secondary schools, to enjoy their right to quality education in a safe and participatory school environment. This objective will be ensured by ensuring that primary and secondary schools apply a prevention mechanism to address violence, improving teachers’ pedagogical skills and content knowledge as well as enhancing their teaching methods to support and promote protection, participation and gender equality. The project is funded by the Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SEGA can contribute to the network by sharing knowledge and expertise in the field of youth, as well as the local youth context. SEGA can also enable local networking with youth organizations and relevant institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SEGA is joining in the ALF network to learn more about new programming approaches, to use opportunities for mutual learning and to expand on contacts for future possible partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation

Volunteers Centre Skopje

National Network
مقدونيا الشمالية

"Emil Zola", 3/3-1, Skopje
1000 Skopje
مقدونيا الشمالية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

VCS was founded in 2006 and since then has implemented around 100 projects from the “YiA” and “Erasmus+” Programs, in addition to other projects funded by local, national, and international donors. The main goals of the organization are:
- to give non-formal educational possibilities to young people, in different fields, at the local and international levels;
- to promote the idea of volunteerism and to connect young people without reference to their nationality, religion, political, economic, or social status.
VCS has been a sending/hosting organization for 18 years and has directly affected the skills development of many young Europeans.
VCS offers opportunities for youth participation at various local and international platforms, such as seminars, trainings, study visits, youth exchanges, and ecological and social actions. VCS was directly involved as a key stakeholder in the development of the “Law of Volunteerism” in N. Macedonia, took part in monitoring and supervising the development of relevant national youth policies, and actively participated in public discussions and consultations about the topics of young engagement and empowerment.

Mission and Objectives

Our main goal as an organization is to give non-formal educational opportunities to young people, in different fields, both locally and internationally. Volunteerism is a big and important idea also promoted by us while connecting youngsters no matter their nationality, religion, gender, political, economic, or social status. We aspire to contribute to a multicultural civil society, to reinforce existing democratic structures, to support young people in developing their abilities and skills, and to foster closer cooperation among youngsters. Young people in Macedonia are up on our priority list – we want them to progress, to get out of the apathy they feel, to go abroad, to strengthen their sense of belonging, to come back and change things around them. Or if they just want to raise their voices, we also encourage youngsters all over the world to write to VOICES Magazine – our project published since 2006 and a platform for young people to express themselves.
On the other hand, more than 500 young European volunteers passed through our organization, due to various programs of the European Commission. They chose to come to Macedonia to strengthen their capacities, skills, and knowledge, but also to help build a stronger and healthier society through volunteering and breaking stereotypes and prejudices. See here how you can come to Macedonia for a life-changing experience!

Main Projects / Activities

We take an active part in society by offering equal opportunities to youngsters and working to improve their living standards. Through European funds, we provide information and possibilities about volunteering and non-formal education, both locally and internationally. With these opportunities and programs, we want to involve and encourage young people to take part in decision-making processes. We are an accredited organization for sending and receiving ESC volunteers, reference number EVS: 2014-1-MK01-KA110-000293

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With over 18 years of experience in the youth field, Volunteers Centre Skopje can add value to this Network by working collaboratively with the other partners in order to go above and beyond in agreed objectives. We will aim to empower all involved by providing platforms and opportunities for personal and professional growth and
development, especially in terms of skills and competencies that can be gained from this project. We will aim to be a reliable partner who will proactively make efforts
to maximize the benefits that can be gained through participation in this Network for all involved stakeholders.
Also, Volunteers Centre Skopje can be considered as the organization that can take coordinators' rules for the upcoming activities (Forum...etc)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main objectives of the ALF are:
-To create alternative narratives to fight extremist discourses and radicalization
-To create inclusive and empathetic societies to fight the lack of trust and
-To build a culture based on dialogue and exchange

We believe that the experience we have - it is matching with our mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikola Stankoski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nikola Stankoski
Contact (2) Full Name
Goran Adamovski
Job Title (2)
Operative manager

مقدونيا الشمالية


تأسست أول شبكة لمنظمات المجتمع المدني في مقدونيا الشمالية في أوائل عام 2024 بفضل جهود الرابطة الأوروبية للديمقراطية المحلية ALDA Skopje.

تسعى الشبكة الوطنية إلى الحفاظ على صورة متوازنة ومتنوعة لقطاع المجتمع المدني المقدوني، تغطي مختلف المجالات، لضمان التكامل، وتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل، وتشجيع النهج التشاركية.

تهدف الشبكة إلى تعزيز الحوكمة الرشيدة ومشاركة المواطنين على المستوى المحلي في شمال مقدونيا ومنطقة غرب البلقان الأوسع.

 ولتحقيق هذه الأهداف، يحرص منسق الشبكة وأعضاؤها على تبني استراتيجيات تشجع النهج العملي وتسهل أنشطة نقل المعرفة بين الاقران لتحقيق المشاركة الأمثل لأعضاء الشبكة والاستفادة من قدراتهم ومجالاتهم من الخبرة بأقصى حد.