
Fritid och kultur Västra hisingen

National Network

Blåsvädersgatan 1
418 32 Gothenburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Fritid och kultur Västra Hisingen Göteborgs stad. Jag arbetar för den nya ungdomsverksamheten som för tillfället kallas upptakt. Vi har en namntävling, så namnet kommer snart bytas. Vår målgrupp är 16-20 år. På upptakt är vi 4 stycken i personalgruppen. Samarbetspartners är sportfiskarna väst, idrottsföreningar m.m
Mission and Objectives

Vi har 4 huvudriktningar, sport, kultur, ungomars egna organisering och delaktighet, ungdomar till arbete.
Stärka ungdomars självkänsla. Förebygga vi mot dom. Fälta på ungdomarnas arena. Vi arbetar även utöver våran målgrupp. Från barn till pensionärer.

Main Projects / Activities

Vi har riktad verksamhet som är gruppverksamheter. Ex: Fiske/friluftsgruppen, ungdomsrådet, aktivitetsgruppen/inredningsgruppen ( de har själva fått beställa möbler till den nya verksamheten, vi hållar även på att måla lokalerna, med färger ungdomarna valt). Fysgruppen, föräldragruppen som består av föräldrar i biskopsgården. Vi har pröva på aktiviteter. Varje onsdag kommer en ny förening, till vår lokal så ungdomarna kan testa på alla slags idrotter. Ex: schack, yoga, mma, capoeira m.m
Arbetsförmedlingen ska komma till oss två gånger i månaden.
Sen bedriver vi även öppen verksamhet.
Eu-projekt på g :-)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jag sitter på kontakter inom det mesta. Med andra ord känner allt och alla. Så kontaktnätverk, kan jag contibute med.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

det låter kanon, därför.
Patrick var en trevlig kille, det oxå ;-)

Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Youth leader
Head of the organisation
Göteborgs stad
Contact (2) Full Name
Bertrand Moenza
Job Title (2)
Youth leader


National Network

Mårtendalsgatan 2-8
Box 920 22
12006 Stockholm

+46 (0)8 691 72 21
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)8 691 7406
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

• Structure, staff Fryshuset is a foundation headed by the YMCA of Stockholm. Fryshuset is based in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. We have around 500 employees and receive around 40,000 visitors every month. • Sources for funding Public funding from state and municipalities, grants, endowments and fees for services such as educational and social programs. • Modalities of action The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests • Main partners Fryshset has strategic partnership’s in many areas, examples are: international partners, British Council; strategic sponsors, COOP; municipalities, Stockholm stad; non-profit organizations, Rotary; academic institutions, Stockholm University; sport clubs, Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

Our vision We enable youth to change the world through their passions Our value statement We listen to what is going on in society and act immediately. We never fear what is new or unknown. We see opportunities and mobilize where other see problems. We experiment, learn and constantly improve our methods. Our point of departure is the needs of the individual. Our doors are always open for whoever wants to engage and develop whatever the background. We believe in respectful meetings between people where the passion to do something and common interests bridges differences in opinions and leads to common understanding. Our mission We listen to and build relations with youth. Their passions are our point of departure and create communities where youth are heard, listened to and develop. We strengthen their self esteem. We strive to make youths opinions ideas heard and respected in society. We work with all youth and focus especially on those who live in or are at risk of living in exclusion or destructive lifestyles. We believe that everyone can succeed and deserves another chance. We provide youth with tools to empower themselves and take power of their future through their inner strengths and motivation. We listen to what is happening and act fast. We see opportunities where others see obstacles. We are brave enough to create change, time after another.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests Social projects • CIDES – Centre for information about destructive sub-cultures • Exit • The Easy Street Project • Passus • Mission Possible • Single mothers & Children of single mothers • The Bridge Builders • United Sisters • Elektra & Sharaf heroes & Sharaf heroines • Fryshuset Web Coaches • Job coach • Young-in Education • The Entrepreneurial project • Forum for the Caring • The Fryshus spirit • Fryshuset’s elementary school • Fryshuset high school • Fryshuset’s Knowledge Centre Passionate interests • RML - the Rock Music education • Basketball - 08 Stockholm Human Rights • Southern Basket • F.U.S.E • The Gym • Lovely Days • The Music Department • Evening Courses • Stockholm Skate Park • Theatre Fryshuset • The Wave

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulrica Wallen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ulrica Wallen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jane Braden
Job Title (2)
PDI - Stockholm

Fryshuset i Göteborg

National Network

Mårtendalsgatan 2-8
Box 920 22
12006 Stockholm

+46 (0)8 691 72 21
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)8 691 7406
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)739 50 22 21
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 (0)739 502 406
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure, staff Fryshuset is a foundation headed by the YMCA of Stockholm. Fryshuset is based in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. We have around 500 employees and receive around 40,000 visitors every month. • Sources for funding Public funding from state and municipalities, grants, endowments and fees for services such as educational and social programs. • Modalities of action The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests • Main partners Fryshset has strategic partnership’s in many areas, examples are: international partners, British Council; strategic sponsors, COOP; municipalities, Stockholm stad; non-profit organizations, Rotary; academic institutions, Stockholm University; sport clubs, Human Rights
Mission and Objectives

Our vision We enable youth to change the world through their passions Our value statement We listen to what is going on in society and act immediately. We never fear what is new or unknown. We see opportunities and mobilize where other see problems. We experiment, learn and constantly improve our methods. Our point of departure is the needs of the individual.
Our doors are always open for whoever wants to engage and develop whatever the background. We believe in respectful meetings between people where the passion to do something and common interests bridges differences in opinions and leads to common understanding. Our mission We listen to and build relations with youth. Their passions are our point of departure and create communities where youth are heard, listened to and develop. We strengthen their self esteem.
We strive to make youths opinions ideas heard and respected in society. We work with all youth and focus especially on those who live in or are at risk of living in exclusion or destructive lifestyles. We believe that everyone can succeed and deserves another chance.
We provide youth with tools to empower themselves and take power of their future through their inner strengths and motivation. We listen to what is happening and act fast. We see opportunities where others see obstacles. We are brave enough to create change, time after another.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests Social projects • CIDES – Centre for information about destructive sub-cultures • Exit • The Easy Street Project • Passus • Mission Possible • Single mothers & Children of single mothers • The Bridge Builders • United Sisters • Elektra & Sharaf heroes & Sharaf heroines • Fryshuset Web Coaches • Job coach • Young-in Education • The Entrepreneurial project • Forum for the Caring • The Fryshus spirit • Fryshuset’s elementary school • Fryshuset high school • Fryshuset’s Knowledge Centre Passionate interests • RML - the Rock Music education • Basketball - 08 Stockholm Human Rights • Southern Basket • F.U.S.E • The Gym • Lovely Days • The Music Department • Evening Courses • Stockholm Skate Park • Theatre Fryshuset • The Wave

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadja Aria-Garystone
Job Title
Chief - Gothenburg
Head of the organisation
Johan Oljeqvist
Contact (2) Full Name
Jane Braden
Job Title (2)
PDI - Stockholm

Funding opportunity: Swedish Institute Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme

SI Baltic Sea Programme

A call regarding the grant type seed funding is now open and closes 17 September 2024. Through the programme SI provides funding to projects in which Swedish organisations work on cross-border challenges and opportunities together with organisations from the EU countries around the Baltic Sea and countries in the EU’s Eastern Partnership. 

Seed funding can be used to lay the foundation for future cooperation. For example, projects can use seed funding to carry out pre-studies, feasibility studies, develop concepts, identify partners for future cooperation and even prepare applications for new funding. You and your partners can apply for up to SEK 400,000 for a project which you must complete within 15 months from the starting date.

Deadline for applications: 17 September 2024 

Information seminars: Join our online information seminars held in English to learn more about the call: 

14 August 2024 at 10:00- 11:30 (CET). Register using this link. 

We will also arrange Q&A sessions for Swedish main applicants towards the end of the call. Registration links will soon be found on the Swedish part of the programme website and our Swedish events section:

27 August  at 10:00-11:30 (CET)
5 September at 13:00-14.30 (CET)
9 september at 9:30-11:00 (CET)

The instructions and the application material can be found on our website. Find more information about the programme here in English and in Swedish.  


SI has the ambition to open a call for the grant type cooperation projects towards the end of the autumn. Dates will be communicated early autumn.


National Network

Uppsala Kommun
753 75 Uppsala

+46-18-727 97 90
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. 6th form college educating students from the age of 16 to 18. Emplyed staff epprox 110. Exchanges between colleges in different countries. Our projects include exchanges with colleges in Ireland, China, India and Italy. Another project we are working on involve Germany, France, Austria and Cyprus. 6. We have Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry competition with Estonia. Also IYPT, International Young Physicist Tournament.

Mission and Objectives

To build up networks with teachers in Sweden and from other countries. We want to further our knowledge and gain a deeper understanding for people in other countries. We would like all our staff to be involved in this.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects with Ireland, China, India and Italy involve our students and theirs. The Commenius project with Germany, France, Austria and Cyprus has just finished an insight into foreigh language teaching in different countries. Teachers have been visiting each others schools and now it will continue with students visiting each others schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Runard Karantz
Head of the organisation
Runar Karantz

Gender Dimensions of Climate Insecurity

Gender is a traditionally under researched dimension in scholarship on climate and security. However, as recent research has noted, it is a variable that cannot only shape how different groups of individuals are affected by climate-related security risks. Gendered norms...

Goodbye 2021! Join our END-OF-THE-YEAR PARTY

end of the year party

Don't miss our end-of-the-year party on Friday 17 December at 14 - 15.30 CET!

Get the confetti ready 🎊🎊🎊 ... Put on your dancing shoes 🥳🥳🥳🥳 

2021 has been a tough year. That is why, we invite you to a 90-minute event full of love and laughter. A broad range of mingling breakout rooms and a dance floor with DJ Ruth!

The online event is open to Anna Lindh Foundation members and alumni and their pets 🐱🐶 

Sign up now to receive the zoom link to the party. We're so excited and we just can't hide it.. 


🥁 Rasha Shaaban, ALF Coordinator - Sweden

🎧 Ruth Daniels, ALF Coordinator - UK 

🎷 Alison Surtees, ALF Coordinator - UK 


This event is an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation coordinator in Sweden, National Museums of World Culture in collaboration with the ALF coordinator in the UK, In Place of War.

With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Göteborg University, School of global studies

National Network

Konstepidemins väg 2D
413 14 Göteborg

+46-31-7861380; +46-705300147
Telephone (other)
+46 31 786 00 00 (vxl)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Schulz

Göteborgs Interreligiösa Centret / Gothenburg Inter-religious Center

National Network

Kyrkogatan 25, 3 tr.
41115 Göteborg

+46 76-82 91 300
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

Interfaith Center is a place where faith and religious dialogue is central. The center's primary objective is to offer a gateway and a context for civic and social engagement for Gothenburg Interfaith Council, the city´s religious ngo´s and the city's citizens. The center is also a resource for the city and the public on issues such as religion, diversity and community and offer knowledge, skills and experience in these matters.

Mission and Objectives

Centre activities will be shaped and built on the catchwords "learn, share, and act." Learning through that we learn from and about each other. The center is a place for sharing, where people can meet and share their heart's sense of trust in each other. And together, we act for a good society for all.

Main Projects / Activities

An interreligious women's dialogue group is the core of women's activities and is part of the city's women's network. Youth activities take place together with the interreligious project Tillsammans för Sverige at Fryshuset.

Contact (1) Full Name
Berit Bornecrantz
Job Title
coordinator and secretary general
Head of the organisation
Peter Borenstein