جنوب وغرب البحر المتوسط

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 2.2. The role of women

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 2.3. How media influenced you

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 2.4. Which source you trust more

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 3.1. Have you interacted with someone and how have you interacted?

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 3.2. Change your view

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 3.3. Main barriers

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 3.4 Intercultural education and multi-cultural events for social cohesion

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 4.2. A new colleague/ neighbour

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

الموارد السمعية المرئية
Audiovisual resource content

UNIT 4.3. How to contrast radicalisation

This video is part of the Online Course "Euro-Mediterranean Intercultural Trends", a learning journey through the Anna Lindh Report “Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean region”, an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Universities Union...

Publication Illustration

United Nations strategy and plan of action on hate speech

En réponse à l’alarmante montée de la xénophobie, du racisme et de l’intolérance, de la misogynie violente, de l’antisémitisme et de l’islamophobie dans le monde actuellement, le 18 juin 2019, le Secrétaire général, Antonio Guterres, a lancé la Stratégie et...