
Silent Heroes, Invisible Bridges

National Network

Tophanelioğlu Caddesi, Aygün Sokak, Altunizade Plaza No: 4 Altunizade - Üsküdar

Ph: +90 (216) 339 91 96
+ 90 (216) 339 91 49
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+90 534 474 1390
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 534 474 3390
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
We currently have three full-time employees, while some 22 correspondents and photojournalists across the world have been shortlisted to work for us as stringers while six editors are also on-board to work on story-to-story basis. Our model is keep the organisation small in terms of full time employees and funds should be used for in-field assignment to optimally utilise our limited resources. As far as funding is concerned, we have been applying to various sources around the world but we have been using our own little kitty to lay the foundation of this organisation based on enormously powerful plan of action. Besides being an active affiliate media training and media watchdog institutions, the Silent Heroes, Invisible Bridges works closely with organisations across the Atlantic, Asia and Asia Pacific on issue concerning cross-religious, cross-border and cross-cultural interaction.
Mission and Objectives

• To bring out uncovered positive stories normally ignored in the rush of hard news and become platform for sharing those free-of-cost
• To create its own interactive readership and revenue base through online advertising
• To promote digital media and train journalists across developing nations through hands-on work

Main Projects / Activities

Thus this resource while generating its own readership would also offer free use of content under Creative Commons' license the permission for newspapers and websites to reproduce its materials, photos, videos and podcasts. The project also provides insight into such existing but hidden real heroes for building cross-cultural, cross religious and trans-national trust. We have already developed our project in three languages: Urdu, English and Arabic. In the next phase we plan to add Malay and Turkish languages besides incorporating French, German, Spanish and Portuguese as soon as resources and manpower becomes available. Besides English, French and Spanish media has too many stereotypes about Muslim cultures, societies and even Muslim minorities in countries where these languages are spoken.
We commission real on-ground stories to established journalists in their respective countries to prepare stories in video, audio and online format.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naveed Ahmad
Head of the organisation
Naveed Ahmad
Contact (2) Full Name
Aliaa Turki Al Rabeo

Silivri Municipality

National Network

Ali Bey Mh. Turgut Özal Bulvarı No:3 SİLİVRİ

+90 212 727 10 02 / 330
+90 212 727 24 88
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Silivri Municipality is one of the Local Authorities in Istanbul. Silivri’s population is about 134.000 and the Municipality serves them with about 450 staff. There is a Mayor and 5 Assistants of Mayor. They manage 19 different departments including environment, utilities and construction, project, town planning, development, cleaning services, etc. There is also a City Council which consists of 31 members charged at local election. Municipality’s main sources are allocations from the general budget of the government, property taxes and improvement cuttings. Concentrated on meeting public’s social needs, the Municipality focuses on improvement of local economy by guiding good agricultural practices, teaching courses about the leader industries in the local area etc. The town has numerous historical value hence one of the main headlines of Municipality is bring historical sites in.
Mission and Objectives

To meet the public’s social, economic and cultural needs by contemporary municipal insight in the local area. To promote sustainable development by using resources efficiently and duly.

Main Projects / Activities

To meet the disabled person’s needs and make the life easier for them. To supply unemployed people by educating and make them enable to work in different areas. To elicit the support of the public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ozcan Isiklar
Contact (2) Full Name

Simya Arts

National Network

Purtelas sok. No: 61-8 Cihangir - Beyoglu

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Simya Arts is an independent arts company focused on artistic training and organization of artistic events and performances. It offers professional theatre and dance education as well as basic arts training. The company organizes artistic events, seminars and workshops, in which trainers and artists from Europe, USA and Asia participate. The company is also the producer of the performances of Zigurrat Dance company, which consists of native and international artists particularly with backgrounds in performing arts. Simya Arts participates in the artistic events and festivals organized in Europe with its special projects such as Meditative Dance and with the plays and performances of Zigurrat Dance Company. Simya Arts is a member of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) and European Off Network.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the company is
- To contribute to the development of arts and arts education and the protection of artistic freedoms
- To foster inter-cultural dialogue through partnerships with artists, art institutions and organizations in different countries
- To provide more opportunities for joint works and for sharing professional practices
- To improve the conditions for independent companies and performing artists
The company achieves its objectives through social and professional networking, joint works, sharing of information, collaboration and advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

Simya Arts is a member of IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts) and European Off Network. It is the organizer of a large-scale network event to be held in year 2010 in Istanbul(European Culture Capital for 2010) with the participation of artists, art organizations and cultural operators from 30 countries of Europe. The project is carried out in partnership of cultural organizations around Europe and with the support of public and private institutions in Turkey. The project is aimed to be a further opportunity for the transnational mobility of artists and transnational circulation of artistic works, and for promoting intercultural dialogue.
The main partners of the company in year 2009-2010 activities are Freie Theater (Austria), Teatro Inverso (Italy), Teater Centrum (Sweden), Pro Rodopi Foundation (Bulgaria), Scarlattine Teatro (Italy), VTS (Poland)and Association KUD Mreža (Slovenia).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkay Sevgi
Contact (2) Full Name
Derya Yuksek

Simya Arts

National Network

La martin avenue 23-5 Beyoğlu
34421 Istanbul/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Simya Arts is arts and education company and joint stage organizations producer and festival and conference organizer. Meditative dance is registered project of the company. Integral Move Festival is the international festival, company organised in Istanbul in the field of performing arts. Simya Arts realized EU cultural program projects and international conferences in Europe and USA. Simya Arts is Turkish representative of Eon Network and member of Ietm and Anna Lindth Foundation. Partners of the company are across all Europe and Turkey including Universities, theatres, national organisations, film production companies and dance companies.

Mission and Objectives

Simya Arts managers are political scientists and art professionals. Simya Arts prepared academic research and conferences on economic potential of multicultural projects and innovative economy for peacebuilding across Mediterranean region and transatlantic. Simya Arts festivals and conferences host art organisations and academicians from more than 30 countries including Europe, America, South Africa and Mediterranean region. Simya Arts also opens natural health providing facility of arts and dance education to global community a long with online programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Meditative Dance
Integral move Festival (Istanbul)
Communicative World International Conference (Istanbul)
European Citizenship EU project
Heaven on Earth (EU Cultural Program Project)
Duty of Comedy (EU Project)

Adapt Performing Art Festival (USA)
Beyond Borders (Bulgaria)
Third Space (Austrilia)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Simya Arts can make joint stage productions, conferences, seminar and workshop organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an old member of Alf Network participating seminars, projects and conferences of the foundation and we prepared projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkay Sevgi Temizalp
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Sinan Temizalp
Job Title (2)
Director/Owner of the company

Sistem ve Jenerasyon LTD

National Network

Necatibey caddesi 19/21
06430 Ankara/

+90 546 868 94 86
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Sistem&Jenerasyon LTD is a private company which was founded back in 2013. We aim at ensuring equal participation of all the groups in the society, be socially responsible by distributing part of our services for the common good, organizing activities to tackle social challenges especially at national level.

Mission and Objectives

Being a company known for offering a good quality service that produces sustainable solutions for the development and implementation of projects in accordance with global standards.
To produce solutions oriented to projects in accordance with the needs of real and legal entities in the direction of achieving the sustainable development of our country
Contribute to the improvement of the quality of the development and implementation of projects in the European Union membership process.

Main Projects / Activities

We are Host Entrepreneur under the programe: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and we have been hosted over 5 entrepreneurs from different countries, established partnerships and collaborations throughout the years. Our main activities have been related to social entrepreneurship, innovation, social inclusion, environment protection etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are committed to active members that will contribute to the network by sharing experiences on a different topic and exchanging ideas.
We are ready for collaboration and bring refreshment to your activities. We are ready to be part of this amazing network and reach and support the people around. We are committed to get involved in activities and projects which include the involvement of the members of Turkish Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To set up new partnerships, share ideas, contribute to the ALF work nationally and internationally, gain and develop new skills and experiences. We work in collaboration with the local media and press so we can help with the promotion, dissemination and follow up of the activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naim Orbay
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Naim Orbay

Sivil Düşünce ve Yönetişim Platformu

National Network

7302 Sokak No:22 Ümit Mahallesi Daire:3
Pınarbaşı Bornova
35060 İzmir/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Sivil Düşünce ve Yönetişim Platformu, 21.11.2015 tarihinde  dairesel bir yönetişim sistemi içerisinde, herkesin birbirine karşı sorumlu olduğu ve herkesin birbirine yardımcı olacağı bir sistemde kurularak çalışmalarına başlamıştır. Değişen dünya şartları kapsamında eski örgütlenme modeli içerisinde çalışmalarını sürdüren sivil toplum kuruluşlarının aksine platformumuz hiyerarşi yerine heterarşik bir yapılanmayı hakim kılmakta ve bu anlayışı kurumsal kültür olarak benimsemektedir. Çalışma Alanlarımız 1- Gençlik Politikaları ve Katılım 2- Proje Yazımı ve Eğitim Çalışmaları 3- Girişimcilik Çalışmaları 4- Demokratikleşme Çalışmaları 5- Hak Temelli Savunuculuk Çalışmaları   - Kadın Hakları   - Çocuk Hakları   - Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve Çeşitlilik   - İnternet Hakları   - Hayvan Hakları   - İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre   - Mülteci Hakları   - Roman Hakları
Mission and Objectives

Cinsiyet, Etnik, Mezhepsel, Dilsel fark göz etmeksizin 18-30 Yaş aralığındaki
İzmir’de yaşamını sürdüren, Gençlik Politikaları’na ilgi duyan Gençlerle ilgilenmekteyiz.
Bu gençlerin Kariyer planlarını oluştururken, sadece bireysel fayda sağlamayıp, toplumsal
katkı sunmak adına Girişimcilik Ruhuna sahip veyahut Girişimciliği teşvik edici projelere
yatkın olmasını değerli buluyoruz. Aynı zamanda şehrimiz İzmir’in ve büyük ölçekli olarak
Akdeniz’in Kalkınmasıyla ilgilenip Projeler üreten veya Projelerde aktif yer alan kişilerin
katalizör etki yaratacağını gözlemlemekteyiz. Yanı sıra, çalışmaları esnasında Sosyal Adalet
ilkesini içselleştiren ve yayılmasına katkıda bulunmak isteyen, son olarak da Gönüllülük
bilincini kabul etmiş Gençler bizlerin hedef kitlesi içerisindedir.

Main Projects / Activities

Platformumuz tarafından düzenlenen değişim akademisi programları çerçevesinde 1 ay boyunca
her hafta sonu milletvekillerimizi derneğimizde ağırlayarak, yerel sorunları, ulusal gündemi ve
gençlik sorunlarını tartıştık.
IRI- Uluslararası Cumhuriyetçiler Enstitüsü ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi ortaklığı ile İzmir’de
1 ay boyunca gerçekleştirilen eğitime dernek olarak katılım gösterdik.
Sivil Düşün AB Programı kapsamında iki tane proje ile başvurumuzu yaptık.
Erasmus+ Programı kapsamında projemizi yazdık.
Hak Temelli Çalışmalarımız kapsamında Roman Çalışmaları İnsan Hakları Forumunu İzmir Romanlar Derneği ile beraber düzenledik.
Uluslararası Çocuklarla Güçlüyüz Konferansına katılım gösterdik.
Habitat Kalkınma ve Yönetişim Derneği, UNDP, Kalkınma Bakanlığı ve VİSA Europe onaylı eğitim olan Paramı Yönebiliyorum ve Girişimcilik eğitimlerini yaygınlaştırdık.

Contact (1) Full Name
Süleyman GÖK
Job Title
Genel Koordinatör
Head of the organisation
Süleyman GÖK
Contact (2) Full Name
Uğur Gümüş
Job Title (2)
Genel Koordinatör Yardımcısı

SKYGD (Sosyal Kültürel Yaşamı Geliştirme Derneği / Development of Social and Cultural Life)

National Network

Kamer Hatun Mahallesi Hammalbaşı Sokak Üstündağ İş Merkezi No: 14/ 139 Galatasaray - Beyoğlu , 34433

+ 90 212 293 69 82
+ 90 212 293 69 82
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 534 439 01 19
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 205 08 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Development of Social and Cultural Life Association (SKYGD) has been founded in 2000, like many ngo’s, after the earthquake of 1999 by a group of volunteers. Both public institutions and other ngo’s tended to deal with primary needs such as food, security, shelter and clothing. SKYGD started to work with children in order to regulate the daily life and uplift the social and cultural life. The associaiton performed multidisciplinary art workhops during the period. In the following years, the association has included disadvanteged groups subjected to social and economical exclusion such as prisoners, addicted people. The board of SKYGD consists of 5 members. The budgetary resources change according to the project the organisation carries out. These projects are mostly based on art workshops carried out with disadvanteged groups. Main partners are: Anadolu Kültür, RUSİHAK, CİSST, TANDEM,...
Mission and Objectives

*To support art and culture activities in regions where social and cultural life has been damaged or reanimate these activities in regions where they have been weakened because of natural disasters, war, terror…
*Experiences on/about different groups have shown that creative activities are powerful means of communication while establishing relationships or restoring injured relations with/among all kinds of groups. Accordingly, “to benefit from the restoring strength of art and enable the skills, perceptions and relationships that have been interrupted.

Main Projects / Activities

SKYGD, since it has been founded, conducts projects (in cooperation with other ngo’s, local and public institutions) with groups under risk or subjected to social and/or economical exclusion. These projects are oriented towards the needs of target groups and susceptible to be adopted and applied by them.
SKYGD has conducted art workshops with children under difficult conditions, people dianosed mentally ill, prisoners and groups subjected to social and/or economical exclusion in different cities. Since 2013, the association has widened it’s scope and included every group of people who are subjected to every kind of excusion, such as women, old age people, homeless people and LGBT people.
The Main Projects of 2013:
1 - "Short Films on Prison" focuses on the prisoners' rights and their conditions in prisons.Statistics show that artistic creation especially the number of the films shot in/on prisons or about prisoners is very unsatisfying. The project aims to promote film shooting in/on prisons and raise awareness on the subject.The project will be implemented by SKYGD with the collaboration of Film and Television and/or Visual Communication Design students (6 University)in Istanbul.The target groups are students, prisoners, academicians. Panels and study visits to prisons will inform young people about the prisoners' conditions, the penal execution system in Turkey.A short film script competition will be organized, 5 scripts among them will be awarded(by a jury)to be shot.These films will be screened in the universities and the prisons.The competition and the screening will be preliminary steps to draw attention of young people, universities and the general public to the subject and be able “to see and listen the story of prisoners through the short films of young people.
2-JOIN the ACTION / “150 meters away from the civilisation” envisages three art workshops (video, stop-motion, drawing/painting-story ) with the children in Tarlabaşı (a region subject to gentrification) and an exhibition displaying the works produced during these workshops.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote the network of organizations concerning art workshops (with the disadvanteged groups)and projects in the member countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayşe Görür
Head of the organisation
Ayşe Görür
Contact (2) Full Name
Latife Uluçınar

Social Entrepreneurship Hackathon ‘ Socialathon’ 16-18 April 2021

Social entrepreneurship hackathon

The Head of Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation Turkey Network successfully implemented the first activity in the frame of the 'Virtual Marathon for Dialogue in the EuroMed'. The activity 'Socialathon' took place virtually from the 16th to the 18th of April 2021.

This event aimed at boosting young people skills at developing ideas on social entrepreneurship and social innovation in order to find smart and useful solutions to tackle social challenges especially caused by the outburst of the pandemic.
The first day the participants were introduced to the event and how the Hackathon would be organized. For 48 hrs the 9 selected teams worked together with their mentors to develop their ideas.

On 18th of April 2021, at 18.00 all the teams had the chance to make their presentations in front of the distinguished judges. The award ceremony which started with the speech of the Deputy Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation Ms Cristiana Gaita, took place on the 18th April, at 21.00(GTM +3) and the awards delivered were as below:

-First prize (2500 TL) was delivered by General Manager Ambassador Al-Sharif's Spouse, Manal Al-Sharif and won by Team Nr.3

-Second prize (1500 TL) was delivered by the Director of ASBÜSİM Representing the Rector of ASBÜ, Prof.Dr.Erdal Akdeve and won by Team Nr.9

-Third prize (1000 TL) was delivered by the Deputy Director General of EU Affairs, Ülkü Kocaefe and won by Team Nr.5

-ASIGM prize delivered by Secretary-General of Ankara Development Agency, Dr.Cahit Çelik won by Team Nr.10

-Erasmus + Prize delivered by MSc. Esmeralda Kashari (S&G Projects Coordinator) and won by Team Nr.1

To watch the opening ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM9Ig_8si4&t=5s

For the award ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHf36l jGaUo&t=1163s

Social Factory Sustainable Development Association

National Network

Turgut Özal Bulvarı Nuran Karlıdağ Apt. Kat:3 Daire:9 Çukurova/ADANA
01170 Çukurova/Adana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We develop and implement projects focusing on exchanging information and experience, conducting research, developing and collectively implementing projects with corporations, both in Turkey and abroad, that seek solutions for social problems. Budget in a year : 127.465,64 Turkish Lira
Sources of funding:Purpose and service expenses
Projects:Project for Sub-Causes Action Plan for Young Unemployed for a Respected Life
North Adana Development Program Project
Partners:Feke Municipality, Karaisalı Municipality, Saimbeyli Municipality, Pozantı Municipality, Tufanbeyli Municipality, Feke District Governorship, Karaisalı District Governorship, Saimbeyli District Governorship, Pozantı District Governorship, Tufanbeyli District Governorship
Erasmus+ Projects

Mission and Objectives

The members of our association working in individual and different NGOs who are part of our association have been involved in many EU youth program projects and have assumed a practicing role. In addition, the founding members of our association have carried out projects under the SODES and Development agency programs. Our association of experienced individuals in the project has 150 active members. There is a working group of Projects in our Association. This group possesses language competence, knowledge, experience and experience in projects.Project Subject Priority 1: Increasing Employability Our Project; It aims to facilitate the participation of the disadvantaged segments of the society in employment, to reduce unemployment, to develop productive human capital that is translated towards the needs of target districts, and to develop professional knowledge and skills. Definition of Social Problem Another one of the most important of Sustainable Development is the reduction of socio-economies between districts. Public authority researches are carried out to reduce these departments. District studies need to be done to differentiate between regions and districts. These studies can be done by supporting agricultural activities in some districts, revealing the tourism potential of some districts, and increasing the competencies of human capital in some districts. It is included in the “Çukurova District Report” of Çukurova Development Agency. Human must be produced to bring it. The demographic structure of Adana, the implementation districts of our project, which is located in the annex and has an economic structure mainly focused on agricultural activities, is similar.
and Aladağ, Feke, Karaisalı, Saimbeyli, Pozantı, Tufanbeyli districts that can be formed from the tourism line. With our project, production, promotion and marketing processes will be implemented in target cities to increase the employment of women by bringing them to the economy. It is foreseen to improve the socio-economic status of the projects and to activate their potential with the project centers and workshops to be established.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association conducts activities in the field of youth. Our Association conducts activities to develop democracy consciousness at the same time as enabling young people to be active in decision making mechanisms. Besides working with youths, Culture and Art, Environment, Employment and Education Working Groups are established to contribute to urban life. Our Association, which has a multipurpose event hall and all kinds of technical facilities, carries out joint projects with different NGOs in regional and international projects in order to encourage active citizenship of young people in general and to develop solidarity and tolerance among young people. Adana Yüreğir Municipality agrees to work with 6 culture houses in the municipality to provide education, arts, culture oriented projects and projects to disadvantaged youths and children. Our Association Many youth programs are in the position of practitioner and stakeholder in the project. Our Association organized a report on youth unemployment in the 7 regions under the scope of the "Project for Sub-Causes Action Plan for Young Unemployed for a Respected Life" which was carried out under the Youth Programs Action 5.1.2012 and this report was presented to the Youth Commission as a sample report by the parliamentary commission. Our association has carried out studies with thousands of young people who are equivalent to the present day.We develop and implement projects focusing on exchanging information and experience, conducting research, developing and collectively implementing projects with corporations, both in Turkey and abroad, that seek solutions for social problems. Participating in these activities so as to increase the feeling of togetherness, communication, sharing, and interaction and active participation in communal life is one of the most important purposes of our organization.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our activities mainly aim to strengthen international integration of Turkey by improving the life conditions and quality of youngsters, different groups of people who are in need through national and international projects. To do so, we engage in collective activities towards the solution of the social problems with the contemporary and international adjustments in order for Turkey to reach its place in the global development level. Engaging in activities with concerned institutions and organizations that operate internationally, in accordance with the general goals of the organization.
Specifically, we prepare educational projects, and exchange information and experience with different organizations as well as organizing training seminars and provide consultancy for the members of the organizations about grant projects concerning education, social and cultural issues as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Turkey Adana province in terms of population size hosts within 2.8% of the population is the 6th largest province. 11.2% of the population lives in rural districts. Although Adana is at the forefront of our country in terms of population size, it ranks 16th in terms of socioeconomic development. The level of socioeconomic development also varies between districts. This situation was also stated in the Regional Plan prepared by Çukurova Development Agency and priority was given. According to the Regional Plan, there are significant socio-economic development differences between the districts of the TR62 Region in the city center and other sub-regions. It is an important priority area for the TR62 Region to bring resources to the industry by activating the internal potential of the districts in order to reduce these differences and to diversify the rural economy in this way. Special measures should be taken in order to eliminate the development differences between the districts. We want cooparate your partner and get involved for network

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasan Mehmet Divaroğlu
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hasan Mehmet Dİvaroglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Sadettin Dindar

Sof Dağı Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneği

National Network

Gazimuhtarpaşa Bul. No:39/B Şehitkamil

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation is founded in 30/09/2005. Its aim is to encourage youngsters to sport and social activities. Some of our activities are water polo, modern pentathlon, underwater activities. We provide to our volunteers and youngsters to learn how to dive, how to go some of tournaments about swimming. Our association is a member of Turkish underwater sports federation, Turkish swimming federation, Turkish pentathlon federation. We are board member of water polo federation and pentathlon federation. We prepared and performed action 3.1 projects, called “Cycling for a Better Life” and “Union For Young People With Fewer Opportunities” .Some of our volunteers are actively relevant to youth in action projects and youth activities. In local region, we have activities to help youngsters to be aware of problems of youngsters.
Mission and Objectives

Our sub-aims are:
• to raise awareness about social issues
• To promote personal skills of youngsters
• To help local instituons on achievement of development
• To achieve youth cooperation on international level for global peace
• To let youngsters know about other cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Our regular activities are trainings, seminars, camps, sportive tournaments, concerts, youth exchanges, campaigns.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can get visibility and volunteer power from our city to network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we like to be in that kind of network. We like how you work and how you act as a non profit foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mehmet Fatih ERBAĞCI
Contact (2) Full Name