

Second Intercultural Morning Coffee

The public debates in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean have recently been colored by issues relating to diversity in citi


Second Local Dialogue Platform

The Second Local Dialogue Platform brings together representatives of Local and regional authorities, educators, academics and civil socie


Sixth Intercultural Morning Coffee

The Anna Lindh Foundation is organizing a series of meetings called the Intercultural Morning Coffee, which brings together re

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Štefan Füle

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. Füle previously has held several positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, serving as First Secretary of Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN, the Ministry...

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Štefan Füle

Commissaire européen chargé de la politique européenne d’élargissement et de voisinage, Štefan Füle a précédemment occupé plusieurs postes au sein du ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Tchèque, en tant que premier secrétaire de la mission permanente de la...